18.07.2015 - 15:55
would not work right now with the world in its current state http://www.freedomainradio.com/freedomain_radio_psychohistory.xml http://psychohistory.com/books/the-origins-of-war-in-child-abuse/chapter-1-the-killer-motherland/
---- The Most Feared Nazi Germany and SM Ukraine player in AW history. Retired
19.07.2015 - 04:41
What does he think about money? Im asking becouse i never heard of him and im curious
19.07.2015 - 13:58
Don't feed trolls, just begin ignoring post
---- Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
19.07.2015 - 17:15
i dont want to insult you. i just want to correct you. You might not like unleashed or molyneux but the truth is the truth. Molyneux is not a self proclaimed philosopher and he is not a joke. He is a very educated man. He is wrong on alot of things and he can be an idiot, but the guy has ba and mb in history, his blogs have been rewarded by the education comitee, he is a published author and the guy has 2000 fucking youtube videos.. He certainly knows more than all of us together, so while he can be an ass, some respect is due. thanks
19.07.2015 - 17:21
I have respect for philosophers, I don't have respect for people who blindly decide everyone else's beliefs are wrong and act like they are superior because of their own beliefs. Oh, and supporting mass killing isn't something I respect.
---- Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
19.07.2015 - 17:21
I have respect for philosophers, I don't have respect for people who blindly decide everyone else's beliefs are wrong and act like they are superior because of their own beliefs. Oh, and supporting mass killing isn't something I respect.
---- Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
19.07.2015 - 17:27
This is a joke right? You support the USA military, dont you? You might have more in common with him, than you think
19.07.2015 - 18:16
I support our troops who are forced to fight in war and come back with mental and physical injuries. I support their families who for months know their loved one is in harms way. I support the people willing to lay down their lives so other's don't have too. I don't support a government that throws away their lives or the lives of others.
---- Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
19.07.2015 - 18:43
So you indiscriminately support everyone who is affected negatively by war? I can respect that.
20.07.2015 - 03:02
LOL he deleted his post now. Probably realized how idiotic he is. If you wouldn't be a total cretin...you would realize the book is written by someone else and only READ (audiobook) by Stefan Molyneux. You don't even take the time to get informed before you post. A joke as always. Fucking imbecile.
---- The Most Feared Nazi Germany and SM Ukraine player in AW history. Retired
20.07.2015 - 05:55
Learn how to quote... and don't assume anything. You anarcho-capitalist lolbertarians are really bad at assumptions. I don't need to mock you, any sane person with a brain out there is mocking Molyneux and the heard of sheep that follow him as yourself. Its hilarious how people describe you to the point on the internet ...i was like, yep that's Unleashed, yep that's his way of "debating", yep yep yep. Define freedom btw. ...and then make a topic explaining how you would deal with a gap in power once the government would cease to exist. Everything, explain everything... privatization of public infrastracture, free market monopoly, private corporations taking control of resources like water, electricity, oil... and then explain to me how that would be ...freedom.
20.07.2015 - 06:19
Respect for what? ...hate on women? Mommy issues? Spitting on the working class? While does who's daddy had money are capable competent entrepreneurs? etc. etc. You of all people to support anarcho-capitalistic crap Khal ...you of all people.
20.07.2015 - 07:00
Lol I showed everyone again how ignorant you are. You post without even informing yourself. The author of the book is Lloyd deMause. So angry, you really think your reputation on a forum like this really matters? LOL you dumb slavic bitch easy there virgin boy, you might pop a vein hahaha time to delete your post and cry me a river "unleashed humiliated me again "
---- The Most Feared Nazi Germany and SM Ukraine player in AW history. Retired
20.07.2015 - 07:32
So you can't answer my questions? I don't give a shit who the author of your book is ...Bible is a book too. P.S. point the "angry" in my posts ...calm as i am talking to a baby. Guci guci little one.
21.07.2015 - 04:01
I can't cause I don't usually read your bullshit posts lol. Full of nonsense and butthurt. I just scroll fast and catch a word here and there before my brain goes "omg what a hopeless fucktard" the answer to any of your posts is a spit in your face, or, in the best case, a reply where I make you look like a fool like I did here: It's always funny when someone who is stupid (you) tries to appear smart, then gets owned
You are an idiot. The anarchist would shoot the bartender because the bartender initiated violence and is therefore a threat to everyone else in the bar. It doesn't matter if he is the bar owner or God himself. Stop posting retard.
