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16.04.2020 - 11:20
Turn 3: 1808-1810
War of the Fourth Coalition
  • France
  • Spain

  • United Kingdom
  • Russia
  • Prussia
  • Sweden

Subject Neutral:
  • Austria


    • Convinced of the weakness of the Russians, the Ottoman Sultan and his viziers ally with France and declare war on Russia
    • Courtiers opposed to Queen Louise of Prussia seize power and delay the efforts of the Prussian War by contemplating peace with the French
    • Heavy rains across europe turn the roads into mud
    • Russo-Persian War finally comes to a conclusion with the Qajarites ceding their sphere of influence north of iran proper
    • The Rothschilds finance Napoleon seeing him as the most likely to win the war now


    • Davout conducts a probing invasion Russia at the orders of Napoleon, seizing Brest's forces but after pushing onto Borisov confronts Benningsen in a defensible position and after several bloody attacks is routed. Decisive Russian Victory
    • The british make a landing at Vendee and seize Boredeaux, however Napoleon returns from the Rhine with the Grand Armee and pursues Wellington to force a battle and wins, Wellington dies in the engagement. Decisive French Victory
    • Brunswick leads the Prussians on a rapid campaign in the rhineland and southwards into Wurtemburg where he confronts Lannes army, an indecisive engagement occurs.
    • In the following months the prussians advance on towards Paris whereupon they enter the city but are swiftly driven out by Napoleon's army returning from Bordeaux French Victory

    Game ends due to UK capitulating from economic disaster and France dominating the continent

    Turn 2: 1806-1807
    War of the Third Coalition
    • France
    • Spain

    • United Kingdom
    • Austria
    • Russia
    • Sweden



    • Palace intrigue in Winchester sees ministers fighting for control and reducing british strategic potential
    • The Bourbons, ousted from their kingdom by a French invasion, has been replaced by the Napoleonic Kingdom of Naples led by Joseph Bonaparte.
    • Spanish rise up in Madrid against the French soldiers however Napoleon grans huge sums of money and material to pay off local leaders and promise to not intervene any more than is necessary
    • British diplomats convince Sweden to join the Coalition
    • The Russo-Persian War begins, Konstantine is sent with a small force to engage the Qajarites over contested Georgia, although he is ill-supplied as the focus of the Tsar is to the west
    • The Spithead and Nore mutinies devastate the british navy
    • At Budapest, Napoleon and Emperor Francis meet to sign a treaty of peace, with Austria renouncing its claims on the german states, and italy, ceding Venice, Tyrol, Klagenfurt, Trieste, and Linz.


    • Massena leads a franco-spanish army into portugal, defeating the anglo-portugese at lisbon, and laying siege. The spanish soldiers fight uncommonly well with Lisbon surrendering soon after Franco-Spanish Victory
    • Napoleon finally confronts the austro-russian army outside Vienna. The enemy had the high ground and numerous artillery however the french had constructed great redobouts to make any outflanking or counter attacks impossible forcing them into a static position. Davout outflanked and while Napoleon pinned them in place, the rout was catastrophic, Kutuzov fleeing to Russia. Decisive French Victory
    • Massena and Castanos move to Gibralter, assaulting it and taking the Rock, a great triumph for their alliance. Franco-Spanish Victory
    • General Lannes is ordered to seize Carinthia but is repulsed numerous times by a small austrian holding force near trieste with losses. Napoleon is furious at this delay Austrian Victory
    • A brutal guerilla war is fought in hungary against Charles who manages to elude Napoleon into poland, Kutuzov confront Napoleon at Kolosovar and suffers a crushing defeat ending russian presence in the war. Decisive French Victory


    Turn 1: 1805-1806
    War of the Third Coalition
    • France
    • Spain

    • United Kingdom
    • Austria
    • Russia

    Special: Prussia must remain Neutral this turn unless invaded


    • Napoleon proclaims the Kingdom of Bavaria & Tyrol, 5 divisions of allied soldiers join although if Munich is ever lost they will abandon his cause..
    • Napoleon enacts the Continental System, in a vain attempt to stifle trade, although it is a complete failure for now
    • Winter comes early in 1805 (all cards -1cp)
    • British Diplomat Pitt initially convinces King Frederick of Napoleon's growing danger and the economic damage of his Continental system but the silver tongued Tallyrand mixes wild promises and subtle threats to keep Denmark aligned with France

    • Conducting a daring raid on Ferrol, the British navy strikes a blow against the spanish by sinking some of their ships and damaging others, however the heavy fire of the fort has badly damaged their own fleet British Victory
    • A massive british fleet find the franco-spanish fleet patrolling outside Cadiz, after an indecisive engagement the badly mauled but alive franco-spanish fleet returns to Cadiz where it soon falls under blockade.British Victory
    • Planning a massive offensive to retake Lombardy, In Venice, Archduke Charles falls ill on the eve of battle. The Austrians are "defeated", although the french under Massena suffer many more casualties Pyrrhic French Victory
    • Napoleon enters Austria, and his supply lines immediately comes under attack by fierce hussars and grenzers raids. Pushing on to the strategic city of Klagenfurt, John and Ferdinand confront him with the bulk of the austrian army and face a defeat. French Victory
    • The British navy conducts a final operation in Cadiz with a huge force, completely sinking the franco-spanish fleet which was undergoing repairs without any losses. British Victory
    • Moore lands with the british army on the galician coast
    • A single austrian division drives the french garrison of Veneto back to Milan Austrian Victory
    • Massena and Lannes strike southward from Rome and rout the Italian army under Duke Ferdinand, and then pursue them to Benevento utterly defeating any formal resistance in the Kingdom of Naples. French Victory

