znalezionych wyników: 579
08.09.2013 w Lobby Glitch
I don't know if this is intentional or just a glitch, but when a host starts a game and has the map load, the game in the lobby disappears for a minute or two. It doesn't go to the next page, it just disappears. It gets annoying when the game is almost full of players and it just vanishes for a couple of minutes. Also annoying when you want spectate a CW. It says 'one game' in the lobby, the clans start the game and the game disappears from the lobby and you have to refresh it a couple times for the game to appear again.
08.09.2013 w Premium Sales
Everybody settle down and insert your tampons before you continue complaining about the price.


That being said, these guys aren't money hungry freaks. They aren't adding fees and pop up and in text ads. If anything consider the extra cost as a donation to Amok and the team. They deserve the extra money.
05.09.2013 w Raw UN.
3 UN bases. 1 naval port for each UN. No starting units right by everyone's country. Team based game. UNs VS everyone.

05.09.2013 w IOS or Android?
Eh, risk has an app on iOS but it's shitty.

I can barley handle playing atwar on a laptop without a mouse, let alone on a 4-7 touch screen device.
Totally feel for you bro. I can understand units staying where they were the turn prior, but when I see a stack move somewhere I didn't put them I'm like lolwut .___.

Played a world game but it was a 1V1 in EU with me and this other player. Player was about to throw a big stack into my cap (RC. This wasn't extra cities so don't judge me! ) and I has 30 units in the Ukraine all ready to retreat back into my cap. Next turn those 30 units are in between the cap of Ukraine and Lviv and the other player had taken my cap. Had my units gone to Moscow, I would have easily kept my country, had gotten reinforcements, and destroyed his stack.
If a mod isn't on, it'd be nice to see if an admin was. They can help just the same as mods.
Well, this idea probably came about in your mind after getting crushed by the higher ranks, right? You want this 'save my ass' feature to help you not get crushed. No matter what 'save my ass' feature there is, higher ranks will learn a way around it and crush you just the same. Not only this, but the higher ranks would use this 'save my ass' feature x10 better then the lower ranks. More experienced players are not some unbeatable Gods. You don't need some special feature to help you beat them. Focus on what they do and learn from your mistakes. You'll eventually become good enough to beat them, or at least give a them a better fight.
Support. I also hate how you can't look around the map when the question comes up. I have to click around the mini map on the bottom right hand corner to see other parts of the map. I usually judge 1st turn expansion as who to ally.
04.09.2013 w Saving Moves
Would love a reset button. I either range fail, or i'm scared of a range fail so I don't attempt the move at all.
03.09.2013 w Limit Alliances
Alliances shouldn't be able to end. You can have a tool who takes all your empty caps and cities while you're allies with him, then he wars you and kills you cause he took a lot of your countries while having an alliance. It should at least be an option to have alliances not be able to end.
Well if you have an ally who is an asshole, he'd take the whole country instead of just a city. Had an ally do this to me in a game I played last night. expanded fast as turkey and rushed a germany and left all my cities and caps walled with little to no troops. Dick took almost all of the balkans and romainia. -.-
03.09.2013 w Mentor System
In a way, we already have this. Clans are like a mentor system. They challange you, they tell you what you did wrong and they help you learn so you'll be able to do well in a cw.
I've disconnected in the first few turns a couple of times and had to re-load atwar and find the game I was playing in. When I connect to the game though, i'm still the same country I started out. I don't have to pick a new one nor would I want to. I don't think disconnecting and connecting is the same as leaving and rejoining.
This option is pointless and is only to the advantage of trolls. If you lose, you lose. I hate trolls who rejoin after losing and spams the 100 units they get for joining late.
It's not like I said "Stupid idea, I don't approve." I went into detail as to why it wouldn't work. No matter what form you put it in, a leaver rep will not work. Since leavers only affects scenarios were every player is vital to the game, UN and WWI/WWII would be the only scenarios to benefit from this. Besides we already have an unwritten system. You leave, you're enemy listed, and you're kicked from playing any other game. This system has been working good IMO.
Nope won't work. Somebody leaves in a scenario and ruins the game will make everybody else leave as well. Therefore everybody gets the same amount of rep for leaving as the original troll who left. If anything, this will be more of an incentive to troll because if you leave and ruin the game, you have to make everybody else wait around for 5 turns so their rep is protected.
01.09.2013 w Units
Noob question here. But when you click on the players name and it shows the amount of units they have, does it show the units they can make, or the units they have built?
01.09.2013 w This needs to stop
No, no no. A medium level room would not work. I looked up a random rank 4 account and that record showed a total of 52 games played. I'm a rank 6 and I've played over 200. Other rank 6's have probably played more than I have. Rank 4's will be raped also. The only reason the noob room works is because the SP between the ranks are relatively the same. So you might say to make the medium level rank 5-7 but that won't work either. Rank 5's will have only played 150 or so and the rank 7 will have played over 400. Rank 5s will be equally raped. And I disagree about not learning. When I play against high ranks I study their expansion and the amount of units they attack/protect with. Watching games with high ranks playing works as well.
28.08.2013 w Upgrade Reset
Take a look around you. You see pop up ads all over the place? No. Only a banner at the bottom of the page. Hosting a website such as this is very costly. Amok and the team put a lot of work into this game and made it something truly great. A lot of their income comes from players buying premium packs. That money probably goes to pay for their server space and any profit (which they deserve) goes to their pockets for making such a kick-ass game. Stop being cheap and pay for the damn thing.
27.08.2013 w Clan War System 2013
^Well look at every active clan. Every clan that would actually compete would be able to cw with even ranked teams. With even ranked teams, I doubt anybody would back out of a cw. And since the players who would actually be playing in the CW are ranks 7+ who don't play UN games and don't allyfag, they know backing out is a LOT worse than playing and losing. Clans hold the most competitve drive out of all of atwar. I'm a noob rank 6 and I play 3V3 cw style games against high ranks. I've 1V1 ranks 8s and 9s. And I'd love to cw against a higher rank. Ill either win, or learn from my mistakes and become a better player.
27.08.2013 w Game Options
How about this: If you attack a transport (ship, plane, sub, whatever) that transports becomes your unit except the cost per turn for the transport will remain at the original owners expense for 2 turns. And allies can use empty transports by attacking it the same way allies can exchange empty countries. This will add a bit more of a consequence for using transports and it will allow allies to interact better.
UNs don't always fill up fast. I've trolled UNs on guest accounts and often times I couldn't get more than 5 players. Also keep in mind that it's usually the same 8+ people that play UNs. Rank 4s and 5s that play UN might be afraid of high ranks, so that's why they won't join your scenario.

