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Posty: 1   Odwiedzany przez: 26 users
01.03.2022 - 20:47
I have a prediction to make about Zelensky.

Something hit me as I was reading this article:

We know we can believe scarcely anything from the establishment media. To me, this story sounds like the West's effort to control the narrative after the WEST assassinates Zelensky. In other words, it's the WEST that's planning to assassinate Zelensky, to then frame Russia.

After all, it doesn't make sense Russia would try to assassinate Zelensky. If Russia had wanted to do a covert coup, as the West likes to do, sure. But with a military invasion, it makes no sense to target Zelensky for assassination. It would be far too obvious for Russia to do such a thing. Furthermore, from Russia's standpoint, it would make far more sense to try to capture Zelensky and company ALIVE, to then interrogate them and gather intelligence. Zelenksy and company are worth far more alive to Russia than dead!

And it's precisely what Zelensky knows and has gotten himself involved with in dealing with the West that makes him far more valuable DEAD to the WEST, before Zelensky gets a chance to reveal the secrets.

So here's my prediction:

1) The West gets to Zelensky before the Russian convoy and he gets assassinated by the West, while the West tries to frame Russia.


2) The Russian convoy reaches Kyiv in time and Zelensky surrenders. Perhaps Zelensky is waiting to surrender until the convoy reaches Kyiv, because if he indicated to the West his intent to surrender and cooperate with the Russians BEFORE the convoy reaches Kyiv, he knows the West would assassinate him. In other words, he's following the West's script or he would have already been assassinated. He better hope and pray the Russian convoy gets to him first.

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