znalezionych wyników: 579
Definitely deserves recognition for his work.
I'll be signing up and posting my partner later. :3
Support. If we have an upgrade to add HP to boats, we should have an upgrade for ATs.
Napisano przez Guest, 13.11.2013 at 10:25

Napisano przez Fockmeeard, 13.11.2013 at 10:16

"Ohhhh we spend soo much time on maps so we deserve better whaaaa"

Amok and the team spent a shitload of time on this game. Do you see them complaining about a lack of revenue? They don't make nearly as much as they deserve. Just because you spend a lot of time on something, doesn't mean you deserve anything in return.

"We are the heart and soul of the community!!"

Bullshit. This game started out in a beta with only the standard map and some variations of it. Look at how many people it attracted to play. If anything your precious little scenarios are what's ruining this game. Take WWII for example. Germany is stacked so he can rape UK and USA is stacked to save UK. I've played Vichy and other countries many times and it's the same shit every time. 'Wall this, defend this, take this' The only time it actually gets interesting is when there's only 4-5 players left 60 turns in. Not to mention scenarios don't teach anybody jack shit how to expand. Which is one of the pillars of atwar. There is a drastic drop in strategy needed to play when you are given hundreds of units and a lot of land at the very start of the game. Role playing is more important than actually developing skills in those stupid scenarios. So when you scenario noobs play a real game, you don't know how to expand. You don't know how to properly use your strategies. You fucking ruin the game because you have no clue what the fuck to do.

World map/competitive map are like the dinner. The meat, potatoes, the green beans. Scenarios are like the dessert. Something you get to have AFTER you finish your dinner.

First of all, if we disable the hability to play custom maps for 1 week, this game will die, in fact before custom maps where implemented the old school branch was about to die-out and UN was Already getting shitload of plays, Yes! Un! Before custom maps where released!.

Now about ww2, is by far the most skill hungry thing you could do other than a 3 vs 3 againts Real old school clans. Right now clan wars are not about who has the most skilled but about who has the less noob members.

You consider people that play ww2s as noobs? Kid by the time that it took you to become rank 6 i was already 8 (no custom maps yet)

Edited: i would love to see you play as germany in a ww2 and try to take down a pro Uk, without getting overrun by usa and canada at turn 9

Can't speak your mind on your main..? Interesting.

People like you (assuming you really are a high rank) who played world maps, 3v3 exc. who are playing WWII and scenarios now aren't the ones I'm talking about. I'm talking about the people who have only played scenarios since the beginning of their time on atwar. The people that never learned to properly expand or fight in different situations. These rank 4s and 5s and 6s who play the same scenarios over and over as the same countries they only learn to fight in that particular situation. You put them in any other situation and they'd get their ass run over.

Your last part about me getting run over by turn 9 as Germany only proves my point! Please tell me how spamming bombers and inf on trans as the USA takes skill? Brazil does the same thing except its main job is to attack Vichy. What skill does it take for the allies to play? Playing as countries that already give you an extremely large advantage.
"Ohhhh we spend soo much time on maps so we deserve better whaaaa"

Amok and the team spent a shitload of time on this game. Do you see them complaining about a lack of revenue? They don't make nearly as much as they deserve. Just because you spend a lot of time on something, doesn't mean you deserve anything in return.

"We are the heart and soul of the community!!"

Bullshit. This game started out in a beta with only the standard map and some variations of it. Look at how many people it attracted to play. If anything your precious little scenarios are what's ruining this game. Take WWII for example. Germany is stacked so he can rape UK and USA is stacked to save UK. I've played Vichy and other countries many times and it's the same shit every time. 'Wall this, defend this, take this' The only time it actually gets interesting is when there's only 4-5 players left 60 turns in. Not to mention scenarios don't teach anybody jack shit how to expand. Which is one of the pillars of atwar. There is a drastic drop in strategy needed to play when you are given hundreds of units and a lot of land at the very start of the game. Role playing is more important than actually developing skills in those stupid scenarios. So when you scenario noobs play a real game, you don't know how to expand. You don't know how to properly use your strategies. You fucking ruin the game because you have no clue what the fuck to do.

World map/competitive map are like the dinner. The meat, potatoes, the green beans. Scenarios are like the dessert. Something you get to have AFTER you finish your dinner.
11.11.2013 w Bombers attack first
Stupid idea.

