26.02.2018 - 01:16
https://pastebin.com/YCbdfDm2 Winner of the War (by end of game, most VPs): Russia (The_Empirezz) ![]() ![]() 2. trsid (UK) 3. majorian (France) Winner of the Congress: (so far) 1. Russia (30pts) 2 UK (20 pts) ![]() CONGRESS OF VIENNA The Congress of Vienna consists of 7 items. The goal of the Congress is to gain as much points as possible for your nation. The winner of the congress will be recorded, as well the second and third below the winner of the War in the ending post of this game. Certain nations are responsible for crating proposals for each item (pm them to me). Then all nations vote on the proposal, aye or nay. If rejected, then the next day another person works on the proposal, see below for more details. The aim of this diplomatic game is to make deals, perhaps losing chances at gaining points in return for factions voting for you in other areas. Each player has the following voting power: Major Powers Tsar Alexander I of Russia (4 votes) Viscount Castlereagh of Great Britain (3 votes) Prince Clemens von Metternich of Austria (2 votes) Marquis de Talleyrand of France (2 votes) King Frederick William III of Prussia (2 votes) (+1 vote power for being winner, +1 for being on winning camp, +1 for being in top 3, 1 for being a major power) Outrage Mechanic Each nation may, TWICE during the Congress, on any vote become OUTRAGED (ie throwing a shitfit and promising to resume war blabla). They make a die roll, divide by 2 (rounded up) and add that much to their vote. Minor power influence UK may during any one vote in the Congress, attach Sweden's influence to it giving +1 vote power Russia may during any one vote in the Congress, attach the Ottoman Empires influence to it giving +1 vote power Due to controlling some regions, some nations get free points from the very start. UK: 10pts (Holstein) Russia: 30 pts (Lublin) UK and Russia may offer these up in any of the treaties and lose these points if they desire. Russia may also return Tarnpol and Lemburg for -20pt penalty (with austria gaining 20 pts). ![]() Item 1: What to do with Napoleon? Napoleon, the most infamous leader of France still rules, and has not abdicated. Perhaps the most contentious issue of the Congress, no Empire is very keen to see him stay on the throne, and many believe peace is impossible as long as he remains in power. REmoving him would be a notworthy end to the Napoleonic Wars, however if some Empire(s) support him, he may be gracious inr eturn. The French Throne: a. Napoleon remains Emperor (France +100 pts) b. Bourbon Restoration, Napoleon Exiled (UK +40 pts), (Russia +20pts),(Prussia+20 pts),(Austria +20 pts) Special: Because Napoleon remains unbeaten, and the people love him and hate the Bourbons, France has 4 votes here. This item will be resolved by simple majority. ![]() Item 2: The territorial settlement of Saxony and the Grand Duchy of Warsaw Since it was Russia that has occupied most of the area, the Chairman begins by calling on the leader of the Russian delegation to propose a motion concerning the future of these regions. In the case of the former Grand Duchy, each area (Gdansk,Poznan,Torun,Warsaw,Bialystok,Lodz,Krakow) may be: a. put under Russian control (Russia +30pts ea) b. handed over to Prussia (Prussia+30 pts ea) c. handed over to Austria (Austria +30 pts ea) d. granted independence in a reconstituted Kingdom of Poland (France +30 pts ea) In the case of the Kingdom of Saxony, the Kingdom is worth 100 points in total. It can be split into 10 pt parts between Austria (who wishes Saxony to be under a King loyal to them) or Prussia (annexed as a province) Propose a split. (example: 60 to Prussia, 40 to Saxony) Russia lays claim to Finland for aiding the Swedish baltic fleet and lack of territories to gain elsewhere in europe 1. Ceded to Russia (Russia +40pts ), UK -20 pts, 2. Remains part of Sweden Veto Clause Russia, Prussia or Austria may veto the entire proposal if they are alone vs the other two and have the support of one other major power If the Russian motion is not carried when a vote is taken the Prussian delegation will be offered to propose an alternative. If this Prussian motion is not carried, the Austrian delegation leader to propose a motion, which must fulfill the same conditions as the other before it can be passed. If at least two of the motions failed because condition (a) Russia, Prussia and Austria voted against them, then Russia, Prussia and Austria must deduct 20 points each from their scores. The voting procedure outlined above is repeated and if no proposal is carried the same penalty may be imposed again. It should be clear that continued deadlock over the Polish and Saxon issues will so penalize Russia, Prussia and Austria that they cannot possibly win the Congress. If other powers are responsible for a dead lock, no penalty is inflicted. ![]() Item 3:The territorial settlement of North and West Germany The Chairman first calls upon the British delegation's leader to propose a motion concerning these regions; Oldenburg, Munster, Mecklenburg and Hanover, each area may be: a. handed over to Hanover/Sweden(UK+10 pts ea, Hanover is +20 pts) b. handed over to Prussia(Prussia +10 pts ea, Hanover is +20 pts) c. granted the status of independent states. For Hesse, Thuringia, and Franconia there are only two possibilities - they may be: a. handed over to Prussia(Prussia +10 pts ea ) b. granted the status of independent states. (France +10 pts ea) Swedish Pomerania: a. handed over to Prussia(Prussia +10 pts ea ), (UK-10 pts) b. Remains with Sweden The Rhineland a. Granted to Prussia(Prussia +40 pts ) b. Remains with France (France +40 pts ) Status of Switzerland: a. Swiss Neutrality Guranteed by all b. Remains under French Control (France +20 pts ) Veto Clause Britain, France and Prussia may veto the entire proposal if they are alone vs the other two and have the support of one other major power If the British motion is not carried when a vote is taken, the Chairman calls on the leader of the French delegation to propose an alternative. If this French motion is not carried, the Chairman calls on the Prussian delegation leader to propose a motion, which must fulfill the same conditions as the other before it can be passed. If all three motions are defeated the Congress reverts back to informal negotiation for a period determined by the Chairman. If at least two of the motions failed because Britain, France and Prussia voted against them, then Britain, France and Prussia must deduct 20 points each from their scores, and it is repeated. ![]() Item 4: The territorial settlement of Italy and the Adriatic The Chairman calls on the Austrian delegation leader to propose a motion concerning the Italian regions; The Status of Piedmont: a. Restored to Sardinia (UK+20 pts ) b. Remain part of France (France +20 pts) c. Come under Austrian influence (Austria +20 pts) For Genoa: a. be handed over to to Piedmont (UK+10 pts ) b. be handed over to to France (France+10 pts ) c. become an independent state again For the Kingdom of Two Sicilies: a. remain under French influence, King Lannes (France+40 pts ) b. come under Austrian influence (Austria +40 pts) c. became a completely independent state. (UK+40 pts ) For the Ionian Islands: a. Return to Venice IF Venice remains independent b. become part of Austria, IF the rest of Venice is handed over to Austria (Austria +20 pts) c. Remain under Russian Influence, regardless of what happens to the rest of Venice (Russia+20 pts ) d. be handed over to Britain, regardless of what happens to the rest of Venice(UK+20 pts ) For the Dalmation provinces of Venice: a. remain part of Venice IF Venice remains independent b. become part of Austria, regardless of what happens to the rest of Venice (Austria +10 pts) For mainland Venice and the state of Milan: a. Both fall under influence of Austria (Austria +40 pts) b. Only Milan falls under influence of Austria, Venice regains independence (Austria +20 pts) c. Both become independent states again. For the Papal States a. Romagna falls under the influence Austria (Austria +10 pts) b. Granted Independence Malta a. Confirmed as British (UK+10 pts ) b. Granted Independence Tyrol, Laibach, Trieste a. Restored to Austria b. Remains as a French province (France+40 pts , Austria -40 pts) Veto Clause Austria, Britain and France may veto the entire proposal if they are alone vs the other two and have the support of one other major power If the