  • Wczytywanie...
    16.04.2020 - 11:21

    FRANCE (Empirezz)
    Victory Points: 11 (1 minor pacts+5 glory+4 gained key)
    Glory Points: 4
    Key Duchies: 18 (Paris is 2)
    Head of State: Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte
    Diplomatic Status: IMPERIAL
    Maximum/Minimum Hand: 8/4
    Bonuses: +2 extra battle die on land/ naval squadrons roll 2 dice each, attrition losses are halved
    Special Powers (may use once a turn, only 1 per round):
    • IMPERIAL GUARD (response): If Napoleon is present in a battle, you may commit the Imperial Guard after seeing all other battle dice. Roll four more battle dice. Besides inflicting hits, you also rally a disrupted French Unit for each "4" rolled by the extra dice/NAPOLEON'S GENIUS(response) Negate enemy battle or response cards in a battle with Napoleon/ LE MARCHE DE NAPOLEON (event): Napoleon gets 9 CP to move/occupy/liberatewith with the army he commands and it doesn't count as force march or suffer attrition. LMdN may not be used in the very first round of the game. OR 5 cps
    • GUERRE DE COURSE(event): Move 2 un-blockaded naval squadrons into the east or west indies and raid british commerce (reducing their cards ) OR 6 cps

    Force Limit: 78 Divisions, 9 Squadrons

    AUSTRIA (Zeph)
    Victory Points:
    Glory Points: 1
    Key Duchies: 7
    Head of State: Emperor Francis
    Diplomatic Status: COALITION
    Maximum/Minimum Hand: 4/2
    Unit Bonus: +1 extra battle die on land
    Special Powers (may use once a turn):
    • HUSSARS AND GRENZERS (Response): No country can occupy any Austrian home duchies by cp expendiature until the next normal austrian card play. Until then, all Austrian interceptions and evasions succeed - including one failed just prior to the play of this event. Any CP expenditure for a flag placement rejected by the play of this event is forfeit. OR 6 cps.

    Force Limit: 46 Divisions, 1 Squadrons

    Victory Points:
    Glory Points: 0
    Key Duchies: 7 (London is 3)
    Head of State: King George III
    Diplomatic Status: COALITION
    Maximum/Minimum Hand: 5/2
    Unit Bonus: +1 extra battle die on land/ naval squadrons roll 3 dice each
    Special Powers may use once a turn, only 1 per round):
    • ADMIRALTY (event): Britain gets 2 cards if its Fleets control six Zones at the start of a round. Voided by Bey of Algiers or if Britain is a Subject Neutral. OR 6 cps.
    • PARLIAMENT (event): Any one British ally draws and looks at two cards, keeps one and discards the other; OR, Britain gains 1 CP and a British ally or client draws one card; OR Britain draws a card. OR 5 cps.

    Force Limit: 28 Divisions, 11 Squadrons

    PRUSSIA (jesus)
    Victory Points:
    Glory Points: 0
    Key Duchies: 6
    Head of State: King Frederick William III
    Diplomatic Status: Neutral
    Maximum/Minimum Hand: 4/2
    Unit Bonus: +1 extra battle die on land
    Special Powers (may use once a turn):
    • RAISE THE LANDWEHR (event): Place three Units and a Leader in any Friendly Prussian Home Duchy.(<Cannot be used in Turn 1 but you can take the CP option>) OR take 6 cps.

    Force Limit: 34 Divisions, 1 Squadrons

    RUSSIA (Aetius)
    Victory Points:
    Glory Points: 1
    Key Duchies: 7
    Head of State: Tsar Alexander I
    Diplomatic Status: COALITION
    Maximum/Minimum Hand: 4/2
    Unit Bonus: +1 extra battle die on land/ naval squadrons roll 1 dice each
    Special Powers (may use once a turn):
    • HOLY MOTHER RUSSIA (event): (can only be played If Russia is not a Subject Neutral or in a Foreign War AND no enemy Forces are in a Russian Home Duchy) Draw two cards and play one of them, OR Roll a die and gain a Glory Point if you roll less than the current Turn number. Otherwise, build Divisions equal to the roll. OR take 6 cps (this option is still available even if russia is invaded)

    Force Limit: 50 Divisions, 6 Squadrons


    SPAIN (buba)
    Glory Points: 0
    Key Duchies: 5
    Head of State: King Ferdinand VII
    Diplomatic Status: Pact with France
    Maximum/Minimum Hand: 3/1
    Unit Bonus: +0 extra battle die on land/ naval squadrons roll 1 dice each
    Special Powers (may use once a turn):
    • PENINSULAR WAR (event): Roll a die. If your roll greater than the number of Enemy Forces in Spain, Lisbon, Oporto, and Gibraltar, draw two cards. You must play one of them. Otherwise, draw a card which you may play or keep. OR take 5 cps (Cannot be played for event in 1805-1806(Turn 1) or any turn if all seas outside spanish ports are controlled by enemy fleets)

    Force Limit: 17 Divisions, 6 Squadrons

    Glory Points: 0
    Key Duchies: 5
    Head of State: Sultan Selim III
    Diplomatic Status: Neutral
    Maximum/Minimum Hand: 3/1
    Unit Bonus: +0 extra battle die on land/ naval squadrons roll 1 dice each
    Special Powers (may use once a turn):
    • JANISSARIES (Response): You get CPs equal to a die roll. Turkish Units not in a multinational army roll a dice: 1 (janissary mutiny and no effect), 2-4 (copy imperial guard), 5-6(fanatic assault, ignore all disrupts in first round) . OR 1 CP and draw a card. OR 5 Cps

    Force Limit: 32 Divisions, 3 Squadrons

    Glory Points: 0
    Key Duchies: 3
    Head of State: King Gustav IV
    Diplomatic Status: United Kingdom Pact
    Maximum/Minimum Hand: 3/1
    Unit Bonus: +1 extra battle die on land/ naval squadrons roll 2 dice each
    Special Powers (may use once a turn):
    • GOTT MIT UNS (Response): Get 3 cps and all Swedish Formations in their Home Duchies ignore disruption in any battle during this Turn. OR Draw a card. OR take 5 cps

