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Posty: 4   Odwiedzany przez: 74 users
02.02.2018 - 17:14
Just had a 5k Europe+ game, as Ukraine vs Volga Russia. I stacked Moscow with 8 tanks + 10 inf (RA), and opponent only sent 14 inf + gen, still I lost everything and he only lost 9 inf - both armies were attacking.

How is that even possible? Tanks have 8 max attack, and inf with all the upgrades come nowhere near it. This is not the first time this has happened to me either, so it's not just luck. Is this some pay to win trick that I haven't heard of?
02.02.2018 - 20:30
Depends when you each attacked, if you attacked Moscow in your move order early and he attacked it later in the turn, you would of taken the city from neutrals which would of caused casulties, then he would of took the city from you with his general stack. Move order is important in this game , if you attacked Moscow 3rd in your move order and he attacked it 7th you will be defending the city you just took on the same turn with tanks.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
03.02.2018 - 16:06
I read the same, but I dunno if it's true. When I looked at the detailed battle he was attacking the defenders, then I was attacking the defenders, then we were attacking each other and all over again. Regardless, I don't understand whether or not it is possible that attacking infantry beats attacking tanks in large enough numbers?
08.02.2018 - 03:43
1. he was better strat
2. vs neutrals ur attack and defense both matter (ur inf suck ass cuz ra)
3. he has gen

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