Get Premium, aby ukryć wszystkie reklamy
Posty: 2   Odwiedzany przez: 32 users
29.03.2022 - 21:41
I know premium must be attractive so people purchase it. I have even bought premium in the past. However, don't letting you pick the max/minimum rank a player must have to join your game is frustrating and ruin the game experience. I hosted a WW2 scenario in the ocational games section. A rank 4 guest account picked USSR and a rank 6 USA. Both ruined the game as i was UK and they not only didn't know how to play but how to wall. This is just the most recent example, Two weeks ago I hosted a Cold War scenario, beginers joined, picking big countries and then left as soon as they get attacked.

Please admins, consider this request. Deciding who you play with should be basic, specially for people who doesn't play quick games mostly but ocational games. Imagine you play 6 days, turn 3 arrives and you see three noobs just left your side of the team in a scenario. Normal players need that feature.
12.05.2022 - 16:23
Yeah, how can I farm noobs if I have to buy premium in order to do that?
I shit in the dark so that you can't flush the toilet in the day.
-Dr. Bright

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