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05.09.2019 - 09:36

I R O N ✙ H A R V E S T

☩ Introduction ☩
Iron Harvest is a strategy role-playing game base on World of 1920+, by Jakub Rozalski, Scythe, by Stonemaier Games, and Iron Harvest, by KING Art Games. set in the alternate reality of 1920+, just after the end of the Great War.

This forum game will let you, as a player, control a platoon of 21 troops, taking decisions to win the upcoming conflict in the east.

Tradition clashes with scientific and technological progress, while Europe is still recovering from the brutal battles of the World War. Cities are being rebuilt and in the countryside, the era of the Iron Harvest has begun. Farmers are uncovering the remains of the majestic walking machines that had fought on the battlefields of the Great War.

In the midst of this chaos, a new threat appears that will put Europe's very existence at risk. Secret forces are putting everything they can towards destabilization of entire countries, determined to set the world on fire once again and finally seize control.

☩ Information ☩
The game will support 7 players, one for each faction. The 21 units are equal between all factions and the success of all combat/actions will be decided by dice rolling (done by the GM). All actions must be described by the player, like any other role-playing game, and then he must wait for the GM reaction.

As said before, the platoon is composed by 21 units: 14 Soldiers, 01 Sharpshooter, 01 Mortarman, 01 Machinegunner, 01 Medic, 01 Sargeant, 01 Lieutenant, 01 Dieselpunk Mech. All human units have 3 HP, and the mechanical unit have 10 HP.

Soldiers: basic units.
Sharpshooter: have bonus to attack, but weak defense.
Mortarman: attacks at very long distance and with a huge area of effect, but they are slow, the mortar can fail, and have no defense at all.
Machinegunner: deals double damage.
Medic: can heal other units.
Sargeant: can make two actions at the same turn.
Lieutenant: raises the morale of the units.
Mech: deals double damage in area.

☩ Rules ☩
1. Factions may peace/war/ally each other at will.
2. A faction is oficially destroyed when all of his 21 units are destroyed.
3. The last surviving player/alliance win.
4. Player's actions must be listed like: 1) X. 2) Y. 3) Z, etc.
5. The limit of actions per turn is 6, and they will always require someone to do it.
6. The same unit cannot make two actions at the same turn (excepts the Sargeant).
7. Players can act in any order, but they have to wait for the GM and all other players to act once again.
8. The GM decides if the action is valid or invalid.
9. The result of all actions will be decided by dice rolling (1d20, target number will always be 10). The lower the result, the worst it gets.

☩ Point system ☩
At the end of the game, each players gets +1 point for each enemy killed (mechs counts as 5 and lieutenants counts as 2). If two or more factions won a game with an alliance, the points will be divided equally between all of them. Winning alone gives you a +5 bonus. Points can be converted into bonuses for future games.

☩ Factions ☩
Each faction has a special action that can be used only 1 time for every 5 turns.

Republic of Polania
Color: White.
Special: Can make an action with a re-roll request in case it fails.
Player: Full House.

Saxony Empire
Color: Black.
Special: Can apply +3 attack to an action.
Player: 1GodofWar1.

Crimean Khanate
Color: Yellow.
Special: Can apply +4 defense to an action.
Player: 4nic.

Nordic Kingdoms
Color: Blue.
Special: Can ignore terrain/weather effects to perform an action.
Player: UNazizST.

Rusviet Union
Color: Red.
Special: Can recruit 01 extra soldier (with 1 HP).
Player: Lada.

Clan Albion
Color: Green.
Special: Can apply +5 bonus to any action that requires physical performance (excepts melee attacks).
Player: Ito_.

Togawa Shogunate
Color: Purple.
Special: Can apply +1 to a melee attack and deal melee damage in area.
Player: Echoo.

☩ What is "dieselpunk" and "1920+"? ☩
"Dieselpunk" is a genre similar to steampunk that combines the Tier 2 Industrial technology and aesthetics of the diesel-based technology of the interwar period through to the 1950s with retro-futuristic technology and postmodern sensibilities. Learn more HERE.

"World of 1920+" or just "1920+" is an alternate universe to our own, mainly an alternate Europe in the early 20th century (after the Great War) created by Polish artist Jakub Różalski. This is a place where tradition clashes with modernity, and the world is still full of secrets and blank spaces on the map. Learn more HERE.

☩ Wait list ☩
1. PrivateRex.
2. m0s.
3. UNazizST.
05.09.2019 - 11:39
In for
Saxony Empire
Color: Black.
Special: Can apply +3 attack to an action.
Player: Open.