Tanks and infantry take cities/countries, not bombers. So if your infantry and tanks attack first, they will die first so you're left with bombers that cannot take the city/country.
Why not just make your ideas into upgrades for the General?
28.10.2013 w Premium Features
Napisano przez VRIL, 28.10.2013 at 06:16

The premium packages were being restructured. It is not sure yet if individual packs will be back or not. What you ccould do is get yourself 499 protocoins which was the previous prize for the custom map package and send a personal message to Ivan or Amok. They can unlock it for you.

Does this apply to all the packs?
25.10.2013 w AW Modz

I actually got some votes. Awww you guys :')
We've all ran into an alt at some point on our time here at atwar. We're all sick of losing massing elo points to some rank 8/9/10/11/12 hiding under a rank 3 alt. So here is what I propose: All new members automatically get IP checked before they are allowed to log in. If the IP of the account matches up with another, then they get a big shiny ALT written on their profile. Either that or we simply don't allow members to make multiple accounts on the same IP. If this were to work though, then atwar would need to be able to detect proxies.

I'm surprised the admins haven't done anything already, because aren't they essentially getting free incognito? Rather than paying with protocoins to have their identity hidden, they just make a new alt and completely bypass the protocoin cost.

Not to mention it's not fair to all the noobs who have to be brutally raped until these alts reach rank 3 so they can play in the main room and troll everybody else. This also takes away credibility from the ranks 3/4/5 who DO beat higher ranks who aren't alts.

So, support?
The thing I'm bugging most about this is that the 20 CW per season actually effected the LAST season as well.
22.10.2013 w Disrespect
And I have no problem coming out and saying that it is I who Mr_Own_U is talking about.

And as usual, there is a LOT more than what you're reading here.

After being a part of 3 unsuccessful clans I was looking for a clan that had a decent amount of high ranks that I could learn from. Some felt too exclusive and the clans that I did receive invites to were not very active. I thought evoL would be a good place since they CW'd a lot and from the looks of it, they had active high ranks. Seemed great so I went ahead and joined. The only people who actually trained and talked on the chat were ranks 6s and 7s and as you can see, that's not what I expected. But then LDK joined and changed everything. He started training everybody and kept everybody active. But there was always that one problem. A bad leader. Mr_Own_U was far from being a reputable leader. Anytime he beat a high rank he would spam the clan chat with a picture of his win. He talked nonstop shit to any opponent that didn't flat out rape him in a 1v1. Not to mention he embarrassed the clan on several occasions. That 1v1 CW, that clan report that was thrown together at the last minute which was basically a "Look at how good we are", and anybody/everybody MOU talked shit to. There was also a time where we decided to train except only 5 of us were on. So we invited an outsider to come play. When we were about to start another clan mate came on and so MOU kicked the person INVITED to play. When the guy came back he was upset and asked why he was kicked. MOU and LDK both responded with comments such as "GTFO faggot" "yeah evoL only" "mute the outsider. stupid fag" and exc. At that point I was furious and decided to leave LDK convinced me to stay. It was ok the next couple weeks, expecially with the legendary GK joining but LDK and GK had some issues so GK eventually left. Then came the time where I CW'd against SM. MOU and LDK both accused people of wall glitching and MOU ran his mouth AGAIN talking nonstop shit. Calling SM faggots left and right and just being rude. I was the only one at the end to say 'gg' and actually mean it. Later that day I decided to leave.

As for what I said today, I just decided to push a couple of MOU buttons and it eventually ended up in a chat where I told him pretty much everything I wanted to tell him since day one. And then he started this thread.
22.10.2013 w Disrespect
Napisano przez Mr_Own_U, 22.10.2013 at 17:18

Napisano przez Fockmeeard, 22.10.2013 at 16:39

Napisano przez Mr_Own_U, 22.10.2013 at 15:43

Some people go above and beyond just to be disrespectful. Todays thing is disrespecting clans. Why all the hate? Yeah I'm guilty of it but me and the person made up and are good friends now and he is in my clan now, but thats not the point. Can't say names here cause it would be considered harassment but a former member of mine goes off and joins another clan, completely fine with it and wished him luck and all. I'm dueling someone and he comes in and starts being a dick and saying how my clan is shit, we wont ever win, we have all shit members and a shit leader. And in my head I'm like the hell? This former member who was in my clan since the 3rd week of opening disrespects it like that? Then I global "evoL is taking apps, blah blah" And then someone else messages me. "Your clan is garbage, you have a bad leader and all noob members. " Nearly identical to what the other person said. Then they stoop to all lows of them pulling out a screenshot of them beating me in a win. k bro want a medal for beating a rank 7?

