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Napisano przez Spart, 08.09.2014 - 11:54
Description: This tournament will be a ladder tournament that will last for the length of the current coalition season(3 months). The ladder will consist of ten participants ranking from 1-10. To move up in the ladder, you simply have to beat the person currently ranked ahead of you on the ladder in a 1v1 match. A victory results in you moving up one spot and a loss results in your dropping one spot. If you are not in the Top 10 of the ladder, you must beat the #10 ranked person to take their place on the ladder. The first ten ladder participants will be determined by the first ten players who win a 1v1 match and provide a SS here.

Rules: Any refusal to play a match in the tournament will result in an automatic loss to whomever challenged you. I don't care what the excuse is. It WILL BE A LOSS. For that matter, anyone who does not reply to another player's request to play will be considered a refusal to play and will also count as a loss. I know this sounds unfair, but I am letting everyone know ahead of time. My suggestion is that if you do not have enough time to play a match, do not get on AW because challenges will likely come as soon as you log on(especially if you are in 10th place). With that said, the exception to this rule is that you are allowed to refuse the opportunity for someone to play you if you have already played them that day. As for the settings for the match, the matches must be 1v1 in which you capture the other player's capital. Other than those two rules, you are allowed to play on any map, with any funds, with any other settings you like. All rules and victories will be enforced through screenshots, so DO NOT FORGET TO PROVIDE SCREENSHOTS.

  • King of the Ladder(Trophy Awarded to Number One Ranked Player at Season's End)
  • Slayer(Trophy Awarded to Player Who Defeated Number One Ranked Player the Most)
  • 50 ProtoCoins of my very own donation will also be given to all participants who finish in the Top 10

The Ladder:
1) Waffel
2) Khaleesi
3) Joedtaxi
4) Death1812
5) Acquiesce
6) Don
7) 1godofwar1
8) (Open)
9) (Open)
10) (Open)

Slayer Leaderboard:
1) Meester/Skenderbeu/Clovis1122/Khalessi/Waffel: One Point

P.S. If this turns out to be a popular tournament, I have considered starting Coalition and Tag Ladders as well in future seasons. Hope everyone has fun! Cheers!

Update #1: Upon further consideration, I have decided to limit the number of challenges to 1 challenge per person per day and the tenth ranked player will have to play no more than 2 matches a day to defend his spot.

Update #2: Screenshots must now also include the time and date within the screenshot so I may easier pull up the game in the game logs to verify. Therefore, do not embed the SS. Simply post a hyperlink to it. Also, a player will not be moved down for not playing on the first challenge(assuming he has good reason). Rather, a person will not lose a position until he has failed to play three consecutive challenges. Once again, screenshots with dates/times are required.

Update #3: Due to popular decision, the challenger decides the rules of the match if rules cannot be agreed upon mutually. Due to this already causing problems, I have decided to return to what I originally said. The two players should come to terms on an agreement for maps and rules. If it is not possible to reach an agreement, the game will be played in a Eu+ Map with 10k funds and 4 minute turns.

Update #4: You will not receive a point on the Slayer Leaderboard for beating the person who took 1st place from you.
04.10.2014 - 20:55
Konto skasowane
12.11.2014 - 18:57
How much till season end?
12.11.2014 - 19:23
Konto skasowane
Napisano przez clovis1122, 12.11.2014 at 18:57

How much till season end?

21 more days
23.02.2015 - 10:01
Ehh.... I want my trophy bitch

Napisano przez Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
23.02.2015 - 17:09
Napisano przez Waffel, 23.02.2015 at 10:01

Ehh.... I want my trophy bitch

Sure ...we shall name it "the trophy for the tourney everyone forgot about" and it kinda sucked ...sorry.
26.02.2015 - 15:43
Napisano przez Goblin, 23.02.2015 at 17:09

Napisano przez Waffel, 23.02.2015 at 10:01

Ehh.... I want my trophy bitch

Sure ...we shall name it "the trophy for the tourney everyone forgot about" and it kinda sucked ...sorry.

still a trophy wc

Napisano przez Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
26.02.2015 - 15:57
Sign me in
Cuva BOG Srbina svog!
26.02.2015 - 16:10
Napisano przez Goblin, 23.02.2015 at 17:09

Napisano przez Waffel, 23.02.2015 at 10:01

Ehh.... I want my trophy bitch

Sure ...we shall name it "the trophy for the tourney everyone forgot about" and it kinda sucked ...sorry.

XAXAXAXA. mfw this tournament exists..waffel!
26.02.2015 - 16:28

[pr] Commando Eagle: duel?
[pr] Commando Eagle: i have to regain back the lost elos and gain extra as punishment for rush

16.05.2015 - 17:13
Give me my trophy already ;_;

Napisano przez Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
29.05.2015 - 08:16
Can a mod please give Waffle his trophy for Ladder Season Beta Test? Also, don't give out a Slayer trophy because too many tied and not enough activity to reward one.
"In atWar you either die a hero or live long enough to ally fag and gang bang some poor bastards."

"In this game, everyone is hated."
30.05.2015 - 11:35
I'm too keen on recognizing this tournament. With the near 0 activity this hardly felt like a tournament.

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