Austrian motion is not carried when a vote is taken, the Chairman calls on the leader of the British delegation to propose an alternative. If this British motion is not carried, the Chairman calls on the French delegation leader to propose a motion, which must fulfill the same conditions as the other before it can be passed. If all three motions are defeated the Congress reverts back to informal negotiation for a period determined by the Chairman. If at least two of the motions failed because Austria, Britain and France voted against them, then Austria, Britain and France must deduct 20 points each from their scores, and the process is repetaed again. ![]() Item 5:The future form of the Germanic Confederation After informal negotiations, the Congress holds a formal session and the Chairman puts the following motions: a. That a strong Confederation under joint Austro-Prussian leadership be established. (Austria +30pts) (Prussia +30 pts) b. That a weak confederation under joint Austro-Prussian leadership be established. c. That a strong Confederation under Austrian leadership be established. (Austria +60pts) d. That a weak Confederation under Austrian leadership be established. (Austria +20pts)(UK+10 pts ), (France+10 pts ), (Russia+10 pts ) For a motion to be carried it must receive at 10 votes, and must have the support of Prussia, Austria, France or Britain. If no motion is carried after the first vote, then each of these four powers will lose ten points from its total. The Congress reverts to a session of informal negotiation and is then recalled to vote on the motions again, with the same penalties being imposed if no settlement is reached. When a settlement is achieved, it is recorded under Section 5 of the Score sheet and the points gained by each power for this item is calculated. ![]() Item 6: The Holy Alliance After informal negotiations, the Congress holds a formal session and the Chairman puts the following motions: The alliance formed to instill the divine right of kings and Christian values in European political life, as pursued by the tsar under the influence of his adviser Baroness Barbara von Krüdener. The monarchs of Orthodox (Russia), Catholic (Austria) and Protestant (Prussia) confession promise to act on the basis of "justice, love and peace", both in internal and foreign affairs, for "consolidating human institutions and remedying their imperfections." Shall the Holy Alliance be allowed to form: a. Yes (Russia +100 pts) b. No This motion is carried by simple majority. Item 7: Low Countries and Colonies The Chairman first calls upon the British delegation's leader to propose a motion concerning these regions; For the Low Countries a. The Kingdom of the Netherlands is to be formed from all of Netherlands and Belgium (UK+50 pts ) b. The Kingdom of the Netherlands is to comprise of the Netherlands, Belgium is to be restored to Austria (UK+30 pts ), (Austria +20pts) c. The Kingdom of the Netherlands is to comprise of the Netherlands, Belgium is to be restored to France (UK+30 pts ), (France+20 pts ) The Dutch colonies of Ceylon and Cape Town a. Fall under the protected of the British Empire (UK+30 pts ) b. Remain Dutch The French West Indies a. Ceded to the British Empire (UK+20 pts ) b. Remain French (France+20 pts ) Veto Clause Austria, Britain and France may veto the entire proposal if they are alone vs the other two and have the support of one other major power If the British motion is not carried when a vote is taken, the Chairman calls on the leader of the French delegation to propose an alternative. If this French motion is not carried, the Chairman calls on the Austrian delegation leader to propose a motion, which must fulfill the same conditions as the other before it can be passed. If all three motions are defeated the Congress reverts back to informal negotiation for a period determined by the Chairman. If at least two of the motions failed because Austria, Britain and France voted against them, then Austria, Britain and France must deduct 20 points each from their scores, and the process is repetaed again. Overarching Questions: 1. What to do with Napoleon? 2. What to do with the rest of Europe (France, Holy Roman Empire, other borders)? Hosted by Emperor of Austria, who took little part in its work, the Congress of Vienna was dominated by the following individuals: Prince Clemens von Metternich of Austria Viscount Castlereagh of Great Britain Marquis de Talleyrand of France Tsar Alexander I of Russia King Frederick William III of Prussia Along with these five powerful men were thousands of diplomats and agents representing the interests of smaller powers and various associations. The challenge facing these diplomats was to create a stable Europe out of the ruins of the Napoleonic system. The first guests began arriving in Vienna in late August. In September when Castlereagh, Tsar Alexander and King Frederick William arrived, the host, Emperor Francis, announced their arrival with a cannon salute while huge crowds watched the procession. Over the next nine months, the delegates debated, intrigued, and sometimes threatened one another, all while accompanied by string quartets and lavish banquets and ceremonies. Over three hundred carriages with gilded wheels drawn by horses with their manes plumed with colored ribbons were held in readiness at all times to transport visiting royalty. The glitter of royalty was part of Metternich's plan to make Europe forget about all the revolutionary times and changes they brought and help lead the way towards a return to the "Old Order." (To pay for these excesses, the Emperor imposed a 50% tax increase upon the people of Vienna). N.B.: The goal of the Congress was not to divide ALL of the land in Europe between the 5 great powers; rather, there would still be many dozens of independent political entities moving forward. Marquis De Talleyrand France ![]() Personal Information: History might consider you a master "turncoat" since under the "Old Regime" you had been a bishop and a courtier. As the revolution proceeded, you betrayed the church, but then as Napoleon began to rise you turned your back on the revolution to attach yourself to Napoleon's coattails. After Napoleon's defeat and exile to Elba you dedicated yourself to serving the restored Bourbon king, Louis VIII. Napoleon was not completely charmed by you, however, as he once referred to you as a "silk stocking filled with mud." In your defense, however, it was because of your leadership and political maneuvering that France was admitted to the Congress of Vienna as an equal negotiator, despite being the defeated nation. Your role at the Congress in the negotiations: You want to keep France's losses to a minimum and would like to see France returned to what you consider the natural boundaries (Rhine river and the Alps, holdings in italy), even though you realize that as the defeated nation you will probably lose some territory. What you must constantly remind the others about is that weakening France and letting another European nation become too strong will threaten peace and stability in Europe. One of your important goals is to create an independent Poland and to not let Russia simply take over this entire territory. This will be tough because Russia will demand the territory for all of the destruction that occurred during Napoleon's invasion. Therefore, you will need support in this goal and you consider Austria and Prussia as most likely to support you in some sort of compromise. Tsar Alexander I Russia ![]() Personal Information: As commander of the largest army in the world, you take pride in your Empire's burgeoning power. You believe in the occult (supernatural), often go to séances, and confide in a mystic, Madame Krudener. At the Congress, you believe that you are there on a great mission ordained by heaven. You think of yourself as an enlightened and just prince ruling over a nation of grateful subjects, but in reality, your Russia was the most autocratic and your subjects had the fewest rights of any nation at the Congress. You are 37, tall, handsome, and incredibly vain. You believe that you are irresistible to women, and in order to prove this to Metternich (the host), you took one of his former mistresses; though this, you wanted to not only prove yourself equal to Metternich, but you hoped to gain confidential information through her. You begin to hate Metternich, especially after he tried to turn