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24.07.2021 - 13:54
 DireWarlord99 (Moderator)
This has been a question that has been debated for a very long time: When does a player have the right to ally cap an ally's city in order to defend it from an attack and do players have a right to do this in the first place. In this situation, a trench was ally capped by the UK with the intention of defending vs an attack. This is a common practice by many as many think holding an ally's city just for 1 turn to defend it is completely fine. In this case this city has so little income and reif, that ally capping it to guard it seems rather reasonable. This debate is honestly up to the community as there are so many ways people can argue that this action is and is not justified.

Now on the subject of ally capping as an entente player (map specific), it can only be done if that player has died so Italy could only be "ally capped" if Italy legit was capped and was unable to be save (the enemy had pulled off 2 perfect walls, overwhelming numbers, etc), or Italy had to be dead/timed out due to being afk. Not following this is, what many players say, breaking the "rules" of the map. Now I do not have an SS of the map maker stating the rules so if someone does have an SS of this rule (that way we aren't making stuff up), then we can easily say MoS was attempting to break the rule, those who wish to ban him can ban, and we can go on with our lives. Again with this player leaving a game with no reason, those who wish to ban him can ban him, those who wish to ask the map maker to ban him from the map can do so. Unfortunately supporters don't really have the power to ban a person from a map and admins can just ban a player from a game, but I doubt this will get any admin/mod attention.
24.07.2021 - 14:51

Why the people keeps playing that meme map?
24.07.2021 - 15:12
That guy sounds like a dick, add him to your ban lists and just be done with it
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
25.07.2021 - 02:14
Like who cares ?...
Orcs are a horde, much like Turks. Elves and Men are light skinned, Orcs are often darker/sallow skinned, like Turks.

Istanbul?Thats not how you pronounce Constantinople
25.07.2021 - 06:09
If the map maker has rules regarding his map and is available in the showcase or in the map some where to be found, then it surely is bad thing and should be looked into it, it's Map maker choice then to ban him from his maps or give him warning.
I believe if the map maker is not around or available you should take your matter to some Trust worthies who can see every aspect of what happened and can come to conclusion.
in future if you have any of the problems try reaching out Nedris, Empirez I'm sure they will help you out.
28.07.2021 - 10:58
To not open another thread of this kind of attitudes, i'll post it here:

I dont think if this could be fine or no, but since low ranks can join and play games in main lobby we have situations like the one i'm about to picture. 3 very low ranks, facing ally &(&& of very high rank. I dont know if this could be defined as "farming" but its a clearly unfair game for the ultra low ranks. (Side note on this, Made in France coalition members are all well know for being abusers or ally//&/ in this kind of games).

I think all agree in this kind of things may scare away new players.
28.07.2021 - 11:19
Napisano przez Weisser Wolf, 28.07.2021 at 10:58

To not open another thread of this kind of attitudes, i'll post it here:

I dont think if this could be fine or no, but since low ranks can join and play games in main lobby we have situations like the one i'm about to picture. 3 very low ranks, facing ally &(&& of very high rank. I dont know if this could be defined as "farming" but its a clearly unfair game for the ultra low ranks. (Side note on this, Made in France coalition members are all well know for being abusers or ally//&/ in this kind of games).

I think all agree in this kind of things may scare away new players.

I always found it weird how long ranks can join main room games, anyways if they made it so they no low ranks can join testing expansions would be hard without a friend.
28.07.2021 - 18:02
I am not surprised that the one in the first image is the same type lol
28.07.2021 - 18:15
This is the right image burt u right, its a coalition of high rank ally /%/%


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