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25.06.2013 - 04:46
I just became rank 5. But I didn't bought any upgrade beside Air Transport Capacity and Naval Transport Capacity. (I also have heli's) Now the thing is I used to use transports to transport tanks with RA then after this I started to transport inf's and militia's along with tanks. I was planning to wait for Air Transport Capacity 2 and Transport Cheapener Thing (Don't remember the name) in order to strenghten my basic tactic.

I am just asking should I really wait for these or should I buy other upgrades? If so what shall I buy? Why? And how should I use those upgrades?

I was planning to buy MoS, submarines, marines and later Stealth Planes. I look forward your comments and advices. Cheers!
25.06.2013 - 15:33
If you buy MoS, don't buy marines, subs or stealths, you will get them with MoS, buy cheaper marines and faster marines instead. Don't use air transport for transporting militias or infs unless you use SM and then you only need 1 transport per bomber stack. Transporting troops with air transport is only viable with marines or tanks (especially when using RA). Don't overuse it though. Air transports eat a lot of maintenance money.
26.06.2013 - 05:42
Then I am buying MoS for now. Then later I may get SM. Thank you so much.

Edit: I bought MoS but stealth units aren't involved in in it. I am buying them now.

Edit 2: At first game my tanks were bonused so I thought there could be a bug. Now I created another game I have Stealth Planes, -bonus for tanks(as it should be) but no marines or submarines. (Although I have bonuses for them)

Is there a bug or something?
26.06.2013 - 07:43
Nope. Only stealth planes come with them I guess. I just bought MoS too.
30.06.2013 - 14:49
Might be, i've bought marines and subs before MoS so thought they come as stealth planes do. Cheaper marines must be your first upgrade then.
03.07.2013 - 18:33
To use it with NC for example.
05.10.2013 - 19:48
The green + at the top right in the main menu
16.11.2013 - 12:01
Napisano przez Enosia, 01.07.2013 at 03:02

If stealth planes come with MoS, then what's the point in buying them with 20,000 SP?

I second this, I'm rank 9 and guess what I still don't have Stealths unlocked and am completely fine not having them, I don't ever need them but thats just me, the 20k SP can be used towards faster infantry or something far more useful imo, stealths you will use very rarely if unlocked and generally only with SM/MoS where they are already unlocked and you don't need to pay SP upgrade to use them.
Napisano przez Amok, 12.03.2012 at 07:05

Why? It's much easier with the popup thingie buttons...

Napisano przez Amok, 15.05.2013 at 06:51

Wow man, you're so wrong, I don't even know where to begin with
16.11.2013 - 12:06
Konto skasowane
I'm rank 10 and still don't have Stealths unlocked neither. Don't buy it.
16.11.2013 - 13:48
I only ever use it sometimes with SM, as send ahead wfers. Very rarely with MoS and not much need with other strats so never unlocked it.

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