So I'm playing 3v1 and this weird bug happens, not seen it before so thought I would share.
Two players defending the same city. Now I get the logic that the red attacking units hit the militia stack which was on its way to attack kiev so followed them in, but usually this will result in two seperate battles with the units stopped outside a city, with the ones making it to kiev (different stack) fighting inside. the ss doesnt show but red and yellow are allies and I am the attacker.
Strange. Youd think cause he followed your militia stack. But not sure. Intresting to say the least.
It's not the end.
Yes its couse he followd you. I had this once . The militia helped me in that was still a bug must be removed
It has happened to me before as well, both ways. I once defended someone else's cities and once attacked a city with 2 defenders. And, yes, I think it was because I followed/was followed into the city. This is the only explanation. Weird bug.
"Riddle me this, Riddle me that...?" - The Riddler
He attacked the wall with all his tanks, but somehow he did not turnblocked it, really bad luck, then the tanks followed them to kiev.