the Prussian Prince against you, so you challenged him to a duel. While the duel never happened, you do steadfastly ignore him and you insist on your demand of Poland. You skip his receptions and try to avoid him at the Palace where both of your mistresses live; at the palace, you do meet Madame Krudener and your Holy Alliance moves to the front of your mind. Your role at the Congress in the negotiations: You want to move Russia from the edge of Europe/Asia to be accepted as a truly great power in the European community. You want Poland and Finland as compensation for fighting Napoleon. Your primary goal (some called it a foolish distraction) is to create a Holy Alliance (Russia, Prussia and Austria) to shape foreign policy according the Jesus' teachings. Prussia and Austria have reservations about your sincerity, but are willing to go along with it (Metternich of Austria refers to it as "loud sounding nothing." King Frederick William III Prussia ![]() Personal Information: You are undoubtedly the least influential of the great representatives at Vienna, largely because you are not very bright and are very timid. You really became the "yes man" for Tsar Alexander of Russia, whom you greatly admired. Another negotiator, the able Karl von Hardenberg, was there with you and did play a role as well, although he suffered from a severe hearing problem at the time of conference that handicapped his performance. Your role at the Congress in the negotiations: You want to get Saxony, a major German state, but Metternich opposes this (he wants Austria to be the dominant German state, not Prussia). You need support, preferably from Russia, to get Saxony. You also feel that Prussia played a key role in defeating Napoleon, and therefore the principle of compensation should be employed - in other words, Prussia should somehow benefit territorially from France's defeat. During the Napoleonic wars you kept Prussia neutral until joining the 3rd coalition in 1805. However, Prussia lost about half of its land (its Polish and western territories), which you are now desperate to regain. You are prepared to join Russia and Austria in the Holy Alliance. Prince Metternich of Austria ![]() Personal Information: You are a vain and arrogant aristocrat who opposes all democratic ideals of the French Revolution. You admire the "Old Regime" institutions of class distinction, a strong monarchy, and huge empires. You fear what the rising revolutionary spirit in the world will do to the ruling Austrian family, the Hapsburgs. Your influence at the Congress of Vienna is so great that some historians have called the period after Napoleon the "Age of Metternich." At the Congress, you were the chairman, planner and master of ceremonies. You were admired by the other diplomats for your courtly style. You were often attired in a gold embroidered coat and sash. Although you often let it appear that you were spending time with one of your many mistresses, in actuality you were studying intelligence reports submitted to you by spies who probed wastebaskets and eavesdropped on any conversations they could. Because of a personal disagreement with the Tsar (more info below), only the Tsar did not attend your weekly receptions. When Napoleon escapes, you do finally mend your relationship with the Tsar. Your role at the Congress in the negotiations: As the key manipulator you are committed to a number of principles: you believe a balance of power in Europe must be maintained. It is critical to Austrian security that Russia and Prussia not expand their influence on Austrian territory. Secondly, like Talleyrand, you believe in legitimacy, that is returning the traditional or legitimate heirs to their thrones. (for example, putting Louis XVIII, a Bourbon king, back on the French throne). Thirdly, you believe in compensation, or rewarding those nations that fought Napoleon. You are also deeply concerned about Austria's position. You want Austria to be the dominant state among "the German peoples, consequently you are concerned about Prussia and any expansion of its territory or influence." You do NOT want to punish and humiliate France because you believe that doing so would lead to a desire for revenge and future wars. So you do not want to strip France of its territory and all its power. Also, you realize that weakening France too much would result in the increased strength of another nation in Europe, and a strong Russia, in particular, would pose a threat to Austrian security and the balance of power. Therefore, along with Castlereagh (Great Britain), you oppose the acquisition of Poland by Russia. You also oppose the creation of a united Italian nation; in fact, you would like to see Austria acquire some Italian territories. You are a master at playing countries off one another. In an effort to split up the Prussian-Russian friendship, you sent misinformation Frederick William of Prussia about the Tsar's plans for Poland. The Tsar challenged you to a duel, but fortunately the duel never happened. Viscount Castlereagh Great Britain ![]() Personal Information: You are arrogant, bossy, moody, troubled, and disliked by the public, although you are very bright and capable. At the Congress, your role was critically important as you wanted to maintain peace in Europe and arrange the map so that no great power would feel a need to resort to war. Because of your diplomatic skills you feel that you would be an excellent arbiter between those powers that did have conflicting claims. Your role at the Congress in the negotiations: One principle that you feel the Congress must follow is to restore a balance of power in Europe. You realize that peace is good for trade, and although you and France under Napoleon have been bitter enemies, France had been your best trade customer. You believe that England, and you in particular, can serve as an arbiter in European disputes since you have no claims to any territory in continental Europe. Also, since you have been at war with France from 1793 during the French Revolution until 1814, you desire territorial compensation from France of some sort (although not necessarily in territorial Europe—some French colonies would be nice). You do believe that the French borders should be decreased and forced back to the ancient boundaries, not the "natural" boundaries that France claims should be hers. And although France should lose territory, you feel strongly that one of the great powers should have mastery in Europe - you realize the danger of a powerful Russia just as much as a powerful France. You work with Metternich to prevent Russia from getting Poland completely, but you can see that Russia should have some claims to further territorial influence. A primary concern, though, is to be sure that all the Allied powers work together first against Napoleon, and later to restore Europe. You oppose any liberal democratic movements that would threaten to upset the delicate balance of power that you feel is necessary to keep peace in Europe. And finally, representing Britain, you don't lay claim to any territory in Europe, but you feel strongly that Britain should be compensated for their key role in defeating Napoleon by acquiring colonial territory around the world. ![]() https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/341024206445608974/431923292589391873/napoleonic.png
26.02.2018 - 01:16