    Force Limit: 14 Divisions, 2 Squadrons

    Glory Points: 0
    Key Duchies: 2
    Head of State: King Christian VII
    Diplomatic Status: British Cordial
    Maximum/Minimum Hand: 3/1
    Unit Bonus: +0 extra battle die on land/naval squadrons roll 2 dice each
    Special Powers (may use once a turn):
    • GALLANT DANES (Response): Danish Fleets have an intercept/evade level of 8, throw three Battle dice per Squadron like British and may void one "6" in battle during this Round. The Danes may use four Maneuvers this Round. OR Draw a Card. OR 4 Cps

    Force Limit: 10 Divisions, 3 Squadrons
    16.04.2020 - 11:24

    Turn 1: 1805-1806
    Turn 2: 1806-1807
    Turn 3: 1808-1810
    Turn 4: 1811-1812
    Turn 5: 1813-1814 (game ends unless napoleon abdicates)
    Turn 6: 1815-1816

    Automatic Game End
    Game ends at the end of Turn 5 (Turn 6 if Napoleon Abdicates) or any Turn in which either Britain or Russia has been conquered and France has 7 or more Victory points. Victory is always determined by points as regardless of the condition that causes the game to end.

    Every Turn follows this order although in first one interphase is skipped)
    1. Interphase
    • Check for attrition for units in unoccupied or enemy regions
    • Roll for Conquest
    • Roll Peace (a d6 is rolled, on a 6 game ends. Before this though, Each player, in Order of Movement, may add or subtract one to/from the upcoming Peace die by taking one less card in the upcoming draw)
    • Change Camps (players are allowed to change diplomatic camps and declare war)
    • Reinforcement & Deployment (every faction gets cps to recruit with at their capital, • France: 18 CPs • Britain: 6 CPs • Austria, Russia, Prussia: 8 CPs each • Spain, Ottoman Turks: 4CPs each • Denmark, Sweden: 2CPs each)
    • Cards Dealt - 1 per 2 Key Duchy (May get new hand if you don't like it but -1 card)

    2.Play Cards
    Players play their cards in the following order. If you have a card, you MUST play;

    When They can play either the event, or the CP value in the upper left corner. They may also use a national special power in addition to that card and/or spend a glory point to draw another card, or just the power by itself.

    There are 3 types of cards
    Events - played during your turn
    Battle - affects only the faction who plays it, can only be played before a battle dice are rolled
    Response - Played to affect anyone, maybe be played whenever

    An example card:

    The event is obvious but the cp value is the other option. CP (Command Points) is what does basically everything in this game

    The player with the most cards can, before another player plays (and they have not just played) play another card. For example France could play again after Britain if France has most cards. A player can NEVER under ANY circumstance play two cards in a row. Pre-emption not allowed in first round of Turn 1.

    Division: 2 cps (must be in a duchy that has your color)
    Naval Squadron:: 4 cps normally / 2cps in interphase (each must be in a separate port, is completed at the beginning of the next turn if you pay 1 maneuver)
    Leader:: Command Rating cps
    Fortress: : 3 cp in interphase (completed in next interphase, upgrades a regular duchy with a level 2 fort, or a level 2 fort to level 3, or level 3 to 4. If destroyed while under construction or taken in siege is reduced to default)

    Divisions (up to 2 at once) cost 1 Cp to move 1 space
    Armies (led by Generals) cost 1 cp to move 1 space
    Army Groups cost 1 CP per general in their stack to move 1 space

    Occupying/Liberating a duchy 1 cp
    Armies can occupy any unoccupied unfortified duchy they are on. They may also occupy an adjacent unfortified Duchy, but only if that Duchy neither contains an enemy Formation nor is Adjacent to an enemy army. Cannot place across a marsh or strait. Russian Exception: To occupy a Russian Home Duchy costs 2 CP. To liberate a Russian Home Duchy costs only 1 CP.

    Diplomacy to minor nations (not in first round): Varies (see rules)

    All nations are in competition with each other. The coalition is only united against France because it is becoming dangerously powerful and a threat to them. This may change.

    VICTORY POINTS (VP) are updated every turn to compare power
    Victory Points = (# net captured Key Duchies) + (.2 point per captured regular duchy) + (Glory Points) + (1 per pacts with ever minors)
    specials: Prussia and Austria get 2x victory points for captured Key duchies
    for every major power in imperial camp, france gets -1 victory point, and that major power gets -1 victory points (france loses glory if reliant on an ally and any monarchy is shameful for allying with this upstart)

    Occupying regular key duchies(ones that are part white) count towards victory points, but occupied home key duchies (ones that are a solid color) do not, the only way those count is from a treaty. Exception: Occupying an enemy capital counts as a key even without a treaty

    Glory Points
    To simulate the effects of great actions on the outcome of the war Glory is a part of it. Glory points not spent contribute to victory calculation. But if you are desperate you can cash in 1 glory point a round for a random new card.

    Ways to gain Glory
    a) Routing an enemy army, then successfully rolling a dice lower than the enemy generals battle rating
    b) Conquering Nations
    c) You get more cards than your maximum hand size (lots of duchies)

    Land Movement
    (fyi for clarification here: Division is the single army unit, Army means units commanded by a general, and Army Group is multiple armies with generals commanded by one general Forming a multinational Army Group requires their consent)

    A moving Army contains a leader and possibly Units/leaders of its own nationality (and/or those of its Minor Pact Allies) up to that leader's Command Rating. A leader of a Minor nation can lead only its own Units/leaders in an Army or Army Group. A leaderless 2 division Formation moves one space per CP. However, the cost is per piece or per Army and is never paid simultaneously so separate Formations (not under the same Commander) cannot
    enter battle together.

    Example: Napoleon (Command Rating: 8) and Murat (4) could move 12 Units in addition to themselves as an Army Group. Each Duchy entered
    would cost two CPs (one for each Army). Napoleon, Murat and seven Units (any combination of French and French Minor Pact Allies) would
    compose one Army and cost one CP for each Duchy entered.

