09.12.2014 - 14:59
>nice no Kuwait in top 10 5k starter.... LAME.
JFreder Konto skasowane |
10.12.2014 - 00:17 JFreder Konto skasowane
10.12.2014 - 01:01
Overall nice thread But sorry to disappoint you b0nker2 but i can't admit i am a troll because i am not every one who actually know me since 2012 know that usually i don't care what others think about me but in this thread many new players receive the wrong preceptions about me so here i will tell you what really happened and why i have the troll stigma I always followed my own etiquette that says "treat me in some way and i will show the same attitude" for which i got plenty mutes back then that already gave me a bad image Also I didn't knew chatting in room chat and telling jokes is considered trolling or debating about football and politic is muteable after a while i came to conclusion that having fun in social way is not premited in atwar public chats Then the moment most of you remember me for. My first permanent ban in the beginning of 2012 where i reached the top of trouble players It all began when someone and his clan that i had a beef with decided to falsely report me to a mod who wasn't tolerate towards me who immediately muted me from all chats for a long time without verifying if the report was actually true. Out of rage i came back with guest and said "ban me" i didn't mean it, which he did with joy ![]() Since then i started to get banned every time i wanted to check the game and it escalated to ip bans For the reason of being hdrakon nothing else. Then i realized the promises some mods gave me were nothing but empty promises so i started to spam "unban me" and carried away at the end with "... strong" ![]() Shortly later they stopped. Funny thing is ofcourse no one other than the player who falsely reported, his clan members and the mod who banned me know it was all because of a fake report. The mod even apologized to me in less than a year after he found out it was really a fake report... I have to mention i didn't get ban over different stuff just repeated ban for the same thing on every new account i made I can't fully blame the other mods they just backed their friend decision @laochra No. The "hdrakon legacy" was way before you registered. Because of the troll stigma I received out of proportional punishments for minor offences while others would have walked away with laughter or merely warnings. You came when i was out of proportionally banned for a year (was originally permanent ban that was converted to a year ban) for calling a mod noob after being fade up with his misuse against me that lasted for a long time because of my supposed "big history" that he used as a card to abuse me. There are some mods that know about this very well and that it lasted for a long period of time. Ofcourse the "hacking" rumors is just laughable And again only few people know what really happened
10.12.2014 - 02:09
Nice story xaxa ![]()
10.12.2014 - 02:10
Mr own u stop making yourself look ridiculous. You imply i was that person who ddos atWar in the summer of last year and demanded to get mod? Let me inform your loose brain that after amok talked with the GUY who actually did it. He settled to give him supporter status In return the guy stopped Then they got ddos protection and likely banned the guy and took away his supporter. The blind hatred you have got the stupidity out of you ![]() You can keep thinking it was me though and assume all the bad things that happened in atWar revolve around me. If it make you feel better
10.12.2014 - 03:04
I wouldn't take the list so seriously, in fact I would embrace the opinion of how I perceived you to be, for in fact 'hdrakon strong' became a thing of entertainment for myself. As for new players reading this list and coming to bad conclusions about you I think that is not giving them enough credit, if someone is swayed enough by someone else's opinion not to be able to make their own judgement, then really their opinion should not matter. A lot of people would have loved this 'accolade'. Also I did ask in previous post for 'no flaming' shame some people cannot restrain themselves in that regard.
10.12.2014 - 03:07
I deleted my post out of respect of bonkers board. Now you go off topic. Btw your incident was before my time, 2 mods told me though. Also the guy who ddosed this site was SaW. End it here so I don't have to expose you more, also not to go off topic on bonks thread.
---- It's not the end. ![]()
10.12.2014 - 04:21
I know this thread purpose is for entertainment, and that's cool. ![]() But when it involve me with incorrect information Then i think i have the slightest privilege to say something regarding it even if it was just your opinion Again good thread i have nothing against it ![]() And MOU if you have anything to "expose" about me And if you're so worried about offtopic comments in this thread maybe instead of spamming this thread with your nonsense then telling others not to do what you did Feel free to create your own new thread with your conspiracy theories ![]()
10.12.2014 - 04:33
Bunch off wannabe grown-up teenagers talking here. Such a waste of life to discus about this.