MAJOR POWERS fyi I only ever really update the victory points/key duchies at interphase completely, its a hassle ![]() ![]() FRANCE (Majorian) Victory Points: 9 (2 minor pacts +net conquest of 3 key duchys and 15 minor duchies) Glory Points: 1 Key Duchies: 18 (Paris is 2) Head of State: Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte Diplomatic Status: IMPERIAL Maximum/Minimum Hand: 8/4 Bonuses: +2 extra battle die on land/ naval squadrons roll 2 dice each, attrition losses are halved Special Powers (may use once a turn, only 1 per round): IMPERIAL GUARD: If Napoleon is present in a battle, you may commit the Imperial Guard after seeing all other battle dice. Roll four more battle dice. Besides inflicting hits, you also rally a disrupted French Unit for each "4" rolled by the extra dice/NAPOLEON'S GENIUS Negate enemy battle or response cards in a battle with Napoleon/ LE MARCHE DE NAPOLEON: Napoleon gets 9 CP to move/occupy/liberatewith with the army he commands and it doesn't count as force march or suffer attrition. LMdN may not be used in the very first round of the game. OR 5 cps Force Limit: 78 Divisions, 9 Squadrons ![]() AUSTRIA (Phoenix) Victory Points: -5 (-4 key duchies-1 glory) Glory Points: -1 Key Duchies: 4 Head of State: Emperor Francis Diplomatic Status: Subject Neutral (Until T5R6) Maximum/Minimum Hand: 4/2 Unit Bonus: +1 extra battle die on land Special Powers (may use once a turn): Force Limit: 46 Divisions, 0 Squadrons 6 scattered divisions and Archduke Charles, can be rebought for 1 cp ea ![]() UNITED KINGDOM (Trsid) Victory Points: 1 (1 glory point-1 key duchy+1 minor pact) Glory Points: 1 Key Duchies: 9 (London is 3) Head of State: King George III Diplomatic Status: COALITION Maximum/Minimum Hand: 5/2 Unit Bonus: +1 extra battle die on land/ naval squadrons roll 3 dice each Special Powers may use once a turn, only 1 per round): ADMIRALTY: Britain gets 2 cards if its Fleets control six Zones at the start of a round. Voided by Bey of Algiers or if Britain is a Subject Neutral. OR 6 cps. PARLIAMENT: Any one British ally draws and looks at two cards, keeps one and discards the other; OR, Britain gains 1 CP and a British ally or client draws one card; OR Britain draws a card. OR 5 cps. Force Limit: 28 Divisions, 11 Squadrons ![]() PRUSSIA (Jesus) Victory Points: -4 (-3 key duchies-1 glory) Glory Points: 0 Key Duchies: 4 Head of State: King Frederick William III Diplomatic Status: COALITION Maximum/Minimum Hand: 4/2 Unit Bonus: +1 extra battle die on land Special Powers (may use once a turn): Force Limit: 34 Divisions, 0 Squadrons 5 divisions can be rebought for 1 cp ea ![]() RUSSIA (Empirezz) Victory Points: 7.4 (3 glory points +1 minor pact+net conquest of 3 key duchy+2 minor duchies ) Glory Points: 3 Key Duchies: 10 Head of State: Emperor Alexander I Diplomatic Status: COALITION Maximum/Minimum Hand: 4/2 Unit Bonus: +1 extra battle die on land/ naval squadrons roll 1 dice each Special Powers (may use once a turn): OR take 6 cps (this option is still available even if russia is invaded) Force Limit: 50 Divisions, 6 Squadrons MINOR POWERS ![]() SPAIN Victory Points: -5 (-5 key duchy) Glory Points: -1 Key Duchies: 0 Head of State: King Ferdinand VII Diplomatic Status: Pact with France Maximum/Minimum Hand: 3/1 Unit Bonus: +0 extra battle die on land/ naval squadrons roll 1 dice each Special Powers (may use once a turn): Force Limit: 17 Divisions, 6 Squadrons ![]() OTTOMANS (Phoenixking) Victory Points: 2.8 (+2 key duchy+4 minor duchies) Glory Points: 0 Key Duchies: 7 Head of State: Sultan Selim III Diplomatic Status: Pact with Russia Maximum/Minimum Hand: 3/1 Unit Bonus: +0 extra battle die on land/ naval squadrons roll 1 dice each Special Powers (may use once a turn): Force Limit: 32 Divisions, 3 Squadrons ![]() SWEDEN Victory Points: 1.4 (+1 conquered key duchy+2 minor duchy) Glory Points: 0 Key Duchies: 4 Head of State: King Gustav IV Diplomatic Status: Pact with the United Kingdom Maximum/Minimum Hand: 3/1 Unit Bonus: +1 extra battle die on land/ naval squadrons roll 2 dice each Special Powers (may use once a turn): GOTT MIT UNS: Get 3 cps and all Swedish Formations in their Home Duchies ignore disruption in any battle during this Turn. OR Draw a card. OR take 5 cps Force Limit: 14 Divisions, 2 Squadrons ![]() DENMARK Victory Points: -1 (-1 key duchy) Glory Points: 0 Key Duchies: 1 Head of State: King Christian VII Diplomatic Status: Pact with France Maximum/Minimum Hand: 3/1 Unit Bonus: +0 extra battle die on land/naval squadrons roll 2 dice each Special Powers (may use once a turn): Force Limit: 10 Divisions, 3 Squadrons
26.02.2018 - 01:16
Rules Deal cards (I pm them to you). May mulligan & get new hand if you don't like it but -1 card) You get one card for every TWO key duchies annexed (the squares/pentagons on map, Paris counts as 2 key duchies, London counts as 3) but in the first year this is the amount of cards you get: 7: France 5: Britain 4: Austria 3: Russia, Prussia 2: Ottoman Turks, Spain 1: Sweden, Denmark All players then PM me ONE card they play, the player with the most cards can play TWO. They can play either the event, or the CP value in the upper left corner. They may also spend 1 Glory Point or use 1 Special Power with this card. An example card: ![]() The event is obvious but the cp value is the other option. CP (Command Points) is what does basically everything in this game Recruiting Division: 2 cps (must be inside your borders) Squadron: 3 cps (must be in a port, take an entire turn to finishing building) Leader: Command Rating cps Moving Divisions (up to 2 at once) cost 1 Cp to move 1 space Armies (led by Generals) cost 1 cp to move 1 space Army Groups cost 1 CP per general in their stack to move 1 space Occupying Occupying/Liberating a duchy 1 cp Armies can occupy any unoccupied unfortified duchy they are on. They may also occupy an adjacent unfortified Duchy, but only if that Duchy neither contains an enemy Formation nor is Adjacent to an enemy army. Cannot place across a marsh or strait. Russian Exception: To occupy a Russian Home Duchy costs 2 CP. To liberate a Russian Home Duchy costs only 1 CP. Other Diplomacy to minor nations (not in first round): Varies (see rules) Also: Major Powers can add +2 CP bonus to cards if only being used for moving/occupying this round, Minor Powers +1 CP bonus Napoleon's Bonus CP: Whenever France uses this +2 CP bonus, the leader, Napoleon, gets a corresponding additional+2 CP bonus for moving/occupyinh Important Restrictions: A) Special Powers can never be played for bonus CP. example pm if I were to use that card..lets say as Russia for a simple move
example of a much more complex french first turn
You will get a new set of cards at start of new turn, based on key duchies/2 =cards rounded down Turn 1: 1805-1806 Turn 2: 1806-1807 Turn 3: 1808-1810 Turn 4: 1811-1812 Turn 5: 1813-1814 Turn 6: 1815-1816 Winning the Game All nations are in competition with each other. The coalition is only united against France because it is becoming dangerously powerful and a threat to them. This may change. VICTORY POINTS (VP) are updated every turn to compare power Victory Points = (# net captured Key Duchies) + (.2 point per captured regular duchy) + (Glory Points) + (Pacts with Minors) specials: Prussia and Austria get 2x victory points for captured Key duchies for every major power in imperial camp, france gets -1 victory point, and that major power gets -2 victory points (france loses glory if reliant on an ally and any monarchy is shameful for allying with this upstart) Note Occupying regular key duchies(the ones with the black border) count towards victory points, but occupied home key duchies (ones with no black) border do not, the only way those count is from a treaty. Exception: Occupying an enemy capital counts as a key even without a treaty Peace in Europe Roll The game has a chance of ending at the end of every turn, Europe being tired of war and accepting the new supremacy of the most dominant power. A dice is rolled, if 6 or higher the game ends this way. However... Major Powers may influence Peace die roll by +1 or -1 by sacrificing a card from their next dealt hand Automatic Game End Game ends at the end of Turn 5 (Turn 6 if Napoleon Abdicates) or any Turn in which either Britain or Russia has been conquered and France has 7 or more Victory points. Victory is always determined by points as regardless of the condition that causes the game to end. Glory Points To simulate the effects of great actions on the outcome of the war Glory is a part of it. Glory points not spent contribute to victory calculation. But if you are desperate you can cash in 1 glory point a round for a random new card. Ways to gain Glory a) Routing an enemy army, then successfully rolling a dice lower than the enemy generals battle rating b) Conquering Nations c) You get more cards than your maximum hand size (lots of duchies) ![]() Land Movement (fyi for clarification here: Division is the single army unit, Army means units commanded by a general, and Army Group is multiple armies with generals commanded by one general Forming a multinational Army Group requires their consent) Divisions (up to 2 at once) cost 1 Cp to move 1 space Armies (led by Generals) cost 1 cp to move 1 space Army Groups cost 1 CP per general with troops under his command rating in their stack to move 1 space Leaders (alone) can move for free up to 4 spaces friendly instantly, then 1 cp for every space after that up to 8 spaces. If general is too far away, for 1 cp