Sounds intriguing

05.09.2019 - 13:32
Napisano przez 1GodofWar1, 05.09.2019 at 11:39

In for
Saxony Empire


Napisano przez Full House, 05.09.2019 at 11:46

I can try that but i have not much daily time

Replying at least 1-2 times per day is enough.
05.09.2019 - 14:00
Napisano przez Full House, 05.09.2019 at 13:42

Good then i join idc which side just give what´s left

I'll give you Polania.
05.09.2019 - 17:46
Clan albion
05.09.2019 - 18:15
Napisano przez Sparro, 05.09.2019 at 17:46

Clan albion

06.09.2019 - 14:20
Rusviet Union

06.09.2019 - 14:25
Crimean Khanate
sirivann (King Louen Leoncoeur): nigga im dwarfs
06.09.2019 - 14:37
Napisano przez BannedFor1Year, 06.09.2019 at 14:20

Rusviet Union


Napisano przez Skarbrand, 06.09.2019 at 14:25

Crimean Khanate

07.09.2019 - 09:03
I join into this hentai
they said play atwar,they said it would be fun,dam

We are not the same - I am a Martian
07.09.2019 - 09:09
Napisano przez Echoo, 07.09.2019 at 09:03

I join into this hentai

You must pick an open faction...
07.09.2019 - 09:28
Idc i join any
they said play atwar,they said it would be fun,dam

We are not the same - I am a Martian
07.09.2019 - 10:30
I'll give Togawa Shogunate.
07.09.2019 - 12:46
Hey, im Sparro, this is my alternate account
10.09.2019 - 08:13
I wanna join with Nordic Kingdoms
10.09.2019 - 08:14
Napisano przez UNazizST, 10.09.2019 at 08:13

I wanna join with Nordic Kingdoms

10.09.2019 - 08:19
Put me as reserve if anyone cant play
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

10.09.2019 - 08:21
The days are darker. Iron dust and burnt gunpowder form dark clouds across the skies and make everything grayer. It is morning in eastern Europe and it is already possible to hear bombs exploding in the distance. It has rained throughout the night and the lands are slightly muddy, but at least the rain has stopped. Charred trees, abandoned huts, bare hills, and destroyed villages form the landscape of the day.

Saxony Empire
Men walk in two lines that follow the path of a dirt road, while the noisy mech follows them slowly. They are hungry after a troubled night, soiled with dust and dirt, but too proud to complain about anything. There are some farms and plantations nearby the hills.

Morale: 80/100
Provisions: 20
Resources: 20
Platoon: 21/21
Possible targets: None.

Clan Albion
Wearing kilts and red berets, the men wake up suddenly. The platoon was sleeping inside the wagon of a partially destroyed mega-train. Outside, tangled deformed rails and abandoned cargoes formed a backdrop of destruction everywhere. On the horizon it was possible to see some pastures and small civilian buildings near the hills.

Morale: 80/100
Provisions: 20
Resources: 20
Platoon: 21/21
Possible targets: None.

Rusviet Union
The glorious anthem of the Rusviet Union plays on the radio at low volume, the soldiers line up as always and salute their superior before another day of fighting begins. The Red Flag extended in front of everyone is inspiring. The platoon is in a pleasant grove, but due to the turbulent and chaotic night, they are lost and have no idea of its exact location.

Morale: 80/100
Provisions: 20
Resources: 20
Platoon: 21/21
Possible targets: None.

Crimean Khanate
Men walk between bodies of horses and countrymen. They are enraged by the defeat their comrades suffered the day before. After a few minutes of walking, the platoon finds a dirt road where you can find several recent footprints, originating from both men and machines. At the same time, a peasant caravan is approaching the horizon, they seems peaceful and unarmed.

Morale: 80/100
Provisions: 20
Resources: 20
Platoon: 21/21
Possible targets: None.

Republic of Polania
After a chaotic night, the men wake up in a trench full of puddles and mud. There are rotting corpses around and rats feast in the bowels of fallen soldiers. The trench was badly damaged, mortars destroyed most of its structure and the holes left intact served as beds for its soldiers to spend the night. A perimeter inspection shows that around there is only a forest and some bare hills, there are also traces of a mega-train track leading to a village not far away.

Morale: 80/100
Provisions: 20
Resources: 20
Platoon: 21/21
Possible targets: None.

Togawa Shogunate
The platoon completed a week in these desolate lands, thirsty for blood and glory in battle. But chaos and death was all they had encountered so far. The romantic battles remained only in the books. The men talked while having tea for breakfast, and a beautiful bird flew in contrast with the pollution in the sky. A large partially destroyed machine catches the attention of men on the horizon ... Just beyond are a few civilian huts, probably farms, and a curious forest surrounding bare hills.