But seriously show some respect, just cause you didn't/don't like the clan you don't need to bash it and its members. That's why some people don't even want to compete cause they are scared of what people might say about them and there clan. Be friendly and just stop.

Geez, this guy sounds like a real dick!

Hmm yeah, I wonder how you would know?

I'm wondering too man. .____.
22.10.2013 w Disrespect
Napisano przez Mr_Own_U, 22.10.2013 at 15:43

Some people go above and beyond just to be disrespectful. Todays thing is disrespecting clans. Why all the hate? Yeah I'm guilty of it but me and the person made up and are good friends now and he is in my clan now, but thats not the point. Can't say names here cause it would be considered harassment but a former member of mine goes off and joins another clan, completely fine with it and wished him luck and all. I'm dueling someone and he comes in and starts being a dick and saying how my clan is shit, we wont ever win, we have all shit members and a shit leader. And in my head I'm like the hell? This former member who was in my clan since the 3rd week of opening disrespects it like that? Then I global "evoL is taking apps, blah blah" And then someone else messages me. "Your clan is garbage, you have a bad leader and all noob members. " Nearly identical to what the other person said. Then they stoop to all lows of them pulling out a screenshot of them beating me in a win. k bro want a medal for beating a rank 7?

But seriously show some respect, just cause you didn't/don't like the clan you don't need to bash it and its members. That's why some people don't even want to compete cause they are scared of what people might say about them and there clan. Be friendly and just stop.

Geez, this guy sounds like a real dick!
If you spent SP to change your username, with your name get reverted back to the original when you sell back your upgrades?
Read the victory condition...
I support!
16.10.2013 w Clans
[reserved space for other idea that I don't feel like writing now]
16.10.2013 w Clans
A lot of people have been complaining about the lack of active CWs on atwar. Some blame it on players not wanting to learn the competitive map while others blame the admins, call atwar dead, and decide to leave the game.

Well here's my idea and it's a long shot, but hear me out: We have a maximum roster.

Think of it this way. Every competitive sport has a maximum amount of players that can be on the same team right? Well, if CWing is as competitive as we all say it is, then why don't we have a maximum player roster? After all, a clan war is 99.9% of the time a 2v2 or 3v3. Clans don't need 15-30 players to have a successful clan. Look at Mortal Kombat. 9 players (excluding the player inactive and the leader) and they're 5-1 this season.

I think the problem is that when a clan goes inactive or dies out all the remaining players who wish to compete want to be a part of a winning clan. So what do they do? They go join the most active clan with the most talented players and then it runs in a cycle. Then we're left with 5-7 extremely successful clans and when you have these elite clans with all the talented players, it's hard for somebody to start a new clan because you're competing against the majority of the competitive players. With a maximum roster of 5 or 6 (excluding founder) you're forcing new clans and all the talented players to organize into more, new clans. This will also make clans more exclusive and there will be a higher demand to join.

We also need to post a banner or something advertising clans and how to join when you first log into the clan as newbie.
No support. Music averages around 1.8mb per minute. Since the music has to be uploaded and not streamed, it has to be stored on the site which will take up a lot of space if a lot of scenarios upload long playlists. Not to mention the plausible issues with copyright.
14.10.2013 w HQ
Seems useful. Especially in a world map where you're doing 50 million things at once.
11.10.2013 w Stealth transport?
Yeah, the range for subs can be pretty large if you have the +1 movement upgrade and you're playing MOS.
11.10.2013 w Permanent alliances
Just make it an option?
09.10.2013 w Adopt A Newb
Napisano przez Soul, 09.10.2013 at 14:56

Napisano przez Fockmeeard, 09.10.2013 at 14:49

I'm a noob who wishes to be adopted.

My only available mentor right now isn't qualified enough (he's a decent rank 7 I've assigned to only train ranks maybe 4/5 and under) so give me a bit to find you one. I'm on it right now

No worries!
09.10.2013 w Adopt A Newb
I'm a noob who wishes to be adopted.
08.10.2013 w More Monetary Options
What Terminal said. Except we should keep 50k as the max. I don't see the need for a game to have more than 50k.
07.10.2013 w Adopt A Newb
Can it be a requirement that newbs have to stop playing UN if they wish to have a mentor?

It would be really hard to mentor somebody is always in a UN game..
3v3/4v4 Eurasia 15k sounds like fun.

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