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04.11.2013 - 06:22
Hi guys after creating Crusader States, I decided to see if I could do it on a larger scale. So here is my first large map. 20 players fighting over Europe and the Middle East set in 1191 ad, Third Crusade.

Map Overview - the map is quite large but has been quite fun to play in trials, everyone having their own mini battles

Spain - Aragon, Castille-Leon, Almohads

Holy Wars - Papacy Crusaders, Byzantines, Rum, Assabids, Ayyubids and some special events will fight here

Western Europe - Western HRE, England, France, Scotland, Southern HRE will fight here

Eastern Europe - Novgord, Kiev, Poland, Hungary, Denmark will fight here

Units - Once again would like to thank Aeitus for these, each faction will have variants of all the stock units (inf, tanks etc) and an individualised special Unit also added are special characters, so far Saladin, Richard I of England, Philip II of France appear as event units, whilst the Pope remains in Rome.

Playable Factions -

Almohads - Assabids - Aragon - Ayyubid - Byzantines - Castille - Denmark - Eastern HRE- England - France- Hungary - Kiev - Novgord - Papacy - Poland - Rum - Scotland - Sicily - Southern HRE - Western HRE

Any feedback/suggestions/Questions are really welcome.

Ideas to add:

More personalised units especially leaders

redrawing of HRE areas.
04.11.2013 - 06:27

Are you fuggin' nuts?
It's a monstrous project... not horrible but huge!
Will play it most definitely the coming days.
04.11.2013 - 06:35
This will become a great scenario because i'm in it:

04.11.2013 - 08:32
Sure it will be even better than crusader states, on a larger scale.
04.11.2013 - 14:17
Very nice. But that Pope Celestine unit looks a bit OP and is fairly unrealistic. Maybe tone down the HP and rename it "Roman Walls"?
The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood.
04.11.2013 - 14:19
Very nice epic battles on a huge scale, everybody fighting for there life! i havent played it yet but watched, ill play it soon
We are not the same - I am a Martian.
We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?

04.11.2013 - 14:54
Napisano przez b0nker2, 04.11.2013 at 06:22
Ideas to add:

More personalised units especially leaders

redrawing of HRE areas.

Incredible map man, I hope I can play it soon. As for ideas on leaders, how about Kaiser Barbarossa for the HRE? He died a year earlier than the date of your map, yet he was one of the most influential monarchs of his time, also leading the crusade until the point of his hilarious death. So maybe you are willing to accept this anachronism?

Also, as for redrawing the HRE areas- maybe you could partition it into the diffrent houses? Picture it like the houses of Game of Thrones- the Wittelsbacher, the Hohenstaufen, the Luxemburger etc. You probably won't be able to give them historic borders, but I think it sounds better than HRE West, East and South.
04.11.2013 - 15:05
Napisano przez Utah, 04.11.2013 at 14:17

Very nice. But that Pope Celestine unit looks a bit OP and is fairly unrealistic. Maybe tone down the HP and rename it "Roman Walls"?

Papacy is by far the smallest faction, and because they have land (crusader states) in middle east their added reinf in Lazio is a bit small, I don't really want them to die too early, especially if they lose their 'holy lands'. This is the reasoning for the OP looking unit, I will reduce the HP though.
04.11.2013 - 15:19
Napisano przez learster, 04.11.2013 at 14:54

Napisano przez b0nker2, 04.11.2013 at 06:22
Ideas to add:

More personalised units especially leaders

redrawing of HRE areas.

Incredible map man, I hope I can play it soon. As for ideas on leaders, how about Kaiser Barbarossa for the HRE? He died a year earlier than the date of your map, yet he was one of the most influential monarchs of his time, also leading the crusade until the point of his hilarious death. So maybe you are willing to accept this anachronism?

Also, as for redrawing the HRE areas- maybe you could partition it into the diffrent houses? Picture it like the houses of Game of Thrones- the Wittelsbacher, the Hohenstaufen, the Luxemburger etc. You probably won't be able to give them historic borders, but I think it sounds better than HRE West, East and South.

Barbarossa was my original choice for one of the HRE factions, atm I have gone for Henry VI in West, Duke Conrad II of Bohemia for East and Otto I Count of Burgundy for the South, however if there are further calls for Barbarossa I am willing to change this. Perhaps he could appear as an early event unit.

HRE is probably the area I am struggling with the most, ideally I would keep it as one faction but I know it would be incredibly hard to beat in casual and hard to play as in quick games, this is the reason it was split into three. I like the houses idea though, will do some more research on them and look to implement it in the most realistic way possible. Thanks for your suggestions.


Each leaders Stats will be 10/10 Att Def 12hp 7range 20view, I know this sounds OP again but remember there is only 1 of them for each faction on quite a large map. Richard I of England and Phillp II of France are placed in the middle east also to reflect their crusades.
04.11.2013 - 15:22
Keep up the updating and good work!
We are not the same - I am a Martian.
We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?

04.11.2013 - 18:35
Napisano przez b0nker2, 04.11.2013 at 15:05

Napisano przez Utah, 04.11.2013 at 14:17

Very nice. But that Pope Celestine unit looks a bit OP and is fairly unrealistic. Maybe tone down the HP and rename it "Roman Walls"?

Papacy is by far the smallest faction, and because they have land (crusader states) in middle east their added reinf in Lazio is a bit small, I don't really want them to die too early, especially if they lose their 'holy lands'. This is the reasoning for the OP looking unit, I will reduce the HP though.

