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Napisano przez Anthonest, 28.06.2015 - 19:50
After recently ranking up from r4 to r5 AtWar has become a game I can effectively, no longer play. The treatment of rank 5 players (and in some cases rank 6 and 7) in the main lobby is horrible, its been days sense ive played a game without being kicked for not being a higher level considering I can no longer play in the beginners lobby. For example: I joined a WWI game the other day, and after being kicked for choosing countries I would actually enjoy playing (Nothing crazy, Ottoman Empire and Italy) I decided to be more subtle in choosing my countries in a desperate attempt to be overlooked and play a game. I ended up choosing Serbia and before the game even started 3 players had complained that "Rank 5 in this game is a joke" and I was kicked within minutes of joining.

After seeing the kind of treatment that midrank players recieve ive observed that the majority of the AtWar community is simply garbage. Its hard to join any lobby without being told to leave, getting kicked, or being called a noob or any other names. Im tired of being kicked from every game i try and join for simply existing, no matter how small of a country I pick. I will admit there are many people who are sympathetic to low levels, but I still can't play any games short of a Europe+ game. Scenario games are simply impossible, people can't get better to play with you if you don't let them play. Something needs to be done and to that I say this.

It dosent matter if one player on your team is a weak link, a quick game at most will last an hour, one game, one hour out of the hundreds of games you will play has little effect on you, but how you react has negative effects on the people who are just trying to learn the game, if you don't like a rank 5 on your team than you can leave, don't hurt the people who want to play the game. Something needs to change.
29.06.2015 - 14:08
Napisano przez Waffel, 29.06.2015 at 13:55

U are right this time, my bad.
I used wrong words to say that we (higher ranks) will for sure lose motivation if we are not able to kick someone with lower rank (and all what it connects as less upgrades, less skill, less experience, etc.).
By buying premium I earned a right to make my own games with my own options and with option (given from admins) to set up ranks or to kick someone from various reasons.
Also, u dont have to dig deeper in shit i said in a wrong way because with 'competence', I meant on all those high rank 3v3s and 1v1s beacuse that is only thing I enjoy to play and only thing I play here, so I just dont feel bad because one non premium rank 5 is shocked by kicking from a higher rank.

When I was rank 5, I knew I still need to learn. (even with rank 10, I need to learn more some things), but I never cried because someone made a game for certain ranks or because I was kicked cuz rank 5 cuz I understood I am maybe not a proper player for that game and searched for another. Cant be more simply

29.06.2015 - 14:11
Napisano przez Anthonest, 28.06.2015 at 19:50

After recently ranking up from r4 to r5 AtWar has become a game I can effectively, no longer play. The treatment of rank 5 players (and in some cases rank 6 and 7) in the main lobby is horrible, its been days sense ive played a game without being kicked for not being a higher level considering I can no longer play in the beginners lobby. For example: I joined a WWI game the other day, and after being kicked for choosing countries I would actually enjoy playing (Nothing crazy, Ottoman Empire and Italy) I decided to be more subtle in choosing my countries in a desperate attempt to be overlooked and play a game. I ended up choosing Serbia and before the game even started 3 players had complained that "Rank 5 in this game is a joke" and I was kicked within minutes of joining.

After seeing the kind of treatment that midrank players recieve ive observed that the majority of the AtWar community is simply garbage. Its hard to join any lobby without being told to leave, getting kicked, or being called a noob or any other names. Im tired of being kicked from every game i try and join for simply existing, no matter how small of a country I pick. I will admit there are many people who are sympathetic to low levels, but I still can't play any games short of a Europe+ game. Scenario games are simply impossible, people can't get better to play with you if you don't let them play. Something needs to be done and to that I say this.

It dosent matter if one player on your team is a weak link, a quick game at most will last an hour, one game, one hour out of the hundreds of games you will play has little effect on you, but how you react has negative effects on the people who are just trying to learn the game, if you don't like a rank 5 on your team than you can leave, don't hurt the people who want to play the game. Something needs to change.

