01.04.2011 - 11:24
Ok ive Played alot of games of AW and one of the things i think is that the income if fine. Being based on number of countrys and all is logical. But i continue to think the deffence side of the game is lacking. Ive ran alot of Questions through my mind on is it units or lack of def. units Ect. I'm not shure But basicly i think there are 3 phases of the game. In the early game your deciding on things like what countrys to grab who is going to be your alli and grabing land. In the mid game you either batteling to maintain land or to get more this is where your useing your stratagy and figuring out your oponents weekness. durring the end game your either not able to produce troops due to lack of land or funds or your the guy beating people down with huge stacks of troops. So i think the fix to the defence side is bosting the loosing players ability to defend. this can be done in many ways that are not implimented. One way i think would be to lower the cost to buy troops. This would alow you to better geinforce with lower income thereby strengthining the weeker countrys. while the big ones would be able to build there max troops and thats it. leaving them a surpluss of income. I feel this is the fix im looking for because right now you cant compeet with a small country VS a large one. Iceland for example can only build 1 troop every build week shoulden't Iceland get to atleast choose what troop it can build? As of now i belive the income is so low that you can build up to a distroyer. Now if the cost ofall troops across the board were lets say 20% less this would make big countrys produceing lots of troops have excess cash or build more or the same as before but it would allow countrys with lower income to defend a little better by being to build 5 infentry insted of 4 or 3 or even 2 due to a lack of funds. without a good cheep defencive unit in the game its verry hard at the end of the game to defend. Add in the loose of your cash and it becomes almost imposible if not imposible. Im shure this would cause issues with some stratagys early on but those 2 can be adjusted to reflect a diferent troop cost and would also alow for a new stratagy where you countrys can produce 5 extra troops each.
---- Where's the BEEF!
02.04.2011 - 10:35
I myself think that nothing is missing when defending. Basically what you do as defender, predict where your enemy is going to attack you and stack that place full of defending troops. As perfect defense you get a big bonus for doing that! And to attack you simply avoid big stacks because your men aren't made for attacking! But I think you're more talking about being able to defend yourself when having a bad country? I think it's only fair if someone starts as belgium, takes germany and then kill you because you are netherlands and don't have anything else to gain extra men from. Why should you get a bonus if you are on the losing side? If he took germany and you took UK and made men and stack your defences to netherlands and he attacked with all his tanks, losing them all, you would have won. Sure I agree that if you pick a cheap country with only 1 reinforcement every 4 weeks you cannot compete against a much more expensive country that is able to make around 20 reinforcements per 4 weeks. The big difference is that if you picked Iceland you probably have a lot of money left, while if you picked Germany, most of your money would be gone.
02.04.2011 - 19:34
I have no idea what your complaint is. If you have only a small territory and no money, you are going to lose, regardless of a 20% reduction in troop costs. You could get troops for free and it won't help you much. The game is already set up to slightly favour defence, especially in cost. A defending infantry is equivalent to an attacking tank, at half the price. If you can't afford infantry, militia are almost as good (especially with PD). Favouring tiny countries with no production or income makes absolutely no sense in the game or in real life.
03.04.2011 - 10:31
Im not complaining. Im stating that the game would ballance out some more. Forcing a more thought out stratagy then stack, grab and attack. By allowing smaller countrys to build troops and bigger countrs to hord welth but weekening them by haveing to move those troops longer distances.
---- Where's the BEEF!
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