he can be brought back to a home duchy. However, an Army may move and attack with only as many Units/leaders as its leader's Command Rating allows. Movment ending Entering into a duchy that has enemy army immediately stops your movement for battle unless they withdraw. Further movement by that army is not allowed without an Overrun (complete destruction of enemy). However, a surviving victorious Army may possibly occupy with any remaining CPs as this requires no actual movement. Multinational Army Land Movement If two allies want they can combine into a big army group. Command alternates based on whose turn it is and they can spend cp to move the allies under their command Interception If an enemy army is moving past an army (which hasn't fought this round or failed an interception) in an adjacent duchy (and if no enemy Formation already occupies that Adjacent Duchy), you can get the chance to intercept, once per round per general. In this way, armies control areas around them, and can support each other in defense. INTERCEPT MODIFIERS: The dice roll is modified by: +1 if intercepting into a Friendly Duchy -1 if intercepting from an Uncontrolled Duchy +? the Battle Rating of the intercepting Commander -1 if the interception crosses marsh, pass or strait -1 if your Formation is an Army Group or Multinational Army +1 if intercepting an enemy multinational Army or enemy multinational Army Group. Success: 2D6 + (Commander BR) + (Mods) >= 9. Withdrawal If an army is attacked it can withdraw to anywhere but • to a Duchy from which the enemy entered the battle, • out to sea (unless attacking from the sea), • to an unbesieged enemy Fortress, • to a Duchy containing an enemy Formation, • across a strait, if an enemy Fleet is in that Zone or Port. Withdrawal succeeds on a two-dice roll greater than or equal to "9" which is modified by: +1 if evading into a Friendly Duchy -1 if evading from an Uncontrolled Duchy +? the Battle Rating of an evading Commander -1 if the evasion crosses marsh, pass or strait -1 if your Formation is an Army Group or Multinational Army +1 if a Leader is alone Success: 2D6 + (Commander BR) + (Mods) >= 9. If the modified dice roll is less than "9", evasion fails; the evader does not move, forfeits any terrain dice and the enemy army gains an extra Battle die in the first Round of battle. PURSUIT: Given sufficient CPs, the Attacking army may pursue a withdrawing Formation into an Adjacent Duchy or move in a different direction. Should it enter the Duchy of an withdrawing Formation, that withdrawing Formation may again attempt withdrawal. Retreat Losing armies retreat to a friendly duchy. If no friendly duchy is nearby, then they retreat to an unoccupied duchy with attrition. If there is no place to retreat to, they all die ATTRITION Certain things trigger Attrition requiring a die roll for each applicable Division, one division is lost for each "6" rolled Forces suffer attrition when: 1) Cross mountain pass or marsh 2) Entering an Enemy Duchy from an Uncontrolled Duchy causes Attrition 3) Force March (moving an army more than four Duchies in a round); 4) Bad retreats into an enemy duchy 5) Armies who end all card plays in an unfriendly duchy Attrition = roll 1D6 for each Division, with 6's being a kill (French Attrition losses are Halved unless in a Russian, Spanish or Turkish Home Duch) ![]() Land Combat Battle is fairly simple: Each side roll a number of dice, 6s are kills, 5s are disrupts +1 per undisrupted Division and Generals (except the Commander) +dice for Nationality bonus (+2 for French, +1 for majors, +0 for rest) +dice the Commander's Battle Rating +dice for any defender's terrain bonus (only counts in first round) +1 per failed enemy evasion attempt (only counts in first round) +1 dice vs turks If all Units/leaders on one side are eliminated by kills and the other is not, it loses the battle. Otherwise, total the kill and disrupt casualties of each side. The one with the most casualties loses and retreats. If equal, both sides fight a second Round with any remaining undisrupted Formations. If still tied after two Rounds, the attacker retreats. Battles never exceed two Rounds. If you inflicts 3 or more casualties than the foe does in a round, it's a ROUT which means that all of the disrupted units are all killed. The victor rolls a die. If the die roll is less than or equal to the Battle Rating of the routed Commander the victor gains 1 Glory. Sieges Forts make occupying the duchy impossible until its taken. Once per round an army camping outside it may roll to assault instead of moving. The Fort cannons and garrison roll 2 dice of damage. Your army must get at least two 6s to successfully take the fort. If, however you roll one "6" and the fort does no damage to your army then you will get a chance to roll again in that same round. Gibralter is special and rolls 4 and needs 4 6s to take Defenders (up to 4 divisions) can remain inside the fortress, once it falls may fight a regular battle. If the fortress falls it is damaged for 1 round afterwards. Terrain Defending from a rough terrain (brown line) gives +1 dice in the first round Defending from a pass (brown dotted line) gives +2 dice in the first round Defending from a marsh (blue dotted line) gives +3 dice in the first round STRAITs: Armies may cross a strait (blue line) only if no enemy Fleet is in that Zone or Port. If the entered Duchy is enemy Controlled, it defends as per Amphibious Assault rules ![]() NAVAL MOVEMENT Fleets (a collection of Squadrons) move by paying Maneuvers. Each CP buys two Maneuvers. -1 Maneuver = From a Port to its Sea Zone - or vice versa -1 Maneuver = From Sea Zone to another Sea Zone -1 Maneuver to Patrol a sea zone and try and engage the enemy fleet (can try as many times as necessary) -1 extra Maneuver cost for every other nationality in your fleet (Grand Fleets) Fleets may move through other Fleets (enemy, allied, or neutral),or co-exist with them in the same Zone. If more than one Fleet occupies a Zone each individual Fleet can be successively intercepted by an Active Fleet's Patrols at a cost of one Maneuver apiece and fought separately, ignoring the presence of other Fleets in the same Zone. Intercepted Fleets may attempt to evade for free by making a modified two-dice roll greater than or equal to "9". Downside is that if evasion fails enemy fleet gets an extra die in the battle. Resolve Patrol/evasion attempts by rolling two dice which must be greater than or equal to 9 whose total is modified by: +2 if the acting Fleet is more than 50% British +1 if the acting Fleet is more than 50% French/Danish/Swedish +1 vs Fleets leaving a Blockaded Port Ports Fleets in Ports cannot intercept or evade. (the exception is Constantinople, Copenhagen, and Gibralter which intercept 100% chance) Blockade A Fleet in Control of a Zone Blockades all Ports in that Zone FORTIFIED STRAITS (Copenhagen, Constantinople) A Fleet crossing these Straits must undergo fire from shore batteries of any enemy Fortress connected to that strait. Fleets in Fortress strait Ports may automatically intercept Fleets attempting to cross their strait after any shore battery fire. GIBRALTAR A fleet crossing these straits does not undergo shore fire since the strait is too wide. However, Fleets docked in Gibraltar get +2 to interception and Gibraltar is a super strong fort to assault by land rolling 4 dice to make up for this. ![]() NAVAL BATTLES British Squadrons roll 3 die ea French, Danish, or Swedish roll 2 die ea Russian, Turkish, or Spanish roll 1 die ea +1 die if the opposing Fleet fails an evasion attempt (only in the first round of battle) +2 dice if you are in a friendly port +4 dice if you are in a fortress port For every 6 that is rolled a squadron is sunk If 5, squadron is damaged and rolls 1 less next round REPAIRS Ships can be damaged in battles rather than sunk, they need to return to a friendly port and repair. It costs 1 cp and takes a round. PORT NAVAL BATTLES Fleets entering an enemy Port receive fire from shore batteries before naval combat. The Port rolls 2d6 (4d6 if fortress) losses. Surviving Squadrons then engage in a battle with any Squadrons in that plus ANOTHER Round of fire from the shore batteries. (enjoy) TRANSPORTING LAND ARMIES ACROSS SEA CP cost for naval transport is 1 cp for every sea zone line crossed, and it costs 1 cp to enter or leave a port. (EXAMPLE: Wales to Lisbon costs 4 cps) Naval Transports may not enter a Zone