    Leaders may move alone into eight consecutive friendly controlled Duchies without forced march Attrition (although not passes and marshes), paying 1/2 CP per Duchy/Sea Zone entered. They may Flag or unflag Duchies if they use Rapid Leader Movement. They may not move with any other Units/leaders on the same round.

    Divisions (up to 2 at once) cost 1 Cp to move 1 space
    Armies (led by Generals) cost 1 cp to move 1 space
    Army Groups cost 1 CP per general with troops/generals under his command rating in their stack to move 1 space

    Major Powers can add +2 CP bonus to cards if only being used for moving/occupying this round, Minor Powers +1 CP bonus
    Napoleon's Bonus CP: Whenever France uses this +2 CP bonus, the leader, Napoleon, gets a corresponding additional+2 CP bonus for moving/occupying

    Important Restrictions:
    A) Special Powers can never be played for bonus CP.

    Movement ending
    Entering into a duchy that has enemy army or fortress immediately stops your movement for battle unless they withdraw. Further movement by that army is not allowed without an Overrun (complete destruction of enemy and gains a free occupation). However, a surviving victorious Army may possibly occupy with any remaining CPs as this requires no actual movement.

    Multinational Army Land Movement
    If two allies want they can combine into a army group. Command alternates based on whose turn it is and they can spend cp to move the allies under their command

    An inactive Army or Army Group may attempt to enter an Adjacent Duchy to interrupt the movement of enemy Forces (including those appearing due to events or builds) if no enemy Formation already occupies that Adjacent Duchy. If successful, a battle is fought. The Active player is the attacker

    INTERCEPT MODIFIERS: The dice roll is modified by:
    +1 if intercepting into a Friendly Duchy
    -1 if intercepting from an Uncontrolled Duchy
    +? the Battle Rating of the intercepting Commander
    -1 if the interception crosses marsh, pass or strait
    -1 if your Formation is an Army Group or Multinational Army
    +1 if intercepting an enemy multinational Army or enemy multinational Army Group.
    Success: 2D6 + (Commander BR) + (Mods) >= 9.

    If an army is attacked it can withdraw to anywhere but • to a Duchy from which the enemy entered the battle, • out to sea (unless attacking from the sea), • to an unbesieged enemy Fortress, • to a Duchy containing an enemy Formation, • across a strait, if an enemy Fleet is in that Zone or Port.

    Withdrawal succeeds on a two-dice roll greater than or equal to "9"
    which is modified by:
    +1 if evading into a Friendly Duchy
    -1 if evading from an Uncontrolled Duchy
    +? the Battle Rating of an evading Commander
    -1 if the evasion crosses marsh, pass or strait
    -1 if your Formation is an Army Group or Multinational Army
    +1 if a Leader is alone

    Success: 2D6 + (Commander BR) + (Mods) >= 9.

    If the modified dice roll is less than "9", evasion fails; the evader does not move, forfeits any terrain dice and the enemy army gains an extra Battle
    die in the first Round of battle.

    PURSUIT: Given sufficient CPs, the Attacking army may pursue a withdrawing Formation into an Adjacent Duchy or move in a different direction. Should it enter the Duchy of an withdrawing Formation, that withdrawing Formation may again attempt withdrawal.

    Losing armies retreat to a friendly duchy. If no friendly duchy is nearby, then they retreat to an unoccupied duchy with attrition. If there is no place to retreat to, they all die

    Certain things trigger Attrition requiring a die roll for each applicable Division, one division is lost for each "6" rolled
    Forces suffer attrition when:
    1) Cross mountain pass or marsh
    2) Entering an Enemy Duchy from an Uncontrolled Duchy causes Attrition
    3) Force March (moving a unit more than four Duchies in a round);
    4) Bad retreats into an enemy duchy
    5) Armies who end all card plays in an unfriendly duchy
    Attrition = roll 1D6 for each Division, with 1's being a kill (French Attrition losses are Halved rounded up unless in a Russian, Spanish or Turkish Home Duch)

    Land Combat

    Battle is fairly simple: Each side roll a number of dice, 6s are kills, 5s are disrupts
    +dice the Commander's Battle Rating
    +1 per undisrupted Division and Generals (except the Commander)
    +dice for Nationality bonus (+2 for French, +1 for majors, +0 for rest)
    +dice for any defender's terrain bonus (only counts in first round)
    +1 per failed enemy evasion attempt (only counts in first round)
    +1 dice vs turks

    If all Units/leaders on one side are eliminated by kills and the other is not, it loses the battle. Otherwise, total the kill and disrupt casualties of each side. The one with the most casualties loses and retreats. If equal, both sides fight a second Round with any remaining undisrupted Formations. If still tied after two Rounds, the attacker retreats. Battles never exceed two Rounds.

    If you inflict 3 or more casualties than the foe does in a round, it's a ROUT which means that all of the disrupted units are all killed. The victor rolls a die. If the die roll is less than or equal to the Battle Rating of the routed Commander the victor gains 1 Glory.

    Sieges (once per round per besieging faction)
    2 divisions can remain inside the fortress however they don't affect anything and surrender upon its fall.
    Only a single Army may Siege. An Active Besieging Army may resolve a Siege if there are no enemy Formations occupying the
    Fortress Duchy, and it has not already fought a non-Overrun battle there in that Impulse.
    A Fortress rolls dice equal to its base strength (4 for Gibraltar; 2 for all others). It falls only if it suffers a number of "6" results greater than or equal to its strength (4 for gibralter, 2 for rest) in one round and if the Besiegers are not eliminated. "5" results have no effect against a Fortress; only "6" results determine whether a Fortress will fall and even they have no effect on the strength of the Fortress in subsequent Rounds of that or other sieges. The Besieging Army may attack a still standing Fortress again immediately with any remaining undisrupted Forces if it has caused more casualties ("6's") than it has suffered ("5's" and "6's") in that Round. A Besieging Army does not retreat or rout. A fallen Fortress is immediately occupied at no cost and remains a Fortress for its new owner. If the fort was upgraded or under construction it returns to its default size at game start.

