02.12.2013 - 13:42
Foreword: Hiya! Sorry for the long gap between my last one and this one. Hard to find the time and write this out. Enjoy! Chapter 1 & 2 From one level to the next Finding the clan chat was quite easy thanks to Hugosch. What would I do without him, eh? Had a look at the clan member list and there were four members in total, including myself and Hugosch. The others were XEvah (leader alongside Hugo) and MrMan. Both rank 7 but I remember XEvah was a lot closer to rank 8. I'd seen MrMan play before and he's absolutely class. I don't know what happened to him now but in my opinion he was the best player at the time. He had a certain style of playing which many players had envied and admired. Off the game he was an excellent player to talk to and he would go the extra mile to help you out. Unfortunately, he couldn't put himself on the stage and only small proportion of players got to see what he was like. Those were the GW days and he was the GW king. Well, okay maybe a slight exaggeration there. I didn't see what the others were like, I heard Nateballer had unusual but fantastic GW. I also had first hand experience of a battering by Houdini's GW Ukraine which you could tell was very pro-tier, even though he told me it was his first time playing it. Lies, lol. Anyways, when I had first met XEvah I thought she was a good player on the map but her qualities off the map was what made me good friends with her. She was a wonderful women to talk to. Even though she was dyslexic and I couldn't understand what she was saying (no offence intended) most of the time, we had some really great conversations. I regret saying this but at that time I probably considered XEvah a better friend than Hugo, mainly because we liked talking to each other and I saw her online more than I saw Hugo. Things have changed now of course, and I've said that I regard Hugo as a father figure for me in this game (weird yes) but the difference between the two at the time was I could go up to XEvah and talk to her about a stressful day whereas with Hugo it was mainly football and Afterwind tactics (remember things have changed). Things got blurry with Afterwind and BM after a week or so because AW stopped working for my PC (silverlight issue) and I was off for two and a half months. Came back and noticed how strong Bite Me! had gotten. Although excited, I had to admit I was a tad bit nervous. I was rank 6 and the only rank 6 surrounded by ranks above 8. Came back and had got along with the majority of players but one. There's always one player that I don't get along with in a clan, always. This was my first clan and the person that I didn't get along with was Cow or Supercacow as he was known back then. Don't want to sound innocent but the guy had to be the world's most arrogant person. Whenever he played BM cw loss, who was at fault? Oohhh no, definitely not Mr Cow. No, no of course not. No one can fault Mr Cow's performance. Even though he got anal'd and raped in game, he wasn't at fault at all. It was his teammates that were at fault, obviously. No doubt about it. Pathetic, the guy was. I stood up for a player because I couldn't stand it at one stage and he has hated me ever since. We didn't get along after that and there was a point where it was me or him. Hugo wanted us both to stay and I could see why. The nice guy or the better player? Which one? Eventually, I had to put my hand forward and told Hugo I was leaving the clan. Our constant bickering was disrupting the harmony of the clan and I had to leave. If Cow had left BM would have lost an amazing player. So I did the right thing by leaving. Not the best decision in my career, but the right one. Return to Bite me! A few months clanless, I wanted to get back in the action again. Still rank 6 (10k off rank 7) and my gameplay wasn't as good as I'd liked it to be. So I had asked Hugo if I could join BM again. He told me things had changed in BM and they weren't accepting my ranks so he directed me to join BM2, another small but strong clan with XEvah and Majorkill as leaders. Xevah recognised me of course and didn't hesitate to send an invitation. Now I wasn't tracking Cow's progress but I laughed my arse off when Hugo told me Cow left a week after I had left. I told Hugo they were better off without him anyway. He agreed. Lol. Cow. Lol. Back to the topic, Xevah welcomed me greatly to BM2. It had good upcoming players like myself, boyz_noize, Winfeng and counterpart. Unfortunately none of these players are around nowadays so you won't know them but they were all round good players. The atmosphere was good enough and we all got along well with each other. That being good and all, I couldn't really say the same about how we played. I didn't get to play many cw until a month passed but we were playing like utter shit. Most of those games we lost in the first 9 weeks. Gradually we improved as a