or Port where enemies have an equal or superior fleet (1 british squadron is as good as 3 spanish for example), or cross a Strait held by an enemy Fortress. Navally transported units may not combine sea with land movement - they must begin and end their Round in a Port Limits: Britain and France may transport an army of 6+ units, at maximum, 1 sea zone away. For example Wellington can can travel from Sussex port in the Channel to the Bay of Biscay and land in Galicia and that's it. An army 5 or less can travel unlimited distance to another port. Any other Nation may transport an army 5 or less Units/leaders, 1 sea zone away. An army 1 division can travel unlimited distance to another port. AMPHIBIOUS ASSAULT Troops in naval transports may assault an enemy Port only if they (or an ally) Control that Sea Zone. Navally transported units may not combine sea with land movement - they must begin and end their Round in a Port Assaulting Divisions receive 2d6 of shore battery Fire, or 4d6 if a fort. Surviving Divisions are placed in that Port. If enemy Divisions is present, and does not evade, a battle will occur An Army Adjacent to that Port can intercept an Amphibious Assault. If forced to retreat, the landing Formations suffer Attrition and go to any friendly Port in any Zone. NOTE: A Port containing an enemy Fleet cannot be Amphibiously Assaulted until the Fleet has been eliminated ![]() CONQUEST There is two types of conquest, conditional and unconditional. The advantage of conquest is you get +1 Glory, your borders expand officially and the defeated player is knocked out of the game for a turn.If a Minor Power is conquered, it becomes Unaligned and cannot be diplomatically courted for a Turn. Absolute Unconditional Surrender (against major powers only) The most final way to conquer a country is to take its capital and all its key duchies. This means the enemy is utterly conquered, you may then take 3 key duchies and 4 non-key duchies as terms of treaty, they must be bordering, and preferably not their home duchies Regular Unconditional Surrender (Conquest Roll, may do ONCE per turn at end of round) If you can't take all their key duchies you can at least take their capital and as many key duchies (capital counts as well) as you can then do a conquest roll once a turn Conquest die roll greater than or equal to "6" means they surrender unconditionally The Conquest die roll is modified as follows: Prussia, Austria, Britain, Russia*: - 1 France, Spain, Ottoman Turks: - 2 Sweden +2 Denmark: + 3 +1 for each Key Duchy Lost *Conquest of Russia requires both Capitals JOINT CONQUEST: Should the terms of conquest be jointly accomplished by several nations, only the one Controlling the Capital is the conqueror and gets first pick. He cannot claim any duchies occupied by allied powers however (without their consent) EFFECTS OF CONQUEST: The conqueror (and its Allies) removes all of its occupation in the fallen nation's Home Duchies. Roll a dice and take that many duchies from them in adddition to non-home duchies you already occupy, if you border the country they must be bordering, and preferably not their home duchies. Max half of what you take can be key duchies. There is a mandatory 1 turn peace, hereafter the defeated nation is known as a subject neutral. They also give military access to the Conqueror and his camp. All military forces of the defeated nation outside its borders are scattered and can be re-bought for 1 cp each, all occupations of enemy camps lands ar removed. Conquering forces return to the nearest friendly duchy for free, allies of the loser withdraw at cost. in order of priority what must be taken 1)bordering associate duchies 2)bordering home duchies/non-bordering associate duchies 3)non-bordering home duchies Conditional Surrender Players may surrender on any terms they like as long as the conqueror agrees and at least one of the following conditions exist: 1)Enemy outnumbers you inside your borders 2)Enemies owns your capital Regardless of terms, the loser loses all their glory and the conqueror gains +1 glory HOW I RESOLVE MOVEMENT This is how I resolve movements when they have been pmed to me. First I will move the French armies 1 space, then the British armies, etc down the line until Denmark then move them again until all movements are resolved. This is the best way to simulate simultaneous movement and to avoid slow turn-based order gameplay for a forum game. Sea Movement (happens before land) Sea movement order is the same except Britain moves first instead and France second Land Movement: France>Britain>Austria>Russia>Prussia>Turkey>Spain>Sweden>Denmark MAP Square = Key Duchy Round = Regular Duchy Pentagon = Fortress Duchies without dark border = Home/Core Duchies Green Line = normal route Brown Line = Rough terrain Dotted Brown Line = Mountain Pass Dotted Blue Line = Marsh Blue Line = Strait Crossing ![]() DIPLOMACY DIPLOMACY TOWARDS MINOR POWERS (not allowed in first round of game) Any Major power may send diplomats to push an unaligned power into a Pact with them although it can be a rather expensive process. All minors start the game already fairly deep into the French or British side, except the Ottomans. Once a pact is reached, diplomats no longer have any effect. Unaligned >(spend 2 cps)<Cordial>(spend 2 cps) <Cooperative>(spend 4 cps)<Partner>(spend 5 cps)>Pact HOWEVER you can also send diplomats to reverse their relations. For example pulling the Danes out of their partnership with the French would cost 4 cps and make them only cooperative with the French ALSO, minor powers can try to push their own diplomatic track by spending their cps, although with very few cps at their disposal, this can be an almost hopeless endeavor.... This is something you must post openly in the forum thread and try to include some RP. DIPLOMATIC CAMPS There are two sides to the war which players are in either IMPERIAL or COALITION Nations of the same Camp are loosely allied, but may play events that hinder each other. Nations (except France and UK) may switch Camps at any time but ONLY if everyone in the camp they are trying to join approves. They don't all have to be at war with everyone in the opposing camp, but they must honor defensive alliances. France may expel nations from its camp and they become neutral Camp benefits include: •1. multinational Army Groups and Grand Fleets •2. Friendly allied Duchies for movement and Attrition •3. Turkish War events cannot strike a Camp while the Ottoman Turks are a Client of that Camp. Coalition - COALITION- Allied to Coalition and at war with Imperials Neutral (Coalition) - Allied to Imperials but not at war with any coalition, offer military access, Imperials may DoW on you for free Neutral - No allies nor enemies, only way to become this is after subject neutral time expires. If attacked, you are alone unless a camp lets you in Subject Neutral - Forbidden declare war on anyone without permission of their master, if attacked by the other camp while a subject neutral, automatically joins their masters camp Neutral (Imperial) - Allied to Imperials but not at war with any coalition, offer military access, Coalition may DoW on you for free. IMPERIAL-- Allied to Imperials and at war with Coalition DECLARATION OF WAR/CHANGING CAMPS A Major Power (and its Pact Allies) who is not a subject neutral, may attack another nation only by a Declaration of War. A Declaration is made during the Interphase or a Round. However, a nation cannot declare against its own Pact Allies. An Interphase Declaration against any nation is free (i.e., costs 0 CPs). An mid-turn declaration against a Power costs 7 CPs. Exception to this is a power that is exiting from being a Subject Neutral If a fellow Camp member is attacked, each member must honor the military alliance. A Declaration of War can be used to change Camps only with the permission of all players in the Camp to be entered. Declaration against a Neutral Client of an Ally requires that the would-be declarer switch Camps. Example: Russia, a member of the Coalition, wishes to attack Sweden, a Neutral Client of Britain. Russia has two options: She may either "buy down" the Swedish Relation with UK and then declare war without switching Camps or any additional CP costs. Or, Russia may obtain permission to switch to the Imperial Camp and pay 7 CPs. If Russia first "buys down" Sweden to Unaligned status, Sweden becomes allied with the strongest Major Power opposing