Because most ranks from 0-7 tend to be shitty, sure there are some good ones, but we high ranks insist on grouping them all together so we don't have to worry about some retarded fuck who doesn't know how to play Germany in WW2 from fucking up the game.

TJM !!!
29.06.2015 - 14:12
Napisano przez Permamuted, 29.06.2015 at 13:49

We all went through this, yea as an unknown low rank its hard, rank up and get on with it. Once you build yourself a half decent reputation its fine. Id no problems once i hit r7. I was even for a time that guy that people kicked from 3v3s for being too new.

Napisano przez Abraham, 29.06.2015 at 10:06

@Acquiesce. Mods should take into account that there is a rule against this kind of behavior which requires enforcement. It is true that most mods don't do anything because it's not really interesting them. They come online and put themselves as afk in purpose so people don't turn to them or simply ignore when they are not afk. If you want to know what is the rule which I speak about, I speak of the rule in In Game Behavior category which is of course the first rule that begins the list of rules:

"In Game Behavior
1. Doing anything that interferes with the ability of other users to enjoy playing a game in accordance with its rules, or that materially increases the expense or difficulty of staff in maintaining the game for the enjoyment of all its users is not permitted.

Maybe when mods are selected in proper way and not by friends that suggest them even if they are shit people. MAYBE then this game will have suitable mods that do actually try to help this shitty community from continue deteriorating to even disgraceful level than it is right now.

@Anthonest I sympathize with the grief you have right now about this problem I hope it will be treated and not ignored as they do normally here.

What you seek is a babysitter not a mod. Its not the job of the moderation team to jump on every player who so much as looks funny at you. This is the internet. If ones enjoyment is so easily affected then one should perhaps consider seeking alternative forms of entertainment than online games, like perhaps gardening. This community isnt any worse or any better than other communities ive played in. They're all the same.

Classic response that matches the quality of management here. I do not expect you, or some pretty big percentage of mods to do something about it after all you don't really care about the community as you supposedly should. There are some exceptional mods who of course will work on this issue and act according to the set of rules.

Edit: I over looked your post Croat
Napisano przez Croat, 29.06.2015 at 14:08

Napisano przez Waffel, 29.06.2015 at 13:55

I used wrong words to say that we (higher ranks) will for sure lose motivation if we are not able to kick someone with lower rank (and all what it connects as less upgrades, less skill, less experience, etc.).
By buying premium I earned a right to make my own games with my own options and with option (given from admins) to set up ranks or to kick someone from various reasons.
You don't want lower ranks enter your game? Like you said you're premium and you can prevent low ranks from entering in the beginning by setting rank restriction, this way the players aren't frustrated from being kicked and everyone are happy. Plus no rule violation.
29.06.2015 - 14:14
Napisano przez Skittzophrenic, 29.06.2015 at 14:11

Because most ranks from 0-7 tend to be shitty, sure there are some good ones, but we high ranks insist on grouping them all together so we don't have to worry about some retarded fuck who doesn't know how to play Germany in WW2 from fucking up the game.

But you still suck as rank 13 D

I miss u as morocco in worldgames though ;_;

Napisano przez Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
29.06.2015 - 14:15
Napisano przez Waffel, 29.06.2015 at 14:14

Napisano przez Skittzophrenic, 29.06.2015 at 14:11

Because most ranks from 0-7 tend to be shitty, sure there are some good ones, but we high ranks insist on grouping them all together so we don't have to worry about some retarded fuck who doesn't know how to play Germany in WW2 from fucking up the game.

But you still suck as rank 13 D

I miss u as morocco in worldgames though ;_;

I won't play until this HTML5 shit is done. Silverlight crashes on me.

TJM !!!
29.06.2015 - 14:18
Napisano przez Skittzophrenic, 29.06.2015 at 14:11

Napisano przez Anthonest, 28.06.2015 at 19:50

After recently ranking up from r4 to r5 AtWar has become a game I can effectively, no longer play. The treatment of rank 5 players (and in some cases rank 6 and 7) in the main lobby is horrible, its been days sense ive played a game without being kicked for not being a higher level considering I can no longer play in the beginners lobby. For example: I joined a WWI game the other day, and after being kicked for choosing countries I would actually enjoy playing (Nothing crazy, Ottoman Empire and Italy) I decided to be more subtle in choosing my countries in a desperate attempt to be overlooked and play a game. I ended up choosing Serbia and before the game even started 3 players had complained that "Rank 5 in this game is a joke" and I was kicked within minutes of joining.

