15.03.2011 - 01:39
That enemy city so very annoying? Ever just want to, ya know, explode it. Got rare units on? Artillary, the anti-city unit. Now the NORMAL stats for it are Attack:5 Defence:1 Max ARB:4 Hit points:7 (No way) Range:4 Capacity:0 But when attacking a city, the attack is +10! Meaning 15 attack against cities They would spawn in groups of 6-8 Feedback appreciated
15.03.2011 - 02:10
Artilery: some notes on its uses 1) Artilery is part of the higher ground stratagy. it is now missiles then planes then artilery meaning whoever controlls the higher ground has better offensive advantage. 2)used for supresive fire to keep units pined down so you can either move closer or further away with your main force. 3) verry usefull as a deffensive unit when emplaced. this type of use is when you put it in a city or hide it high in a mountain to keep units(or planes) at bay by increasing the range defender can hit incomming forces with 4)Anti-tank,Antiair, this is when artilery is entrenched and set up to attack lower clying airplane or like cannon of old set on a horizontal to hit straight on for blasting tanks. 5) lastly there are a multitude of types of artilery that launch everything from missles to cannon balls. some of the types of amo are canester rounds(like birdshot that explodes over infentry head and rains down on them,The shell, and there are even ones that shoot guilded bombes that explode upon impact. Here are a few stat ideas: Att High 7-9 for troops in the open but not as good for non advancing troops becasue historicly they will just take cover Deff. low-mid 2-5 due to artilerys lack of close range it makes it an easy target once the aproching enemy is apon it but this is usualy overcome by emplacing it in areas that are easaly defendable or hard to reach Move as infentry Range 1-2 spaces artilery shoots between 2-60 miles depending on the type. Bonus: artilery should have a good bonus because when a shell does hit it causes verry high casualtys HP Verry low 2-4 they are easy to distroy haveing no armoure and actualy are usualy just captured when the unit it conqured the only defence artilery has is the terrain and infentry maining the unit and are ment to be acompanied with infentry. sorry so long but i hope you guys like the extra info.
---- Where's the BEEF!
15.03.2011 - 10:07
I think this sounds like a decent rare unit, not too powerful until you get to a city, and it's still difficult to get there with the 1 defense and 4 range. I like it.
---- ~
16.03.2011 - 01:56
They added artilery AWSOME!! now let me buy it let me buy it!!!
---- Where's the BEEF!
16.03.2011 - 13:06
Yup, i had 4 of it, killed 7 bombers few tanks and few infatry (14) had 1 A left. ![]() They rule ![]()
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