    Armies attack an army that opts to fight outside in a fortress duchy roll with -1 die

    SEA ZONE MODIFIER: If besieging a Fortress-Port where the Port owner (or his ally) Controls an Adjacent Zone, the Besieging Army rolls one less die than normal.

    Defending from a rough terrain (brown line) gives +1 dice in the first round
    Defending from a pass (brown dotted line) gives +2 dice in the first round
    Defending from a marsh (blue dotted line) gives +3 dice in the first round
    STRAITs: Armies may cross a strait (blue line) only if no enemy Fleet is in that Zone or Port. If the entered Duchy is enemy Controlled, it defends as per Amphibious Assault rules


    Fleets (a collection of Squadrons) move by paying Maneuvers. Each CP buys two Maneuvers.

    -1 Maneuver = From a Port to its Sea Zone - or vice versa
    -1 Maneuver = From Sea Zone to another Sea Zone
    -1 Maneuver to Patrol a sea zone and try and engage the enemy fleet (can try as many times as necessary)
    -1 extra Maneuver cost for every other nationality in your fleet (Grand Fleets)

    • Whenever a Fleet enters a Zone and/or a Port in that Zone with an enemy fleet(s), each enemy fleet has one free chance to intercept yours.
    • An Active Fleet may also try to intercept an enemy fleet in the sea zone by Patrolling at a cost of one Maneuver per Patrol.
    • Intercepted Fleets may attempt to evade for free by making a modified two-dice roll greater than or equal to "9". Downside is that if evasion fails enemy fleet gets an extra die in the battle.

    Resolve Patrol/evasion attempts by rolling two dice which must be greater than or equal to 9 whose total is modified by:
    +2 if the acting Fleet is more than 50% British
    +1 if the acting Fleet is more than 50% French/Danish/Swedish
    +1 vs Fleets leaving a Blockaded Port

    Fleets in Ports cannot intercept or evade. (the exception is Constantinople, Copenhagen, which intercept 100% chance, and Gibraltar which gets +2 to intercept chance)

    A Fleet in Control of a Zone Blockades all Ports in that Zone

    FORTIFIED STRAITS (Copenhagen, Constantinople)
    A Fleet crossing these Straits must undergo fire from shore batteries (4d6) of any enemy Fortress connected to that strait. Fleets in Fortress strait Ports may automatically intercept Fleets attempting to cross their strait after any shore battery fire.

    A fleet crossing these straits does not undergo shore fire since the strait is too wide. However, Fleets docked in Gibraltar get +2 to interception and Gibraltar is a super strong fort to assault by land rolling 4 dice..


    British Squadrons roll 3 die ea
    French, Danish, or Swedish roll 2 die ea
    Russian, Turkish, or Spanish roll 1 die ea
    +1 die if the opposing Fleet fails an evasion attempt (only in the first round of battle)
    +2 dice if you are in a friendly port
    +4 dice if you are in a fortress port
    +1 dice vs turks

    For every 6 that is rolled a squadron is sunk
    If 5, squadron is damaged and rolls 1 less
    If both sides roll an equal amount of hits (5s,6s both count) there is a second round.
    If still tied after two Rounds, the attacker retreats. Battles never exceed two Rounds.

    Victorous Fleet A victorious Active Fleet may continue movement.
    Defeated Fleet The losing Fleet returns to the closest friendly Port (the loser deciding which of equidistant Ports is closest) where it remains for that round. A Fleet defeated while leaving Port must return to that Port. A Fleet defeated while entering a Port must retreat to another Port.

    Ships can be damaged in battles rather than sunk, they may return to a friendly port and repair (free).

    Fleets entering an enemy Port receive fire from shore batteries before naval combat. The Port rolls 2d6 (4d6 if fortress) losses. Surviving Squadrons then engage in a battle with any Squadrons in that plus ANOTHER Round of fire from the shore batteries every round

    CP cost for naval transport is 1 cp for every sea zone line crossed, and it costs 1 cp to enter or leave a port. (EXAMPLE: Wales to Lisbon costs 4 cps)

    Naval Transports may not enter a Zone or Port where enemies have an equal or superior fleet (1 british squadron is as good as 3 spanish for example), or cross a Strait held by an enemy Fortress. Navally transported units may not combine sea with land movement - they must begin and end their Round in a Port

    Britain and France may transport two of their own full-strength Armies across one zone; or --Convoy one full-strength Army up to six zones; or--Convoy 2 Units/leaders any distance..

    Any other Nation may --Convoy one full-strength Army across one zone, or
    --Convoy two Units/leaders across zones equal in number to their highest Special Power CP value.

    Troops in naval transports may assault an enemy Port only if they (or an ally) Control that Sea Zone. Navally transported units may not combine sea with land movement - they must begin and end their Round in a Port

    Assaulting Divisions receive 2d6 of shore battery Fire, or 4d6 if a fort. Surviving Divisions are placed in that Port. If enemy Divisions are present, and do not withdraw, a battle will occur with shore battery support. An Army Adjacent to that Port can intercept an Amphibious Assault.

    If forced to retreat, the landing Formations suffer Attrition and go to any friendly Port in any Zone.

    NOTE: A Port containing an enemy Fleet cannot be Amphibiously Assaulted until the Squadron there has been eliminated

    There are two types of conquest, conditional and unconditional. The advantage of conquest is you get +1 Glory, your borders expand officially and the defeated player is knocked out of the game for a turn.If a Minor Power is conquered, it becomes Unaligned and cannot be diplomatically courted for a Turn.

    Absolute Unconditional Surrender (against major powers only, checked in interphase)
    The most final way to conquer a country is to take its capital and all its key duchies. This means the enemy is utterly conquered, you may then take 3 key duchies and 3 non-key duchies (in addition to all the non-home duchies you occupy) as terms of treaty.