Morale: 80/100
Provisions: 20
Resources: 20
Platoon: 21/21
Possible targets: None.

Nordic Kingdoms
Eager to fight, the men woke up really soon to march south and face the approaching enemies. Wearing medieval steel helmets and semi-automatic rifles, the platoon, followed by the gigantic mech, is travelling through a dirty road. On the left side, a men guide some sheeps while riding a horse. On the right side, a forest rises around some bare hills, and a train track cuts the vegetation making his own path to a village not so far.

Morale: 80/100
Provisions: 20
Resources: 20
Platoon: 21/21
Possible targets: None.

Casuality report: None.
10.09.2019 - 08:37
Napisano przez Estus, 10.09.2019 at 08:21

Clan Albion
Wearing kilts and red berets, the men wake up suddenly. The platoon was sleeping inside the wagon of a partially destroyed mega-train. Outside, tangled deformed rails and abandoned cargoes formed a backdrop of destruction everywhere. On the horizon it was possible to see some pastures and small civilian buildings near the hills.

Clan Albion
1. Two pairs of soldiers goes to search other wagons of the derailed mega-train and the abandoned cargoes.
2. A pair of soldiers must scout the hills and the small civilian buildings withouth heavy equipment, only their rifles.
3. The mech can take metal parts of the mega-train and the rest of the soldiers must build improvised fortifications with it. The intention is to fortify the wagon were my men slept and make it our outpost.
10.09.2019 - 09:24
Saxony empire is tired
1. Send the sargent to spy on the nearby farms and plantations.
2. Sargent returns with information if conquering the farms and plantations is viable.
3. In case attack is an option(based on scout results) i send all the troops to conquer the farms and plantations.
4. If conquering is not an option i send 2 soldiers to steal a cow and vegetables

10.09.2019 - 10:23
Napisano przez Estus, 10.09.2019 at 08:21

Rusviet Union
The glorious anthem of the Rusviet Union plays on the radio

Now this is what i call power

10.09.2019 - 10:32
Napisano przez Estus, 10.09.2019 at 08:21

Rusviet Union
they are lost and have no idea of its exact location.

1. Send Sargeant to the nearest city to locate where the soldiers are
2. If He survives, bring him back to the frontline
3. If there's a village nearby, send all troops to it

10.09.2019 - 11:47
Napisano przez BannedFor1Year, 10.09.2019 at 10:32

Napisano przez Estus, 10.09.2019 at 08:21

Rusviet Union
they are lost and have no idea of its exact location.

1. Send Sargeant to the nearest city to locate where the soldiers are
2. If He survives, bring him back to the frontline
3. If there's a village nearby, send all troops to it

Are you going to copy me the whole game or just first turn

10.09.2019 - 12:21

1) 4 Soldiers shall give the dead polanian soldiers a burial (but they shall take measures not to get an infection), they will form the rearguard with the machinegunner and the mortarmen
2) Seargant will lead the vanguard, accompanied by medic, sharpshooter and 3 soldiers
3) Lieutenant will lead the main force (Mech and 7 Soldiers).
The Army will follow Mega-train treck.
Tell me something, my friend. You ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?
I always ask that of all my prey.
I just like the sound of it.
10.09.2019 - 18:37
1) as a shogunate the men are commanded by my sheer will and they are to build trenches along a quarter-mile radius
2) the ranked officers comand a defense and prepare an offense strategy.
3) the mortars fire at all sides and hopefully hitting there mark
they said play atwar,they said it would be fun,dam

We are not the same - I am a Martian
11.09.2019 - 06:28
Napisano przez Echoo, 10.09.2019 at 18:37

3) the mortars fire at all sides and hopefully hitting there mark

You may choose only one direction to fire the mortar: 1) the farms. 2) the forest. 3) the hills.
11.09.2019 - 14:06
they said play atwar,they said it would be fun,dam

We are not the same - I am a Martian
12.09.2019 - 22:59
If this is going to drag on im out

13.09.2019 - 11:56
m0s gave his spot to 4nic. I'm just waiting his turn to reply you all (tomorrow I'll reply anyway, you guys will have about 3 days until you lost the turn).
13.09.2019 - 13:39
Crimean Khanate
Men walk between bodies of horses and countrymen. They are enraged by the defeat their comrades suffered the day before. After a few minutes of walking, the platoon finds a dirt road where you can find several recent footprints, originating from both men and machines. At the same time, a peasant caravan is approaching the horizon, they seems peaceful and unarmed.

1. follow footprints
2. leave caravan alone
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

  • 1
  • 2

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