---- The Most Feared Nazi Germany and SM Ukraine player in AW history. Retired
21.07.2015 - 06:35
You are taking my post too literally that i can't stop laughing how limited your intellect is... what happens when there is no violence in my metaphor and a situation that at the moment is not something anarchist gives a crap about, but later on might find himself in? But lets take it literally because your a dumbass who can't understand abstract concepts. You assume that an anarchist has a weapon. This is where you fail as i said before ...NEVER assume anything my low IQ friend, never. And lets go again... answer my questions, what happens in your "koomba ya" libertarian world when the rich and powerful take control of all resources? Freedom? P.S. if you don't read what i say... you have no basis behind your childish insults. Fucking hell... you don't even know how to insult properly ...calling me a virgin ...you might as well call me a "nigger" while i'm white and expect me to be offended.
21.07.2015 - 06:39
I stopped reading here I took your post the way it was supposed to be taken: as nonsense spewed by an idiot failing to appear smart. Not literally. I know what you meant. You are wrong.
---- The Most Feared Nazi Germany and SM Ukraine player in AW history. Retired
21.07.2015 - 06:41
Because you are too scared of a real debate?... ok got it.
21.07.2015 - 07:08
>goblin >Real debate HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHA You remember what happened last time we debated for real? I won and you rage quit and deleted all your posts go cry to the mods about how Unleashed told you he's gonna kill you irl bitch
---- The Most Feared Nazi Germany and SM Ukraine player in AW history. Retired
21.07.2015 - 07:14
They already have control of all the resources RIGHT NOW you stupid shit LMAO look who's asking me for a debate, it's like debating a kindergarten retarded child fucking clown
---- The Most Feared Nazi Germany and SM Ukraine player in AW history. Retired
21.07.2015 - 07:34
Only one thing: that nobody has the right to steal it from you, no matter how "legal" it is. Legal doesnt mean fair or right If you deserve to earn a lot of money, by all means do so. But that's rarely the case with politicians, who get rich by taxing the shit out of you and me THen there's another guy who invents something and earns money. But then the government wants a part of it because..fuck knows, who cares, it's always been this way so it must be right Heard this from retarded Tik tok. "it;s always been run by state or religion" well we've always been stinky and smelled like shit for thousands of years, does it mean we should stay that way or bathe in modern bathrooms Tik tok, you Fucking idiot
---- The Most Feared Nazi Germany and SM Ukraine player in AW history. Retired
21.07.2015 - 12:22
So you admit lack of government wouldn't change nothing and you as an individual would not only change the rulers who would fill in the power gap... but probably get in a worst position then before. Feudal system returning.
21.07.2015 - 14:46
huehuehue. ok time to come clean, i just wanted to give a "push" to the debate ( and i succeeded) everything i said is true do, moly is indeed educated and has has a long successfull career. i like some (not alot) of his videos and views.That being said he is indeed a fraud (sorry unleashed) and an asshole, he lies alot and he doesnt know how to debate. As for anarcho-capitalism dont get me started pls.Its a fucking disgrace. Only mafias, corporations, banks and their retarded followers support this joke of an ideology. They are the worst. Better be a fascist.
21.07.2015 - 14:54
You scared me there for a moment ...but might i add that, Osama bin Laden was educated too
22.07.2015 - 04:17
Or a socialist
---- The Most Feared Nazi Germany and SM Ukraine player in AW history. Retired
22.07.2015 - 07:27
Hahahaha usual fallacious response from you. > When unable to defend his moronic views... attacks another.
06.08.2015 - 18:36
well we've always been stinky and smelled like shit for thousands of years, does it mean we should stay that way or bathe in modern bathrooms Ridiculous metaphor. And out of context. You tried to claim religion and states got in the way of technological advancement when in truth, those institution were the very things which brought it about. A state is necessary to protect the resources of a territory and a tribe. The institutions help organize and from it comes individuals who come up with the new ideas. For them to give their ideas life, they need that entire system to bring it about.
When you grow a ball sack and reply to my many posts, then you get to call me an idiot. If you can prove me wrong, of course.
07.08.2015 - 19:16
Technological prowess may be favored by institutions, but apart from organizing their own power they hamper social and philosophical advancement. Today we clearly are at the point where our social development is so far behind our technological development that we can no longer handle the technological side. I consider the turning point of this being the use of the nuclear bomb in Japan to save the lives of American soldiers.
08.08.2015 - 03:43
How exactly is this evidence that human institutions are no longer capable of handling technological growth?
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