znalezionych wyników: 326
07.10.2021 w Update #8
Napisano przez Black Vortex, 07.10.2021 at 11:58

Very cool,
one question though, will the new world map have the same permissions as the current one? Anyone can host world map 2.0 and presets (but not change some of the game options without premium)?

Yes, it will be just like the current world map -- anyone can host it.
Damn I forgot to add Canada to the list

Take that Brian! ♥
Napisano przez Chess, 06.10.2021 at 00:58


Also, how can you vote for Nevada Dave? There's like 45 states better than Nevada.

I take it that poll results are not anonymous to admins since he didn't mention that in this topic.

Actually the votes really are recorded anonymously... even I couldn't tell you who voted for what. He was probably just looking at whos visited the topic and guessing... considering how often I complain about California, it probably wasn't hard for him to figure it out
Napisano przez Sid, 06.10.2021 at 00:02

Also, how can you vote for Nevada Dave?

- No state income tax.
- Good business environment (low regulations, low bullshit)
- Affordable real estate.
- Pro-gun (CCW shall-issue state; open carry legal)
- Outside of Vegas, the people are generally much friendlier than in CA. (I can give lots of anecdotal evidence of this, but suffice to say I am convinced of it.)

I have a place in NV now and I much prefer being there than in CA. Vegas is crazy, but everywhere else in Nevada is a wonderful place to be. I really feel like I belong there.
Napisano przez Noir Brillant, 05.10.2021 at 12:58


Question is for Dave (or anyone else familiar with the map maker programming).

Can I edit a map or a scenario while some active games are using them?
Sounds like a useless question if you think about quick games, but when the maps / scenarios are being played as 100 day casual games, that can slow down the map development quite a bit.

I know that with the old map editor, I ruined a few maps and games doing so. I was just wondering if the new map editor is robust enough to handle that.


Edit: I don't mind if changes are effective immediately in ongoing games or not; I just want to avoid irreversibly ruining the map itself.

Short answer -- no, I wouldn't recommend it.

Long answer -- it should be safe to do small things like reuploading the background, or small border adjustments. Any games in progress would pick up these changes immediately.
Where you would get into trouble would be if you do things like changing cities, or countries... this would likely cause errors, or not show up at all. Probably the same thing with changing scenario parameters.

To speed up map development I would suggest making a new clone for each change you want to make. That's what we're doing for the World Map 2.0 project -- every time we make changes a new clone is made and we put a version number on it for our own reference. That's really the best way to do it safely. (Which still kinda sucks, I know, but it is what is....)

Also FWIW the ability to delete maps is coming in the near future so you wouldn't have to worry about all those clones staying in your account forever... you'll be able to clean them up soon.
05.10.2021 w Unleashed and others
As for the topic of activity... sure we all want more activity, but if that issue is to be solved, it will be solved by new blood coming in. We are not going to give a free pass to bad behavior, in order to get back people who were literally destroying this community. (You haven't seen the complaints like I have -- I've gotten dozens of messages over the last 2+ years because of people who hack, cheat, or are extremely toxic, and the normal users who have quit the game because of it.) The people we've gotten rid of needed to go, and I consider keeping them out an important step to the future of atWar.

As I've said before we have plenty of new users signing up each month... the solution is to make the game more attractive to them so they stay interested. My focus is getting more r0-r5's. We need to stop thinking of the game from the perspective of high rank competitive players, are start thinking about it from a noob's perspective, because that's the only way we're going to get any significant influx of new players.
05.10.2021 w Unleashed and others
Napisano przez Crow, 05.10.2021 at 11:50

I can't believe you think bugs has nothing to offer to atWar. I know I am the last person to be talking about this situation considering my ban history, but I just have to disagree with you on that take.

I can understand if you think Unleashed wouldn't have anything to offer this game if he was unbanned, but saying bugs would have nothing to offer is just wrong. Whether or not you like him, you cannot deny that bugs is a good player (even without hacks, but let's be honest, it's not like he is the only good player on this game who was caught using hacks). If bugs was to return then Same would also return and that's one clan that's revived and back in the competitive scene, and two competitive players also returning to spice up the competition and make it more interesting.

You also have to look at the different motivations between Unleashed and bugs whenever they make alts. Unleashed makes alt accounts to spam the forum and call people names, bugs just makes alts to play games on atWar. Keep in mind that Sun Tzu and Froyer also hid bugs in their clans when he was using an alt, and all he did was play in cws and duels, not harming anyone.

From what I know, bugs has been playing league for the past year with other atWar members, including moderators and former admins Clovis and Mecoy. I do not necessarily believe bugs is this boogeyman that is hated by the atWar community, but rather, just poor decisions he made when he was younger when he was originally banned which started a long fued between him and the moderators of this game.

