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Posty: 4   Odwiedzany przez: 144 users
03.11.2021 - 03:24
 Sid (Admin)

Here is a list of the (currently) active players that are the best players in the game, they are 'Grand Masters', similar to chess.

Witch-Doctor 11/3/2021
Froyer 11/3/2021
Cold Case 11/3/2021
Focused Huarck 11/3/2021

Here are a list of (currently) active players that are extremely skilled yet aren't quite GM level, they are 'AtWar Masters'.

Lelouch. 11/3/2021
LuciferStar 11/3/2021
Sid 11/3/2021
Croat 11/3/2021
Pheno 11/3/2021
metamorfoxis 11/3/2021
Tungston. 11/3/2021
Alpenglow 11/3/2021
1122 11/3/2021
Tvrtko Kotroman 11/3/2021
Hear me RoaR 11/3/2021
Severus Snape. 11/3/2021
Lev Davidovic 11/3/2021
Leo 11/3/2021
Kaska 11/3/2021
Eagles8539 11/3/2021
Tchetnik 11/3/2021
zappa 11/3/2021
Dominoz 11/3/2021
Brutal Slayer 11/4/2021
Lion Sin Escanor 11/4/2021

Requirements to become a Grand Master
  • Must be nominated and accepted by atleast 75% or atleast 5 Grand Masters
  • Must have atleast 1600 regular Elo for the duration of the nomination process
  • Must be a vital asset to CWs and have completely mastered all of Europe+ dueling
  • Must be a current AtWar Master

Requirements to become a AtWar Master
  • Must be nominated and accepted by atleast 5 Atwar Masters (Grand Master votes count for 2 here)
  • Must have atleast 1400 regular Elo for the duration of the nomination process
  • Must be a contributing asset to CWs and have become a master of Europe+ dueling

PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING | How to nominate / Rules of this thread
  • You must be atleast an AtWar Master to nominate anyone, only GM's can nominate someone for GM.
  • Nominations must be currently active in the game, must be active in the CW scene or Duel scene in the last 30 days or during the current season (whichever is longer).
  • Post here the name and profile of the person you wish to nominate
  • Please only 1 nomination per post.
  • Upvotes will count as an additional nomination
  • Please do not repost a nomination of someone, upvote the existing nomination if you wish to cast a favorable vote.
  • Please do not post here if you do not wish to nominate someone, a second discussions thread can be found here:
  • Titles can not be taken away.
  • Once someone receives enough nominations, any mod can edit this post.
  • No one is obligated to cast a nomination to anyone, the masters may choose how they define a GM or AM according to their own beliefs.
  • Please do not troll this thread.
  • If you believe you are missing from a list here, ask a master to nominate you
03.11.2021 - 07:05
 Sid (Admin)
Brutal Slayer for AM

Brutal Slayer has been Added to the list by Sid, Tungston., Froyer (2 votes), and LuciferStar
04.11.2021 - 21:52
Lion Sin Escanor for AM

(Edit by Sid: Lion Sin Escanor has been Added to the list by Sid, Tungston., Froyer (2 votes), and LuciferStar)
08.11.2021 - 06:36
Lion Fag Escanor for GM

1700 elo peak (I think top 10 elo peak of all time) currently 1600+ elo and play everything

(Edit by Sid: 2 more GM votes required to get GM)

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