    Regular Unconditional Surrender (Conquest Roll, may do ONCE in interphase)
    If you can't take all their key duchies you can at least take their capital and as many key duchies (capital counts as well) as you can then do a conquest roll in interphase, in turn order.
    Conquest die roll greater than or equal to "6" means they surrender unconditionally
    The Conquest die roll is modified as follows:

    Prussia, Austria, Britain, Russia*: - 1
    France, Spain, Ottoman Turks: - 2
    Sweden +2
    Denmark: + 3

    +1 for each Key Duchy lost from its initial inventory (or, if previously defeated, since its prior Conquest/Submission)
    *Conquest of Russia requires both Capitals

    EFFECTS OF CONQUEST: The conqueror (and its Allies) removes all of its occupation in the fallen nation's Home Duchies. Roll a dice and take that many duchies from them in addition to non-home duchies you already occupy. Max half (rounded up) of what you take can be key duchies. The conqueror and its Allies may not declare war on the Subject Neutral before the Interphase of the following Turn or vice versa. This prohibition is absolute and could void potential Camp changes , hereafter the defeated nation is known as a subject neutral. They also give military access to the Conqueror and his camp. All military forces of the defeated nation outside its borders are scattered and can be re-bought for 1 cp each, all occupations of enemy camps lands are removed. Conquering forces in the capital must move away from it for free, allies of the loser are also scattered.

    JOINT CONQUEST: Should the terms of conquest be jointly accomplished by several allied nations, only the one Controlling the Capital is the conqueror and gets to pick. He cannot claim any duchies occupied by allied powers (without their consent) unless he has no other choice.

    In order of priority what must be taken (unless defeated player consents to something different)
    Occupied non-home duchies or formerly lost duchies are automatically seized by the conqueror (and allies) before the treaty and then:
    1)unoccupied non-home duchies
    2)home duchies
    Note: the capital can never be ceded and please avoid horrible border gore

    Conditional Surrender
    Players may surrender on any terms they like as long as the conqueror agrees and at least one of the following conditions exist:
    1)Enemy outnumbers you inside your borders
    2)Enemies owns your capital

    Regardless of terms, the loser loses all their glory and the conqueror gains +1 glory


    This is how I resolve movements when they have been pmed to me. First I will move the French armies 1 space, then the British armies, etc down the line until Denmark then move them again until all movements are resolved. This is the best way to simulate simultaneous movement and to avoid slow turn-based order gameplay for a forum game.

    Sea Movement (happens before land)
    Sea movement order is the same except Britain moves first instead and France second

    Land Movement:

    Square = Key Duchy
    Round = Regular Duchy
    Hexagon = Fortress
    Single color = Home/Core Duchies
    Two-colors = non-home duchy where two factions can recruit at
    white-color=non-home duchy where one faction can recruit
    Green Line = normal route
    Brown Line = Rough terrain
    Dotted Brown Line = Mountain Pass
    Dotted Blue Line = Marsh
    Blue Line = Strait Crossing


    (not allowed in first round of game)

    Any Major power may send diplomats to push an unaligned power into a Pact with them although it can be a rather expensive process. All minors start the game already fairly deep into the French or British side, except the Ottomans. Once a pact is reached, it leaves only by Conquest, Submission or a Pact-breaking event.

    Unaligned >(spend 2 cps)<Cordial>(spend 2 cps) <Cooperative>(spend 4 cps)<Partner>(spend 5 cps)>Pact

    HOWEVER Major and Minor Powers can also send diplomats to reverse their relations. For example pulling the Danes out of their partnership with the French would cost 4 cps and make them only cooperative with the French

    BROKEN MINOR PACT: When an event breaks a Pact any one minor, their overlord may immediately respond solely to restore that Pact status by play of 1 card and possibly special power (any extra cps are lost) as if it were taking a normal turn. If the nation is unable or unwilling to do so, the Minor powers Hand is replaced by an equal number of newly drawn cards and played as an NPC. Then all newly Neutral Forces outside their Home and their own Non-home Duchies are scattered (re-bought for 1 cp), as do any Forces of other nations in the Neutral's Home Duchies. Any formerly allied Squadron(s) in that newly Neutral nation's controlled Port may remain there but no longer benefit from that Port's shore batteries. Non-home Duchies of the newly Neutral nation remain controlled by their current owner, and their occupants may stay or Regroup at their option. Uncontrolled Non-home Duchies of the newly Neutral nation are returned to the Neutral nation's Control and their occupants must Regroup. Newly Neutral Squadrons Regroup if in a Port other than their own.

    There are two sides to the war which players are in either IMPERIAL or COALITION Nations of the same Camp are loosely allied, but may play events that hinder each other. Nations (except France and UK) may switch Camps in any interphase but ONLY if everyone in the camp they are trying to join approves. They don't all have to be at war with everyone in the opposing camp, but they must honor defensive alliances. France may expel nations from its camp and they become neutral

    Camp benefits include:
    •1. multinational Army Groups and Grand Fleets
    •2. Friendly allied Duchies for movement and Attrition
    •3. Turkish War events cannot strike a Camp while the Ottoman
    Turks are a Client of that Camp.

    Coalition -
    COALITION- Allied to Coalition and at war with Imperials
    Neutral (Coalition) - Allied to Imperials but not at war with any coalition, offer military access, Imperials may DoW on you for free
    Neutral - No allies nor enemies, only way to become this is after subject neutral time expires. If attacked, you automatically join the coalition opposed to the attacker. Neutral powers cannot declare wars.
    Neutral (Imperial) - Allied to Imperials but not at war with any coalition, offer military access, Coalition may DoW on you for free.
    IMPERIAL-- Allied to Imperials and at war with Coalition
    Subject Neutral -- If a Player Power Submits or is conquered, it becomes a Subject Neutral. Any Minor Nation Pacts it has do NOT become Neutral; they remain members of their current Camp and remain directed by the same player. The Subject Neutral's former Allies (and current Proxy Pact Allies) are removed from Subject Neutral's Controlled Duchies (to be ought back for 1 cp) and respect each other's borders as if they were not allied - which they aren't - although the same player directs them both. Only a nation in a Camp may declare war on the Subject Neutral , and the Subject Neutral may not declare war on a nation not in a Camp. Even after the Grace Period expires, a Subject Neutral remains as such until it joins a Camp.