After seeing the kind of treatment that midrank players recieve ive observed that the majority of the AtWar community is simply garbage. Its hard to join any lobby without being told to leave, getting kicked, or being called a noob or any other names. Im tired of being kicked from every game i try and join for simply existing, no matter how small of a country I pick. I will admit there are many people who are sympathetic to low levels, but I still can't play any games short of a Europe+ game. Scenario games are simply impossible, people can't get better to play with you if you don't let them play. Something needs to be done and to that I say this.

It dosent matter if one player on your team is a weak link, a quick game at most will last an hour, one game, one hour out of the hundreds of games you will play has little effect on you, but how you react has negative effects on the people who are just trying to learn the game, if you don't like a rank 5 on your team than you can leave, don't hurt the people who want to play the game. Something needs to change.

Because most ranks from 0-7 tend to be shitty, sure there are some good ones, but we high ranks insist on grouping them all together so we don't have to worry about some retarded fuck who doesn't know how to play Germany in WW2 from fucking up the game.

most r7's are competent enough to hold their own against a r8, any lower and it starts to become an issue :x
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
29.06.2015 - 14:22
Napisano przez Pheonixking929, 29.06.2015 at 14:18

Napisano przez Skittzophrenic, 29.06.2015 at 14:11

Napisano przez Anthonest, 28.06.2015 at 19:50

After recently ranking up from r4 to r5 AtWar has become a game I can effectively, no longer play. The treatment of rank 5 players (and in some cases rank 6 and 7) in the main lobby is horrible, its been days sense ive played a game without being kicked for not being a higher level considering I can no longer play in the beginners lobby. For example: I joined a WWI game the other day, and after being kicked for choosing countries I would actually enjoy playing (Nothing crazy, Ottoman Empire and Italy) I decided to be more subtle in choosing my countries in a desperate attempt to be overlooked and play a game. I ended up choosing Serbia and before the game even started 3 players had complained that "Rank 5 in this game is a joke" and I was kicked within minutes of joining.

After seeing the kind of treatment that midrank players recieve ive observed that the majority of the AtWar community is simply garbage. Its hard to join any lobby without being told to leave, getting kicked, or being called a noob or any other names. Im tired of being kicked from every game i try and join for simply existing, no matter how small of a country I pick. I will admit there are many people who are sympathetic to low levels, but I still can't play any games short of a Europe+ game. Scenario games are simply impossible, people can't get better to play with you if you don't let them play. Something needs to be done and to that I say this.

It dosent matter if one player on your team is a weak link, a quick game at most will last an hour, one game, one hour out of the hundreds of games you will play has little effect on you, but how you react has negative effects on the people who are just trying to learn the game, if you don't like a rank 5 on your team than you can leave, don't hurt the people who want to play the game. Something needs to change.

Because most ranks from 0-7 tend to be shitty, sure there are some good ones, but we high ranks insist on grouping them all together so we don't have to worry about some retarded fuck who doesn't know how to play Germany in WW2 from fucking up the game.

most r7's are competent enough to hold their own against a r8, any lower and it starts to become an issue :x

Well you do have a point, but still, I don't like 'em.

TJM !!!
29.06.2015 - 14:35
Konto skasowane
Learn to quote PLEASE

inb4 i get quoted
29.06.2015 - 14:39
Napisano przez Guest, 29.06.2015 at 14:35

Learn to quote PLEASE

inb4 i get quoted


TJM !!!
29.06.2015 - 14:41
 Acquiesce (Moderator)
Napisano przez Abraham, 29.06.2015 at 10:06


1. If you want me to see your message then you should quote me properly.
2. I don't know why you are directing your mod hating to me. In case you didn't notice I'm not a mod anymore and enforcing the rules isn't my business.
The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
29.06.2015 - 14:42
Napisano przez Acquiesce, 29.06.2015 at 14:41

Napisano przez Abraham, 29.06.2015 at 10:06


1. If you want me to see your message then you should quote me properly.
2. I don't know why you are directing your mod hating to me. In case you didn't notice I'm not a mod anymore and enforcing the rules isn't my business.