the invader. OTHER GAME FEATURES General Traits List All rules are for the officer in independent command unless otherwise stated or the officer in question dies in battle. In parenthesis is first their (battle rating/command rating) Remember you can recruit any of these generals, cost is command rating in Cps and they have to be in home duchies. Generals are the last to be hit in an army, 1-4 they are wounded (must be rebought), 5-6 die. French Napoleon(4/8): Inflicts 1 additional kill in the first round of battle. +1 to intercept rolls. Cannot be killed. Davout(3/6): Whether in command or subordinate, ignore 1 disrupt per battle. Soult(3/6): When acting as a subordinate, gives you 2 battle dice instead of 1. Massena(2/6): Whether in command or subordinate, add a +1 to the attempt to gain a glory after a rout. Remove from play on turn 5. Lannes(2/6): BR: 3 if he survives to turn 4. Ney(1/4): Whether in command or subordinate, ignore 1 disrupt per battle. Victor(1/4): BR: 2 when defending. Eugene(1/4): During the reinforcement interphase you can build 1 unit under him for free if he is in Italy. Marmont(1/4): BR 2 when attacking. Pontiatowski(1/4): During the reinforcement interphase you can build 1 unit under him for free if he is in Warsaw. British Wellington(3/6): BR:4 when defending. Cause an additional kill in the second round of battle. -1 to evade rolls. Moore(2/4): +1 to evade rolls. Hill(1/4): When acting as a subordinate, he gives you 2 battle dice instead of 1. Beresford(1/4): Whether in command or subordinate, ignore 1 attrition roll that resulted in a kill. Austrian Charles(3/6): +1 to evade and intercept rolls. Remove from play if he loses a battle to Napoleon. Ferdinand(1/4): None Radetz(1/4): When acting as a subordinate, gives you 2 battle dice instead of 1. Schwarzenberg(2/6): He cannot force march. CR: 8 on turn 4. Russian Kutuzov(3/6): BR: 2 when fighting Napoleon. +1 to evade rolls. Remove from play Turn 5 Bagration(2/6): When acting as a subordinate, he gives you 2 battle dice instead of 1. Cannot subordinate to Barclay. Barclay(1/4): BR: 2 when defending. +1 to evade rolls. Bennigsen(1/4): BR: 4 for one battle once per game. Konstantin(1/4): BR: 0 in independent command. Wittgenstein(2/4): BR 1 when fighting anyone except for Napoleon. Tormassov(1/4): Remove from play on turn 5. Prussian Brunswick(1/4): BR: 2 when fighting anyone except the French. Cannot be a subordinate until defeated. Remove from play on turn 5. Yorck(1/4):When acting as a subordinate, he gives you 2 battle dice instead of 1. Kleist(1/4): None Bulow(2/4): Enters play on turn 4. When acting as a subordinate, he gives you 2 battle dice instead of 1. Blucher(2/6): Cannot be in independent command until after a Prussian defeat involving losses of 3 or more kills. +1 to intercept rolls. During the reinforcement interphase you can build 1 unit under him for free if he is in a Prussian home duchy. Turkish Yusuf(1/4): None Ali Pasha(1/4): Cannot operate outside of Turkey's European holdings. Free reinforcement during interphase Mustafa (1/4): Can never be a subordinate nor part of a multinational force that he does not command. If he is killed, replace him for free on the next reinforcement interphase. Spanish Castanos(1/4): During the reinforcement interphase you can build 1 unit under him for free if he is in a Spanish home duchy. +1 to evade rolls. Blake(1/4): +1 to evade rolls. Swedish Gustavus(1/4): If he dies in battle Sweden becomes an unaligned neutral and Bernadotte replaces him. Stedingk(1/4): BR: 2 when defending. Bernadotte(2/4): Place under Napoleon at Atrois. He is BR: 1 CR: 4 in French service until the card Crown Prince Bernadotte is played, at which time he is removed. Cannot be killed in French service. If he dies in battle Sweden becomes an unaligned neutral. He cannot force march, whether French or Swedish. Danish Frederik (1/4)Not available until Turn 2, BR 2 when defending Denmark. If he dies in battle Denmark becomes an unaligned neutral Carl (1/4) None GUERRE DE COURSE Effects: Any French Squadron in either the West or East Indies prevents play of Britain's Admiralty Special Power. For each French Squadron in an Indies zone in the Interphase, Britain loses one card from its coming Hand, but Britain's coming Hand is never reduced below its Minimum Hand. Once Britain has a Minimum Hand coming to it, Britain loses 1 Glory (if available) for each still unsatisfied card loss requirement due to French Squadrons in the Indies zones. French Movement to the Indies Boxes. France can move up to two unblockaded Squadrons to the Indies boxes only by play of Guerre de Course. A maximum of one French Squadron can go to Each Indies per play of it. British Pursuit to the Indies Boxes. When a French Squadron enters the Indies, Britain may immediately follow them into the same Indies Box for 0 CPs with as many unblockaded British Squadrons (in Port or not) as Britain wishes. Britain must immediately discard a Card (if it has one) if it fails immediately to match with at least one British Squadron a French Squadron sends to the Indies. Patrol and Battle in an Indies Zone. Each British Squadron in an Indies zone may pay 1 Maneuver per Round in each Indies zone to Patrol. Each British Squadron in an Indies zone rolls separately to Patrol. If a Patrol is successful, and if the French Squadron does not Evade or fails to Evade, the British Squadron immediately fights a Naval battle, 1 Squadron v. 1 Squadron, against the French Squadron there. If the first British Squadron fails to defeat the French Squadron, then the second British Squadron may pay 1 Maneuver (in the same Impulse) to Patrol. If the second British Squadron fails to defeat the French Squadron, a third British Squadron may pay 1 Maneuver (in the same Impulse) to Patrol, etc. The winner of each battle (and any companion British Squadron(s) in the same Indies zone) may stay in its Indies zone or return to a british port for 1 cp. Ile Martinique in the West Indies and Ile Bonaparte in the East Indies: As long as they remain French controlled France adds +2 to its Evasion dice rolls in the Indies. To take either Ile Martinique or Ile Bonaparte, Britain must pay 1-2 CP and move 1 or 2 Units/leaders and must have support of 1 squadrons per unit/leader there. Britain must have Naval Superiority in the Indies as well obviously. Then, during each round, Britain may roll to besiege the Island, as if it were a 1-strength Fortress (it rolls 1 die in defense). CONTINENTAL SYSTEM Immediately delays admiralty play if played in the same round Napoleon creates the Continental system to stifle trade, every key duchy port in Europe (ignoring Constantinople and Sevastopol) is to be shut to British trade. Effects Immediately upon Napoleon implementing the system, a check is done, (later it is done in Interphases): 7 or more key ports open = system failing France loses -1 random card 5-6 or more key ports open = no effect 4 open key ports =admiralty requires control of 8 sea zones 3 open key ports= france gains 1 card, admiralty disabled 1-2 open key ports = France steals 1 british card, admiralty disabled 0 ports open = uk capitulates to France France can demolish the system after implementing it by paying 6 cps or 1 glory
26.02.2018 - 07:47
The modernised Russian army marches, the men are ready and eager to face the French under Kutuzov. The leadership expects a swift victory. ![]() ![]()
27.02.2018 - 14:02
Clashes in the Caucasus have led to tensions between the Ottoman and Russian empire. Within both, liberal factions have arisen that seek to overthrow both empires legitimate rulers. After meeting with the Russian ambassador, the Great Sultan has called for a state dinner to see how these two great empires, ruled by God's representatives on Earth, can better improve their links between these two Abrahamic states. Spend 2 Cps on moving closer to Russia
---- Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
27.02.2018 - 17:01
Honoured by the state dinner organised by the Ottoman Sultan, the Russian Czar brings with him many gifts. (spend 2cp on diplomacy to Ottomans) Most important of these an ancient Crimean rock known to be blessed by Allah. The state dinner is a huge success and many things of note are discussed. -St Athos shall be opened for christians to visit. -demilitarisation of the borders. -stopping of funding of insurgents. -official recognition of the Ottoman capital, Constantinople.