team but we still lost. I think we went on a well known 8 losing streak. When I started breaking into the CW first team along with boys_noize we beat Dalmati Pups, ending that streak. Our third was Majorkill. Quite funny, the friendly banter going on at the time saying how we were better than the previous 8 BM2 teams. It was all going well after that too, we beat Dalmati Pups three times and they beat Empire SRB (I wasn't playing) too. I was promoted to officer after stringing up some good performances and noticed a real gem and great friend called Leaf. Know him? He was quite a funny character back then, completely different to who he is now (tbh so am i lmao). It was a euro map with 6 players and we were the only 2 people who hadn't allied anyone. The other 4 had allied together to destroy us both. Leaf and I were trying (TRYING) to kill off everyone including ourselves but we were getting weak. I started negotiating with leaf and we allied each other. Killed those bloody ally fags and won the game, getting more sp in the process. I don't know if he remembers this at all though, but it was a nice game and I developed a strong relationship with him from then on. He was funny though. A real funny dude. Still is, mind you a bit of a troll at times we did work well together with Tesla increase success with the radio. Ezzatam killed everything of course BUT THAT'S A STORY FOR ANOTHER DAY. Sorry for derailling the topic, where was I? Leaf. Yeah, so I invited him to our clan and he was reluctant to join at first. He didn't think he was ready for that kind of thing, but I managed to persuade him. I think he loved it. He got along with Xevah as much as I did and that's going somewhere. Of course, LDK had to ruin that. I was a prick and must say I did get jealous. Leaf probably does remember this but the two of them got along with each other so well that they started to take the mickey out of me. A bit childish yes, but hey I was someone that demanded respect. I still am tbh and it's that competitive aggressive feature that drives me to complete madness and anger. I don't like to lose. I don't like being cheated. I don't like being conned. If you think I'm mad in AW, blimey you should see me in real life. Anyways, I didn't like the way both of them treated me and got pissed off at them both. Left the clan (in a really childish manner) and came back after two days lol. Managed to iron out problems with Leaf but the stains on the relationship between Xevah and I was impossible to get rid off. This is where it gets worse. It was a 4v4 5k game. Hugosch, Xevah, Majorkill and I against the big lads off Empire SRB (fruit, aristo barry more and houdini). We got battered of course but I saved Xevahs butt 2 TIMES. Houdini should of killed her but I kept her going. After receiving praise from everyone, strangely my perfomance hadn't convinced Xevah. I was the "weak link" apparently, which caused us to lose. I told her to shut up. Okay, my exact words where "Shut up woman, you probably misread the game coz ur dyslexic." YEAH OKAY I GET IT, IT WAS BANG OUT OF ORDER. Xevah left the clan to make her own called "Zero legends", along with Leaf. I felt guilty so I told Hugosch what I did. He wasn't pleased but he told me I wasn't at fault. Hugo and Xevah had fallen into an argument about how the clan should run. They both disagreed and fell out which led Xevah to leave. Majorkill and Winfeng stayed loyal and I was still officer, soon to be promoted Leader and take BM2 to a completely new level. That's all for now folks, stay tuned! Afterword: Leaf is still a great person today, I've got nothing wrong with him. I think he's a bit of a troll (hypocrite much) than he used to be. In the old days I would consider him to be one of my best friends in the game that wasn't in my clan. Also, TO BONKZ, Tom daley just came out today as gay. Now waiting for all the One direction lads to come out THEN FUN TIMEZZZZ
02.12.2013 - 13:59
Why is he using other people to post these? Post them yourself you lazy fuck.
AlexMeza Konto skasowane |
02.12.2013 - 14:44 AlexMeza Konto skasowane
I read it all again :3 bonkzz dont go off topic or mods will end up locking this ![]()
02.12.2013 - 15:47
Its great to read it all again :). Many things recognizable and making me think back to the old times ![]()
---- Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
03.12.2013 - 11:56
http://atwar-game.com/cln/cln.php?cln_id=85 When did that happen? ![]() Btw, it was fun to read, yeah, it brings back those old times. :')
SuperiorCacaocow Konto skasowane |
08.01.2014 - 15:03 SuperiorCacaocow Konto skasowane
Oh come on LDK. I only hated on you because you sucked. ![]() Get over it, no need for still being buttmad three years later.
14.01.2014 - 16:13
I hardly know this guy, but anyway a nice autobiography to read. ![]()
---- ..... sushi
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