10.12.2014 - 04:50
It is not incorrect information, you did cause a lot of trouble. Troll or trouble maker, there's no denying you were one or the other hdrakon. b0nk is completely justified in listing you there. I'd still list Fruit higher since his trolling was fun and hilarious though, rather than purely destructive. You're also missing good old Vafika on that troll list. I think someone else mentioned best avatars? Maybe that or best headers, maybe signatures too since everything is subjective on the list and not supposed to be about numbers.
10.12.2014 - 04:53
Of course you do, and I am glad you have. Just understand my meaning of the word 'troll' comes with positive connotations (in a warped way), my information is not incorrect though - I came to my own viewpoint in what I saw back then and not from what others saw, as I said in the post though my viewpoint of you in recent times has totally changed.
10.12.2014 - 04:54
And you still wonder why you on troll list......
10.12.2014 - 04:55
xaxa, forgot desu either, talking about avril lavigne
10.12.2014 - 04:56
I was just joking lel. I find it an compliment that I am in a list between those cool people.
10.12.2014 - 04:56
Although I heard about Vafika, I never saw it first hand, was slightly before my time. All of the lists are completely from my time here. Yes I will do best signatures and avatars, but my memory is shocking so will probably be those that are up right now.
10.12.2014 - 04:59
My avatar is best one <3.
10.12.2014 - 05:32 I didn't say i was completely innocent ![]() I only denied being a troll and stated i was more of a trouble player because i reacted according to attitude i received Instead of ignoring. You know ;/ Now i don't even bother to respond anymore ignore button works better And yeah i agree with you about the troll list In my troll list i would rate fruit higher because he's the master of trolls in atWar with his great sense of humor and add vafika, pulse, vasilisk, vaglneer, hawk and few others into the top troll list ![]()
10.12.2014 - 12:44
turum turum turum turututtutum! Good evening ladies and gentlemen.I am here in front of you, on this rainy day, to announce you, a unique list! It is the list for : " At war's top ten MOD HUNTERS!" ( meaning : psychologically unstable individuals, who target specific mods and hunt them down, in an effort to discredit them and de-mode them, or simply make them unable to enjoy the game, usually leading to less activity, by means of constant harassment and public slandering. 1. Mr_Own_U 2. - 3. - 4. - 5. - 6. - 7. - 8. - 9. - 10. - Gratz Mou, for finally being 1st at something, other than douchebagery ![]() As for the rest of the spots, they are still empty.I guess you are the only one so far, that shows us every day, the zeal and dedication it takes, to compete in this category.Enjoy your time in the spot light bro, you deserve it ![]()
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10.12.2014 - 13:49
Vafika #1 ![]()
---- "In atWar you either die a hero or live long enough to ally fag and gang bang some poor bastards." ~Goblin "In this game, everyone is hated." ~Xenosapien
10.12.2014 - 17:02
Agree all hail mighty JF ![]()
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10.12.2014 - 17:33
Tunder3 is not in the list of trolls, finally somebody that can tell the difference between a troll and a charismatic person.
11.12.2014 - 02:22
Bitch please, I demoted Tzeentch. Mod did none, spart was inactive as fook and acq was depressed. I should be #1 :$?
11.12.2014 - 02:41
Rankist Sharck Konto skasowane |
11.12.2014 - 03:15 Rankist Sharck Konto skasowane
>still no top 10 anti-rpers/UNers
11.12.2014 - 07:44
I think from turkey, kara deserves better spot though atleast top 5
11.12.2014 - 09:38
Top 10 american top 10 serbian top 10 bla bla bla every country in the world also joedtaxi #1 irishman
11.12.2014 - 09:39
how about top 10 clan traitors?
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11.12.2014 - 09:41
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