    A Player Power (and its Pact Allies) may attack another nation only by a Declaration of War. A Neutral may not attack; it must first become allied with a player - at which point it joins the Camp of that player, forfeits neutrality, and is at war without any Declaration of War costs.
    An Interphase Declaration against any nation is free.
    An mid-turn declaration against a Major Power costs 7 CPs.
    An mid-turn Declaration against an Unaligned Minor, a Neutral Client of an enemy Power, or the declarer's own Neutral Client is free.
    A mid-turn Declaration against a Neutral Client of an Ally requires that the would-be declarer switch Camps and pay 7 CPs.

    A Declaration of War can be used to change Camps only with the permission of all players in the Camp to be entered.

    Declaration against a Neutral Client of an Ally requires that the would-be declarer switch Camps.

    Example: Russia, a member of the Coalition, wishes to attack Sweden, a Neutral Client of Britain. Russia has two options: She may either "buy down" the Swedish Relation with UK and then declare war without switching Camps or any additional CP costs. Or, Russia may obtain permission to switch to the Imperial Camp and pay 7 CPs. If Russia first "buys down" Sweden to Unaligned status, Sweden becomes allied with the Player Power opposing the invader (in the Imperial Camp) listed last in Movement Order.

    Foreign War cards may require the commitment of units offboard to that card until such time as the event is ended by conquest (for Ottoman Turkey), or rolling a "6" during an Impulse "end war" attempt. A nation may attempt to end its Foreign War once for each CP it spends to make an "end war" die roll during its Impulse. A resulting die roll of "6" ends that Foreign War and removes it from the game. Unitsinvolved in that Foreign War are immediately sent to Regroup (where units are rebought for 1 cp and placed in a Home Duchy for one CP).

    General Traits List
    All rules are for the officer in independent command unless otherwise stated or the officer in question dies in battle. In parenthesis is first their (battle rating/command rating) Remember you can recruit any of these generals, cost is command rating in Cps and they have to be in home duchies.

    Generals are the last to be hit in an army, 1-5 they are wounded (can be rebought for half price) 6 killed.

    Napoleon(4/8): Inflicts 1 additional kill in the first round of battle. +1 to intercept rolls. Cannot be killed.
    Davout(3/6): Whether in command or subordinate, ignore 1 disrupt per battle.
    Soult(3/6): When acting as a subordinate, gives you 2 battle dice instead of 1.
    Massena(2/6): Whether in command or subordinate, add a +1 to the attempt to gain a glory after a rout. Remove from play on turn 5.
    Lannes(2/6): BR: 3 if he survives to turn 4.
    Murat(1/4): Whether in command or subordinate, Murat always causes 1 additional kill to an army just routed in battle.
    Ney(1/4): Whether in command or subordinate, ignore 1 disrupt per battle.
    Victor(1/4): BR: 2 when defending.
    Eugene(1/4): During the reinforcement interphase you can build 1 unit under him for free if he is in Italy.
    Marmont(1/4): BR 2 when attacking.
    Pontiatowski(1/4): During the reinforcement interphase you can build 1 unit under him for free if he is in Warsaw.

    Wellington(3/6): BR:4 when defending. Cause an additional kill in the second round of battle. -1 to evade rolls.
    Moore(2/4): +1 to evade rolls.
    Hill(1/4): When acting as a subordinate, he gives you 2 battle dice instead of 1.
    Beresford(1/4): Whether in command or subordinate, ignore 1 attrition roll that resulted in a kill.

    Charles(3/6): +1 to evade and intercept rolls. Remove from play if he loses a battle to Napoleon.
    John(1/4): BR: 2 when defending a mountain pass.
    Ferdinand(1/4): None
    Radetz(1/4): When acting as a subordinate, gives you 2 battle dice instead of 1.
    Schwarzenberg(2/6): He cannot force march. CR: 8 on turn 4.

    Kutuzov(3/6): BR: 2 when fighting Napoleon. +1 to evade rolls. Remove from play Turn 5
    Bagration(2/6): When acting as a subordinate, he gives you 2 battle dice instead of 1. Cannot subordinate to Barclay.
    Barclay(1/4): BR: 2 when defending. +1 to evade rolls.
    Bennigsen(1/4): BR: 4 for one battle once per game.
    Konstantin(1/4): BR: 0 in independent command.
    Wittgenstein(2/4): BR 1 when fighting anyone except for Napoleon.
    Tormassov(1/4): Remove from play on turn 5.

    Brunswick(1/4): BR: 2 when fighting anyone except the French. Cannot be a subordinate until defeated. Remove from play on turn 5.
    Yorck(1/4):When acting as a subordinate, he gives you 2 battle dice instead of 1.
    Kleist(1/4): None
    Bulow(2/4): Enters play on turn 4. When acting as a subordinate, he gives you 2 battle dice instead of 1.
    Blucher(2/6): Cannot be in independent command until after a Prussian defeat involving losses of 3 or more kills. +1 to intercept rolls. During the reinforcement interphase you can build 1 unit under him for free if he is in a Prussian home duchy.

    Yusuf(1/4): None
    Ali Pasha(1/4): Cannot operate outside of Turkey's European holdings. Free reinforcement during interphase
    Mustafa (1/4): Can never be a subordinate nor part of a multinational force that he does not command. If he is killed, replace him for free on the next reinforcement interphase.

    Castanos(1/4): During the reinforcement interphase you can build 1 unit under him for free if he is in a Spanish home duchy. +1 to evade rolls.
    Blake(1/4): +1 to evade rolls.