Because he has mental problems, don't worry though, he will get counseling soon.

TJM !!!
29.06.2015 - 14:50
Napisano przez Acquiesce, 29.06.2015 at 14:41

Napisano przez Abraham, 29.06.2015 at 10:06


1. If you want me to see your message then you should quote me properly.
2. I don't know why you are directing your mod hating to me. In case you didn't notice I'm not a mod anymore and enforcing the rules isn't my business.

Not quoted you as my message was for everyone I have included your name because what you said had to have response.
I'm also aware that you are not a mod anymore, if you think I was aiming my message to you then you are wrong because all I did was point out the fact that there is a rule regarding such behavior in the game. And I have no hatred for the mods. Maybe you interpret my blunt honesty as a message full of hate. But that's incorrect.

As for you Skittzophrenic you are sad that I embarrassed you in room chat? Feel sad that you can't respond back and run to forum to throw all the anger?
Learn to speak and educate yourself before you turn to me, I realized that even dogs are smarter than you.
29.06.2015 - 15:30
Napisano przez Croat, 29.06.2015 at 06:06

If you are saying you are here 2 years but only reached rank 5 in those 2 years, that is telling more about you and your activity than us who dont accpet rank 5s in our games. Why should we care about some inactive rank 5 who comes once per year and cry about treatment

Point of this game is COMPETING like in every other game or sport.
Fact is that you are lower rank and you still have to learn plenty of things plus improving your skills.
Compare it with some sport or other game:
- if you didnt learn all the things and grew up from lower league, you wont be able to drive directly in F1 races. You will participate in lower league races with other participants who are, at this moment, skilled about same as you are.

Imagine if we are not able ti kick lower ranks from our games. Just imagine that mess. They dont have all upgrades, they dont know what to pick, they use one and only strategy, they still didnt get main game points. If we, competitive players, couldnt kick you, this game would lose its point - COMPETING.
We wont enjoy in it anymore. It is up to you to learn and come competitive enough to participate in games with higher ranks.

If you want not to be kicked anymore, buy that fucking premium and make your own games with your own options and no one is going to kick you.
Stop crying, go learn, see you in cws one day

1. Ad Hominem Fallacy, it dosent matter about me, im not advocating for different treatment for me. Your argument is irrelevant.
2. Not true in any sense, in every game there's a casual side and a competitive, just because you personally spend alot of your time to play this game competitively dosent mean everyone else wants too. Many if not most people who play this game hope on every now and then just to play a few games, and are UNABLE to play anything but regular world maps.
3. You couldn't misinterpret my argument anymore if you tried. I never ONCE said that i want to take away the ability to kick from hosts, never. If people want to host a game for high ranks than that's fine, they can use the premium features to set the rank requirements, but its absolutely absurd to be kicked from an open game, you can't host an open game and not expect low ranks to play.
4. Maybe i don't want to pay to not be treated like shit? Thats funny, you expect me to pay JUST to exclusively be able to play the game without being kicked, that's absurd.
29.06.2015 - 15:34
Napisano przez Aetius, 29.06.2015 at 08:43

Creator of WWI here. Main reason I kick low ranks is they are untrustworthy with little stake in atwar. Seems like every time I give low ranks a chance, they prove themselves not worthy of that opportunity.

The higher rank you are, the more of a reputation you need to uphold. Atwar is like a big community and we kind of all know each other. The higher rank you are the less likely you will be a wfer, troll, or leaver, since by then everyone will know and not allow you in their games or have you on an enemy list. Low ranks are totally unknown and is too much of a risk.