28.02.2018 - 14:52
Battles Falls 1805 Hoping to evade the British blockade of Ferrol, the spanish northen fleet tried breaking away under the cover of moonlight but the poorly trained spanish sailors could not pull off this difficult manuever and one ship even crashed into the shoals. Much time was spent pulling it off the reef. British frigates spotted this rescuse effort and sent word to the squadron in Portugal, which raced northwards and found the spanish struggling westwards with the winds against them. The first shots were at distance, no losses to either side but as the british closed devestating broadside destroyed the Spanish flagship and sunk the leading formations ending it as a fleet entirely. ![]() note: something like this was attempted irl but in reverse, the cadiz fleet tried to sail north and unite with the spanish one to form into something somewhat dangerous however it was beaten Without reinforcements, Villeneuve and Gravina still had orders to attack the British Fleet. Despite the numeric superiority, only the french fleet was credible. The British Fleet was not hard to find, and wanted to be found. Nelson engaged, perhaps to aggressively as he lost his lead ships to french broadsides but broke the franco-spanish formation. Villenueve ordered a withdrawl as soon as the battle began to turn and saved his fleet but it would need many repairs to recover. The Admiralty in England is somewhat pleased with the results, but the victory was costly. ![]() In a daring move, Charles conscripted the venetian fleet to transport his army to Apulia. Upon landing, he sought for word of Neapolitan allies but none were found. Displeased but now committed to his course of action, Charles marched his large army across the southern Apennine range in the october cold. Forage was difficult and the cold was beginnign to set in. A division was lost to hunger and exhaustion but the risk was worth it as the French were caught completely by surprise. Masséna tried to hold the Austrians at Montesarchio (an ancient battle site of Caudium where the romans were crushed by the Samnites) but lost the heights to Charles whose artillery devestated his lines. Encircled by superior numbers Masséna brokeout with as many men as he could and was wounded in the process. The vast majority of the franco-tuscan army surrendered and are made prisoners. ![]()
01.03.2018 - 15:25
Battles Winter 1805 It was well known to the coalition that France only had a skeleton defense force. Archduke Charles proposed the daring plan to take Paris in an amphibious landing on Marseilles, march up the Rhone Valley and on towards the capital. The British supported this attack with their own squadron while Ferdinand of Naples had really no choice but to lend his support to the Empires his crown was indebted to. The attack began with the british Mediterranean fleet sailing under the Marseilles harbor guns. This was such a surprise the fort only fired late and inflicted few losses. The french fleet rallied to attention and a fierce fight of both sides eventually saw the french defeated but the british unable to withdraw, as the harbor fort blasted them to splinters. In this chaos the austro-italian army landed, losing numerous hundreds of troops on the beaches, to be met with a determined french division protecting Marseilles who were only driven back as overwhelming coalition troops landed. Marseilles was occupied, and marching north to Lyon another sharp battle was fought with grave losses against the coalition, however the french regular army in the south was finally beaten. But on the way, local french forces harassed the coalition army with rifles behind trees. Every day thousands of men also deserted or were killed when they tried to take food from the locals in the midst of winter. Not much farther north of Lyon the offensive failed completely, now much too weak to take Paris... ![]()
02.03.2018 - 08:09
With both nations exhausted from the continued fighting, which had resulted, for the most part, to a catastrophic defeat for the Habsburg realms, the Emperors of the two European powers met near the military frontline, in Moravia, to discuss peace terms. After the previous French offer had been rudely drawn back, Emperor Napoleon presented an updated version of the previous treaty, in which the promised territories are ceded to the French vassal states while the Austrians offer military access to the French Empire in their continuing war against Russia. In return, the leftover Austrian troops from the Rhone are to return to Central Europe. The two Emperors departed the scene of negotiations with heads held high, both believing this to be a diplomatic success for their nations.
---- Someone Better Than You
02.03.2018 - 08:53
As the austrians surrender to the frenchies the mighty prussian leader, King Frederick William III declares himself loyal to napoleon and to france, he promises to serve the prussians glorious in the upcoming war against the russians
---- ![]() ![]() ![]() >playing atwar: ![]() Furthermore, I consider that NWE must be destroyed
02.03.2018 - 20:14
The Swedish people have long been friends and close trading partners of The United Kingdom. With war and treachery looming, the peoples of both countries feel it is time for solidarity. They have expressed a desire to enter a formal alliance to defend against threats to the peace.
03.03.2018 - 11:40
1806 June 21st.Christiansborg Palace ![]() The French Diplomat Talleyrand and the king of Denmark Christian VII. They meet at Copenhagen the Danish capital there they discussed a treaty which whould make Denmark join France in its struggle against the British and the Swedes, further terms were discussed on financial and military assistence to Denmark.The meeting was sucssesfull with both parties aggreing on mutually beneficial terms.
03.03.2018 - 12:45
Battles Summer 1806 Needing to gain a good front for the coalition, Wellington was ordered to invade and overthrow the pro-french Spanish kingdom. The war began well at first, the poorly motivated and equipped spanish army was beaten back near Badajoz by the smaller Anglo-Portuguese army. ![]() The siege of Badajoz itself however was another matter entirely and after 3 months of bombardment and bloody assaults refuses to surrender, stalling the invasion and giving time for the Imperial forces to react... ![]()
03.03.2018 - 13:59
1.France -Recruit Massena and Ney in Paris with 4 divisions -Soult leaves 2 divs in Marsilles and moves to Paris where he picks up 3 divs and then joins the Grandee Armee 2.Spain -Recruit Blake in Madrid (EDIT:Forgot to add up Blake picks up divs in Granada and Galicia) 3.Denmark -Recruit 1 div in Kopenhagen Honor the Alliance
03.03.2018 - 14:09
Yosuf with wallachia + bucharest + izmail + poti divisions into Berlin (interphase unlimited free movement). Yusuf flies on winged horse back to Sofia ali pasha free reinf power, build 1 division in sofia 4cp from interphase - build 1 division in sofia build 1 division in bosnia
---- Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
03.03.2018 - 15:06 Move Gustav to straslund and pick up that division. Return to svealand. Recruit 1 division in lund
---- ![]()
03.03.2018 - 16:04
Kutuzov with 6 divisions to Berlin (St. Petersburg division, Sevastopol division, Rostov division, Pinsk 2 divisions, and one from the army he is currently in)(free interphase). Recruit 2 divisions in Borodino. Hire Wittgenstein in Borodino to serve the Russian Empire.
03.03.2018 - 16:17
Send blucher with 4 divisions to warsaw , take 2 divisions from there, +the 4 he alredy had, and send them all to berlin, build 4 divisions in berlin +1 free division from blucher ability join the coal, empi and trsid agreed to let me in, but please confirm, reclaim my duchies from the swedens
---- ![]() ![]() ![]() >playing atwar: ![]() Furthermore, I consider that NWE must be destroyed
03.03.2018 - 16:31
Fuck no. I was not consulted. They considered me irrelevent so no deal. I want my 2 cards. You want my land. You deal with me
---- ![]()
03.03.2018 - 16:33
Agree to deal, we play admiralty to placate Sweden and offer all Denmark to it.
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