    Gustavus(1/4): If he dies in battle Sweden becomes an unaligned neutral and Bernadotte replaces him.
    Stedingk(1/4): BR: 2 when defending.
    Bernadotte(2/4): Place under Napoleon at Boulogne. He is BR: 1 CR: 4 in French service until the card Crown Prince Bernadotte is played, at which time he is removed. In French service, if he is hit, returns to a french home duchy for free in interphase. If he dies in battle while ruling Sweden becomes an unaligned neutral. He cannot force march, whether French or Swedish.

    Frederik (1/4)Not available until Turn 2, BR 2 when defending Denmark. If he dies in battle Denmark becomes an unaligned neutral
    Carl (1/4) None

    Any French Squadron in either the West or East Indies prevents play of Britain's Admiralty Special Power. For each French Squadron in an Indies zone in the Interphase, Britain loses one card from its coming Hand, but Britain's coming Hand is never reduced below its Minimum Hand. Once Britain has a Minimum Hand coming to it, Britain loses 1 Glory (if available) for each still unsatisfied card loss requirement due to French Squadrons in the Indies zones.

    French Movement to the Indies Boxes. France can move up to two unblockaded Squadrons to the Indies boxes only by play of Guerre de Course. A maximum of one French Squadron can go to Each Indies per play of it.

    British Pursuit to the Indies Boxes. When a French Squadron enters the Indies, Britain may immediately follow them into the same Indies Box for 0 CPs with as many unblockaded British Squadrons (in Port or not) as Britain wishes. Britain must immediately discard a Card (if it has one) if it fails immediately to match with at least one British Squadron a French Squadron sends to the Indies.

    Patrol and Battle in an Indies Zone. Each British Squadron in an Indies zone may pay 1 Maneuver per Round in each Indies zone to Patrol. Each British Squadron in an Indies zone rolls separately to Patrol. If a Patrol is successful, and if the French Squadron does not Evade or fails to Evade, the British Squadron immediately fights a Naval battle, 1 Squadron v. 1 Squadron, against the French Squadron there. If the first British Squadron fails to defeat the French Squadron, then the second British Squadron may pay 1 Maneuver (in the same Impulse) to Patrol. If the second British Squadron fails to defeat the French Squadron, a third British Squadron may pay 1 Maneuver (in the same Impulse) to Patrol, etc. The winner of each battle (and any companion British Squadron(s) in the same Indies zone) may stay in its Indies zone or return to a british port for 1 cp.

    Ile Martinique in the West Indies and Ile Bonaparte in the East Indies: As long as they remain French controlled France adds +2 to its Evasion dice rolls in the Indies. To take either Ile Martinique or Ile Bonaparte, Britain must pay 1-2 CP and move 1 or 2 Units/leaders and must have support of 1 squadrons per unit/leader there. Britain must have Naval Superiority in the Indies as well obviously. Then, during each round, Britain may roll to besiege the Island, as if it were a 1-strength Fortress (it rolls 1 die in defense).

    Turn End Any ships that remain in this area at turn end must return home and the player must pay 1 cp to do so and place them in a port.

    Napoleon creates the Continental system to stifle trade, every key duchy port in Europe (ignoring Constantinople and Sevastopol) is to be shut to British trade.

  • All Imperial camp and Subject Neutrals must be part of system, unless Napoleon grants them a permanent exemption
  • Each major power in the system (excluding France) pays 2 cp per key port held at start of the turn, minors pay 1 cp
  • Unaligned neutrals have open ports by default, pro-french neutrals join the system
  • Occupying Brest, or Marseilles does not open them to british trade
  • Controlling Copenhagen (either as denmark in a pact or directly) blocks all Coalition Baltic key port trade

    Immediately upon Napoleon implementing the system, a check is done, (later it is done in Interphases after cap switching):
    7 or more key ports open = system failing France loses -1 random card
    5-6 or more key ports open = no effect
    4 open key ports =admiralty requires control of 8 sea zones
    3 open key ports= france gains 1 card, admiralty disabled
    1-2 open key ports = France steals 1 british card, admiralty disabled
    0 ports open = uk capitulates to France

    France can demolish the system in any impulse after implementing it by paying 6 cps or 1 glory

    The occupier of Amsterdam can, at any point in their own round, give the order to flood the land around Amsterdam turning the routes into the city to marsh. In the interphase they can order the routes to be drained and become normal again.

    Neutral Minors
    Neutral Minors use cards to build divisions in their capital, or a leader if full, and if that leader is full then a navl squadron. Except they always play the following events:
    The Emperor Commands, House of Rothschild,Serbian Revolt,Drought,Ireland Revolts,Berlin Decree,The King's Shilling,Extended Campaign Season,Partisans,Maratha War,Russian Winter,Bey of Algiers,Fouche,Up from the Ranks,Malet's Conspiracy,Call up the next class,Europe Exhausted,Emigres & Exiles,Polish Uprising,Dos de Mayo,Spithead & the Nore,Russo-Turkish War,Letters of Marque,Treaty of Tilsit,Napoleon Abdicates,Scarce Supplies,Persian War,Russia Mobilizes,Capitulation,Early Snowfall, War Without End,Venice,Frigates,The Milan Decree,Duke d'Enghien Affair,Mud,Orders in Council,Kingdom of Naples,Janissary Revolt (unless Ottoman), Crown Prince Bernadotte (turn 3 or later), Anglo American War (turn 4 or later)
  • Wczytywanie...
    16.04.2020 - 12:45
    Vive la France!

    "Soldiers: You have conquered the finest countries in Europe. The French flag waves for he first time upon the Adriatic opposite to Macedon, the native country of Alexander. Still higher destinies await you. I know that you will not prove unworthy of them. Of all the foes that conspired to stifle the Republic in its birth, The Austrian Emperor alone remains before you. To obtain peace we must seek it in the heart of his hereditary State. You will there find a brave people, whose religion and customs you will respect, and whose prosperity you will hold sacred. Remember that it is liberty you carry to the brave Hungarian nation."
    25.05.2020 - 15:33
    Just saw this (and saw the earlier Reich game). If/when you start another forum game I am IN (especially if it be another Rome style one!!). Hope you all be doing well!
    Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.

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