Your credibility means nothing in an argument about treatment, but that's exactly why im extremely subtle with my country choice. Like Serbia or Bulgaria countries with little impact on the game, it dosent matter, you can't treat a whole group like shit because there simply "unknown" that's the case in every game with a decent sized community, that's the price you pay with online games you have to give up a little bit of what you "want" its not all about you.
29.06.2015 - 15:35

29.06.2015 - 15:39
Napisano przez Netre, 29.06.2015 at 08:53

I would very much like to accommodate r5's in 3v3's but even when i tell them which country they are too choose the majority of times they ignore. me thinking they are bad asses for getting as far as the main room, the only way a host can be a little more certain that a r5 player is actually going to play properly instead of trolling, is if the r5's have put the time into the game and rank up.
i know it can be annoying to not be able to play a game and that may not be your fault but their are an incredible amount of trolls on this game it just cant be help.
Also that ww1 game is a very team orientated map one person screws up even in serbia and thats gg. try pick Romania next time if you get in to the game.
as well as that i almost never see rank limits that exclude r5's on scenarios like middle earth or game of thrones. "almost never".

Trolling or inactivity are reasons to kick, obviously.
29.06.2015 - 15:42
Napisano przez Pheonixking929, 29.06.2015 at 09:39

>ask for counter argument
>says host job is to do whatever the hell he wants
>I say host kicks low ranks
>you cry "that not cool he can just leave"
>I sit back on chair amazed at the stupidity here
>brain explodes from irrationality of your arguments

Lmao you're an idiot. Ive explained this too you a million times and you never fail to misinterpret or claim I meant something that i obviously didnt. Im gonna post this for you one more time in a depserate attempt that you mike actually read this time.

Im not here complaining about there ability to kick, that's there freedom, im complaining about how low ranks are treated, to change to minds of high rank hosts so they don't kick people out of there own interest, but to see that other people just want to have fun as well.
29.06.2015 - 15:49
Napisano przez Abraham, 29.06.2015 at 14:12

Napisano przez Permamuted, 29.06.2015 at 13:49

We all went through this, yea as an unknown low rank its hard, rank up and get on with it. Once you build yourself a half decent reputation its fine. Id no problems once i hit r7. I was even for a time that guy that people kicked from 3v3s for being too new.

Napisano przez Abraham, 29.06.2015 at 10:06

@Acquiesce. Mods should take into account that there is a rule against this kind of behavior which requires enforcement. It is true that most mods don't do anything because it's not really interesting them. They come online and put themselves as afk in purpose so people don't turn to them or simply ignore when they are not afk. If you want to know what is the rule which I speak about, I speak of the rule in In Game Behavior category which is of course the first rule that begins the list of rules:

"In Game Behavior
1. Doing anything that interferes with the ability of other users to enjoy playing a game in accordance with its rules, or that materially increases the expense or difficulty of staff in maintaining the game for the enjoyment of all its users is not permitted.

Maybe when mods are selected in proper way and not by friends that suggest them even if they are shit people. MAYBE then this game will have suitable mods that do actually try to help this shitty community from continue deteriorating to even disgraceful level than it is right now.

@Anthonest I sympathize with the grief you have right now about this problem I hope it will be treated and not ignored as they do normally here.

What you seek is a babysitter not a mod. Its not the job of the moderation team to jump on every player who so much as looks funny at you. This is the internet. If ones enjoyment is so easily affected then one should perhaps consider seeking alternative forms of entertainment than online games, like perhaps gardening. This community isnt any worse or any better than other communities ive played in. They're all the same.

Classic response that matches the quality of management here. I do not expect you, or some pretty big percentage of mods to do something about it after all you don't really care about the community as you supposedly should. There are some exceptional mods who of course will work on this issue and act according to the set of rules.

Edit: I over looked your post Croat
Napisano przez Croat, 29.06.2015 at 14:08

Napisano przez Waffel, 29.06.2015 at 13:55

I used wrong words to say that we (higher ranks) will for sure lose motivation if we are not able to kick someone with lower rank (and all what it connects as less upgrades, less skill, less experience, etc.).
By buying premium I earned a right to make my own games with my own options and with option (given from admins) to set up ranks or to kick someone from various reasons.
You don't want lower ranks enter your game? Like you said you're premium and you can prevent low ranks from entering in the beginning by setting rank restriction, this way the players aren't frustrated from being kicked and everyone are happy. Plus no rule violation.