Ok I see what you did there
The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood.
04.11.2013 - 20:08
Utah I would like to make the Kings 'star' units but cannot figure out how it works where the players own general icons and name overide the ones I wish for, any ideas?
04.11.2013 - 20:27
Napisano przez b0nker2, 04.11.2013 at 20:08

Utah I would like to make the Kings 'star' units but cannot figure out how it works where the players own general icons and name overide the ones I wish for, any ideas?

Can't be done as far as I am aware.
The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood.
13.11.2013 - 20:06
Oh I also did most of the units btw.
13.11.2013 - 20:10
7 DaysLeft
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Napisano przez Aetius, 13.11.2013 at 20:06

Oh I also did most of the units btw.

That explains why the units are unbalanced
13.11.2013 - 20:22
Napisano przez Guest, 13.11.2013 at 20:10

Napisano przez Aetius, 13.11.2013 at 20:06

Oh I also did most of the units btw.

That explains why the units are unbalanced

Go troll somewhere else Tunder. Shoo shoo.
The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood.
13.11.2013 - 21:16
Napisano przez Guest, 13.11.2013 at 20:10

Napisano przez Aetius, 13.11.2013 at 20:06

Oh I also did most of the units btw.

That explains why the units are unbalanced

Rather then just stating something you could give a constructive critique of which units are unbalanced and what changes you would recommend implementing. It's rather off putting when someone who has experience of map making comes in and basically says ''this is shit'' I clearly stated this was my first attempt at a large map. Everything is made from start, havent just gone to the world map and redrawn some borders.

On another thread you stated 'I cannot lose bonkers maps without being gangbanged' but nowhere you offer help to a new map maker to fix the problems that you feel there are. So use this space to offer advice on how you would make my maps better. Thanks
13.11.2013 - 21:42
7 DaysLeft
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Napisano przez b0nker2, 13.11.2013 at 21:16

Napisano przez Guest, 13.11.2013 at 20:10

Napisano przez Aetius, 13.11.2013 at 20:06

Oh I also did most of the units btw.

That explains why the units are unbalanced

Rather then just stating something you could give a constructive critique of which units are unbalanced and what changes you would recommend implementing. It's rather off putting when someone who has experience of map making comes in and basically says ''this is shit'' I clearly stated this was my first attempt at a large map. Everything is made from start, havent just gone to the world map and redrawn some borders.

On another thread you stated 'I cannot lose bonkers maps without being gangbanged' but nowhere you offer help to a new map maker to fix the problems that you feel there are. So use this space to offer advice on how you would make my maps better. Thanks

is simple, your map has 1 special unit for each faction, such unit has 9 attack (10 for muslim states) and 5 defense for 140, with imp it will be 8/5 for 110 making tanks underpowered, you may say that with tank general the tank will become superior, well no, because the imp player will also have access to better and cheap infantry + cheap land transport for great range, and cheap castles, therefore you destroy any hope for using any other strategy than imp and pd (this one becoming op at late game).

if you need more explanation just ask.
13.11.2013 - 21:44
7 DaysLeft
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Btw i forgot to mention that pd infantry get +1 defense vs tanks, but no vs ground:other
14.11.2013 - 21:34
Shows how much you have not played this map mate, I am playing two right now one as NC the other as GW and doing well in both.
15.11.2013 - 08:35
7 days left
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Napisano przez b0nker2, 14.11.2013 at 21:34

Shows how much you have not played this map mate, I am playing two right now one as NC the other as GW and doing well in both.

Thats irrelevant, until you either prove that the special units are not op compared to tanks, my statement will be the same: units are unbalanced (not a big surprise coming from aetius).
15.11.2013 - 17:26
OP in what sense? Each nation has a special unit some are defensive some are attacking, so dependent on where you are located then you will play it differently. You speak from playing twice, both as HRE with an attacking special unit for other countries tanks are effective. Also they have counters, fort is available to all with the same def as 2 'Special units' max attack for the same price. The advantage in defence is only having to use 1 of your reinf, not to mention that it is always easier to defend then attack.
15.11.2013 - 17:36
7 days left
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Napisano przez b0nker2, 15.11.2013 at 17:26

OP in what sense? Each nation has a special unit some are defensive some are attacking, so dependent on where you are located then you will play it differently. You speak from playing twice, both as HRE with an attacking special unit for other countries tanks are effective. Also they have counters, fort is available to all with the same def as 2 'Special units' max attack for the same price. The advantage in defence is only having to use 1 of your reinf, not to mention that it is always easier to defend then attack.

Castles are irrelevant since this conversation is about special units (imp) > tanks, i just opened a private match, and i saw your unit list, your argument is less valid than the following equation: 2 + 2 = 5
15.11.2013 - 17:54
Sorry I don't understand that equation ,

anyway as I said it is territory specific as to what the special unit will do. So in some countries yes this will be the case but in other countries you will have the reverse and the special unit will be more effective than inf. However I am open to your ideas mate so if you tell me how to fix the problem you see I know remedies rather then just identifying it.

btw I still see this statement as wrong ''you destroy any hope for using any other strategy than imp and pd (this one becoming op at late game'' maybe you should explain more to me. Don't use the 'experience player bs' because I work on instinct rather then maths (hense why I asked someone else to do units)
15.11.2013 - 23:56
Castles are irrelevant since this conversation is about special units (imp) > tanks, i just opened a private match, and i saw your unit list, your argument is less valid than the following equation: 2 + 2 = 5

Altered stats slightly should be more to your liking. Anything else to work on?

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