>Decide to get off fat arse, stop playing Afterwind, and lose some weight
>Go to local gymnasium
>Walk up to reception desk
>Pretty blonde there
>I say: "Want to look like Stomach Ulcers. What do?"
>She replies that it's $40 a month for membership
>I say: "Two thousand and twelve. Charging 40 dollars a month for the gym. Costanza dot jaypeg."
>She looks confused and ushers over the manager
>He's a burly guy who gives me a stern look
>I say: "Implying you could intimidate me. Do you even lift?"
>He starts to get angry and walks towards me
>I say: "Roffle. Are you 'mirin? HAHA OP is clearly jelly of my bearmode physique and functional strength"
>He grabs me by the hair and proceeds to drag me outside
>I trip over my drop-neck tee and rolled oats start to fall out of my pockets
>He starts to administer a savage beating
>As he pounds away with his first and I drop in an out of consciousness, I manage to gurgle: "OMG have you even read the sticky?....my face when dat gyno"
>Wake up several hours later in hospital
>There's a doctor hovering over me, taking my heart rate with his stethoscope
>I say: "What muscle does that train? Does this mean I can say goodbye to my gains?"
>He asks what I mean
>I say: "Am I ottermode yet?"
>He looks confounded and tells me I've been discharged
>I get the bus home, laughing silently to myself at all the fat as fatasses
>Get home and delete Afterwind account
Samnang Konto skasowane
22.09.2012 - 05:12
Samnang Konto skasowane
Samnang Konto skasowane
22.09.2012 - 05:13
Samnang Konto skasowane
Since this is my final post and I'm deleting my account, please mods do not delete it.