I agree %100
29.06.2015 - 15:55
Napisano przez Anthonest, 29.06.2015 at 15:42

Napisano przez Pheonixking929, 29.06.2015 at 09:39

>ask for counter argument
>says host job is to do whatever the hell he wants
>I say host kicks low ranks
>you cry "that not cool he can just leave"
>I sit back on chair amazed at the stupidity here
>brain explodes from irrationality of your arguments

Lmao you're an idiot. Ive explained this too you a million times and you never fail to misinterpret or claim I meant something that i obviously didnt. Im gonna post this for you one more time in a depserate attempt that you mike actually read this time.

Im not here complaining about there ability to kick, that's there freedom, im complaining about how low ranks are treated, to change to minds of high rank hosts so they don't kick people out of there own interest, but to see that other people just want to have fun as well.

I'm here to tell you no amount of whining or "complaining
will stop this "injustice". WE UNDERSTAND YOU WANT FUN. But we want fun too. Our fun comes from playing against people on the same level of us, with the same experience of us, not from playing with a r5 who leaves prematurely, who wf;s, or who we easily defeat in a matter of turns.
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
29.06.2015 - 16:05
Napisano przez Croat, 29.06.2015 at 14:08

Napisano przez Waffel, 29.06.2015 at 13:55

U are right this time, my bad.
I used wrong words to say that we (higher ranks) will for sure lose motivation if we are not able to kick someone with lower rank (and all what it connects as less upgrades, less skill, less experience, etc.).
By buying premium I earned a right to make my own games with my own options and with option (given from admins) to set up ranks or to kick someone from various reasons.
Also, u dont have to dig deeper in shit i said in a wrong way because with 'competence', I meant on all those high rank 3v3s and 1v1s beacuse that is only thing I enjoy to play and only thing I play here, so I just dont feel bad because one non premium rank 5 is shocked by kicking from a higher rank.

When I was rank 5, I knew I still need to learn. (even with rank 10, I need to learn more some things), but I never cried because someone made a game for certain ranks or because I was kicked cuz rank 5 cuz I understood I am maybe not a proper player for that game and searched for another. Cant be more simply

Bla i was the one that invited you to my clan, you was still noob at that time
29.06.2015 - 16:13
Napisano przez Pheonixking929, 29.06.2015 at 15:55

Napisano przez Anthonest, 29.06.2015 at 15:42

Napisano przez Pheonixking929, 29.06.2015 at 09:39

>ask for counter argument
>says host job is to do whatever the hell he wants
>I say host kicks low ranks
>you cry "that not cool he can just leave"
>I sit back on chair amazed at the stupidity here
>brain explodes from irrationality of your arguments

Lmao you're an idiot. Ive explained this too you a million times and you never fail to misinterpret or claim I meant something that i obviously didnt. Im gonna post this for you one more time in a depserate attempt that you mike actually read this time.

Im not here complaining about there ability to kick, that's there freedom, im complaining about how low ranks are treated, to change to minds of high rank hosts so they don't kick people out of there own interest, but to see that other people just want to have fun as well.

I'm here to tell you no amount of whining or "complaining
will stop this "injustice". WE UNDERSTAND YOU WANT FUN. But we want fun too. Our fun comes from playing against people on the same level of us, with the same experience of us, not from playing with a r5 who leaves prematurely, who wf;s, or who we easily defeat in a matter of turns.

Good post, I agree 100 percent here.

TJM !!!
29.06.2015 - 16:16
Low rank leaves turn 1
low rank goes afk.
Low rank are Troll's alt account
low rank are noob
low rank gangbang
29.06.2015 - 16:17
Napisano przez Htin, 29.06.2015 at 16:16

Low rank leaves turn 1
low rank goes afk.
Low rank are Troll's alt account
low rank are noob
low rank gangbang

TJM !!!
29.06.2015 - 16:44
Napisano przez Skittzophrenic, 29.06.2015 at 16:17

Napisano przez Htin, 29.06.2015 at 16:16

Low rank leaves turn 1
low rank goes afk.
Low rank are Troll's alt account
low rank are noob
low rank gangbang

Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
29.06.2015 - 17:47
Giving low ranks a chance is fine. A host kicking by discretion is also fine. Understandable points on both sides.

