01.02.2020 - 22:58
Hi everyone, I am Echoo it's been almost a month since I became a supporter and this is to say hi to everyone and to tell the community what I will be helping within the road ahead and how I got here GOALS firstly I am going to try and promote new maps and new creators . secondly, I plan on helping market atwar and bring in new players and hopefully bring back some players as well how I became a supporter now to share a little about me seeing you're all wondering why I was promoted? firstly I have worked very closely with the staff team many times and helped with tasks that were given to me secondly I spent a while (3-4 months) training over 40+ players in basics of atwar (walling, communication with other players, map rules and many more, and with this over 15 of them stayed and many of them have passed r5. lastly, I also have a marketing/sales background and have offered atwar my extra time trying to help it grow mistakes in the past ok time to get this out of the way, I have heard people always call me a troll and to be honest your not fully wrong. when lately and early on in my atwar life I played atwar while waiting for a meeting or waiting for something in general and I would often have to leave games because of it which is my bad but I have rectified the issue and it should be fixed. now if there is any other reasons you would call me a troll fell free to message me those reasons so the can be fixed what kind of supporter are you I am a supporter when I see a problem it needs to be fixed or at least addressed I will often host sp/pc drops if people ask me nicely and are generally nice about it and I am generally unbiased inmost point of views and look at the pros and cons of situations that's all folks Echoo<3
---- they said play atwar,they said it would be fun,dam We are not the same - I am a Martian
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