"The orange guy is shit out of luck."
26.08.2013 w This needs to stop
UN players are some of the most ignorant assholes i've seen around. Look at this:

"Fuck the forums"

Yeah, fuck the place where tournements begin and where we can share strategies and talk about the game. That was their response after somebody asked if the UN was gonna be deleted based on this discussion.

On a positive note, that same UN had me as a guest as host where I disabled alliances and it was a successful ruined game.
25.08.2013 w This needs to stop
Napisano przez Tundy, 25.08.2013 at 20:21

Napisano przez Cpt.Magic, 25.08.2013 at 19:53

Host ur own games then

UN is hosted too much

Eh, that isn't real evidence. That was just me trolling on an alt. I disabled alliances in that UN game and thought it would be hilarious to have a full UN game where you can't ally anybody.
25.08.2013 w This needs to stop
Thank you proving my point. Kicking me out UN games is like getting rid of the UN games. You guys are stopping me from having fun.
25.08.2013 w This needs to stop
One of the main arguments I see UN fans make is: "We play for fun. Who's you to tell us how we should have fun?"

Well. I find rouging to be quite fun in UN games, yet everybody tells me to stop and won't let me do it. So, if I like roughing, who's you to tell me how to have fun?

And the UN fans response would be: "But roughing ruins the game for everyone."

I rouge for fun and it ruins the game for everybody. So I suppose you should be allowed to play UN for fun and ruin the game for everybody. Then we'll be even.
If we can gather enough evidence that UN is damaging the community, we won't need the majority vote to get AtWar to remove the SP from UN games.
25.08.2013 w GW Guide
Ah, I see. Didn't take into account the range the units need to move. What would you prefer as Germany and Ukraine Vendetta? PD or GW for Germany or GW or SM for Ukraine? In a 3V3 CW environment.
24.08.2013 w This needs to stop
I regret the 7k SP I earned, no let me re-phrase that. The 7k sp that was FARMED out of the UN games. I played straight EU+ and world games that got me to 3/4 of the way to a rank 6. Then the UN SP gave me that boost to rank 6. And I regret it SO much. Now, I'm labeled as a rank 6, when I should be a rank 5 who need's about 3k sp to get to rank 6. I still wish I was a rank 5. So, when I lose at least people's thoughts are "He played well as a rank 5." Instead of "I expected more from a rank 6."

Now, I've become more devoted to learning strats. I've studied up PD and GW, trying new countries, and participating in more 3V3 games.

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