The very mechanics of gamemaking are against you in this case though. Sure you can try persuading high ranks to give you a chance in their game, but then the high ranks fear for the balance(and longevity) of that game. All the above arguments make this point. So again, the mechanics of the game are against you, the people already so ingrained into this system won't be changing overnight. Or this week, month, or even this year.

This won't fully be fixed even if the administrators introduced a randomized, but balanced by rank, match making system like the large famous games. atWar isn't large enough by several orders of magnitude for that. But, if we were big enough, we'd need that, and we'd need to give map/scenario makers the ability to restrict low ranks from choosing certain countries. Then we'd see less kicking. I'll let others decide if that's a good or a bad thing.
29.06.2015 - 20:05
Napisano przez Waffel, 29.06.2015 at 13:41

ffs.. dude this isnt about you or your threads .. for once please dont talk about ur threads and talk about the problem!!!! D: clovis ;_;

Yes it is, please check it.

29.06.2015 - 20:15
I fully support, my fellow low ranker. Fuck these hgih rank elitists. They are a bunch of old, nanny, nigger-fearing conservative Republicans, and if not American, neo-Nazi socialists, who feel that just because they weren't treated well, they shouldn't have to treat anyone else well either, thus exposing the level of maturity that the high ranks have. Fuck them. They keep this elitist shit up and then there'll be a significant divide between low ranks and high ranks, a gentrification by rising ranks who were treated like shit and the ancient privileged "I bought premium, I deserve to act like a dick" high rank oldfags who treated the former like shit.
29.06.2015 - 20:49
Napisano przez GamerCady, 29.06.2015 at 20:15

I fully support, my fellow low ranker. Fuck these hgih rank elitists. They are a bunch of old, nanny, nigger-fearing conservative Republicans, and if not American, neo-Nazi socialists, who feel that just because they weren't treated well, they shouldn't have to treat anyone else well either, thus exposing the level of maturity that the high ranks have. Fuck them. They keep this elitist shit up and then there'll be a significant divide between low ranks and high ranks, a gentrification by rising ranks who were treated like shit and the ancient privileged "I bought premium, I deserve to act like a dick" high rank oldfags who treated the former like shit.

Only low ranks turn rankism into a political move. In what world do Republicans in America support the "gentrification" of the At War community? In what world do neo-nazi socialist seem to think that they must come on to at war? In what world are these low ranks coming from with low brain capacity to understand they have low levels of knowledge and experience?
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
29.06.2015 - 21:21
Clearly what this game requires is 3 rooms. Beginner 0-3, Intermediate 4-7, Expert 8+. so high ranks can stick to their own room. lower ranks can play games without high ranks joining and trolling them. Now each levels have their own rooms and will generally stick to their own room. IF lower ranks do enter high rank games and they are not wanted, then kicking is valid.

*sigh* me atm
29.06.2015 - 23:50
Napisano przez Anthonest, 29.06.2015 at 15:49

Anthonest, as the majority of us have already suggested. Gain some more experience if you want to play with us. I don't understand what you are trying to change... do you want us to pamper you because you are a low rank? We have every right to kick you from OUR game that we host.

Because you are kicked from a game, does not necessarily mean you are being treated like shit. We simply don't want you in our game. The majority of the time low rank players don't have the experience to compete against an experienced player, even if you do, you don't have the upgrades necessary to compete. That is why we try to keep it as balanced as possible.

According to your original post, you consider the majority of our community to be garbage. So....why exactly are you still here talking to us and trying to change us? Actually, a better question is, why are we wasting out time talking to you...? The way I see it is, you have only two choices: You can leave and continue to cry somewhere else... Or you can suck it up, rank up, and play with the rest of us. Your choice...

If you stick around long enough you will understand the reasons you were kicked, trust me, we all went through this at some point.

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