This situation reminds me to 2016 when I and others would campaign for hdrakon's unban (you can look at my old posts on the ROYAL account for proof). You could say hdrakon was the bugs to Amok and Ivan, he would spam alts, hacked the mod forum, abuse hacks and was just generally a nuisance to the atWar team. I pleaded with Sun Tzu (the only active admin at the time) to give hdrakon one last chance to prove he had changed, and in February 2017 he was finally unbanned. And well, as soon as he was unbanned Mystics got hype and we were extremely active that season, and he also proved he has changed and is now a supporter.

I know this would mostly fall on deaf ears and even risk me getting banned, but it's just something I had to say. You cannot deny that bugs is a good competitive player who would increase atWar activity. There has been plenty of good and respectable players that have been banned for bug abusing and going a bit crazy. Hell, Mauzer Panteri straight up boycotted the competitive scene with Mortal Kombat but still logged on everyday on an alt because we all know deep down he still loves atWar.

At the end of the day, atWar needs more activity, whether good or bad. I find no motivation to play atWar nowadays because less activity, Same quit the game and every clan is clique formed and if you aren't part of the clique then there's no point in joining. I still login from time to time to keep up to date with the game because I still care about atWar. I even tried convincing Mauzer Panteri to revive Mortal Kombat just so I can watch them CW again, because I have great respect for Mauzer and Mortal Kombat.

That's all I have to say on the matter. I stopped talking to moderators regarding bugs, but after reading this thread I just decided to give my opinion on the situation. I know Dave and Sid have their own opinions on bugs and the type of person they think he is, but I just hope they will be willing to maybe reconsider their judgement on him and ask people who actually talk to him daily, including Clovis, who I'm sure would trust his opinion.

I understand your opinion. I just urge you to use caution with him. I am 100% convinced he has serious psychological issues. He exactly fits the profile for narcissistic personality disorder -- I'm not a psychiatrist, but I have known at least one person with NPD in my life, and I can tell you the similarity in behavior is uncanny. Right now everything may seem fine because you two are friends, but if he ever turns on you, watch out. For your own safety I really encourage you to distance yourself from him as much as possible.
Your reward is a shiny new rank shield
Fixed! This bug was actually my fault for a change, which is good since I knew exactly where to go to fix it
02.10.2021 w Update #8
Napisano przez Robsero, 02.10.2021 at 09:44

When will all of this be available ?

If you mean the World Map 2.0, we're aiming to release it in December. The rest of the stuff we mentioned is available now
02.10.2021 w Unleashed and others
Napisano przez IJustHaveTo, 02.10.2021 at 10:57

If unleashed is immediately found to be toxic, or xbugs is immediately found to be cheating, in less than a minute both can be perma banned again. I have no idea how mods handle that but it should be easy to ban again, so if they do something they will be in the same state as they are now. It is called the conception of 'reform'. If they have been already banned for many years, chances are they've grown up at least a little bit, but under the constant effect of a permanent ban, it is not hard to understand why they act like this. If you already spent a lot of time on a game, and then you got banned, I imagine moving on immediately might not be the easiest thing to do. Probably Hellykin's example is the best one, knowing the situation he was in, he actually decided to stay out of the game, or at least I have not seen him for some time, but maybe he just never cared enough to return or try to make an appeal.

You don't seem to realize we've gone down that road already with unleashed & bugs. They have already had their "one last chance", and they both sooner or later went right back to doing the same old shit. We (the moderators & staff of atWar) have been ridiculously patient and forgiving... but how many "last chances" do we give? We are not these kids' parents... we don't give them a new "last chance" every year. At some point we just have to say, enough is enough.

Every banned player's situation is different. For example Osix could probably appeal after a year or so and if he's sincere enough get his "one last chance" (although I doubt he's the kind of guy to ever change his behavior). Helly asked to be unbanned after some months by sending me a message full of further insults, so obviously he never learned anything. When it comes to people like bugs & unleashed though, they have PERMANENTLY burned their bridges here. I don't know how to say that any more clearly -- they will NEVER be unbanned, period. Those are 2 psychologically disturbed individuals who have demonstrated they'll never change, despite repeated chances, and we're simply not giving them any more "last chances" again. (The fact that they are still trying to get back in, after they've been told they are not welcome and not wanted, tells you all you need to know. When normal people are point-blank told they are not welcome, they go somewhere else.)

This is not because I or any of the mods "hate" them (even though they like to say that's the reason). I wish them well and I sincerely hope they get some professional help in their lives. Our motivation is simply to protect the rest of the atWar community from their abuse.

Real life has consequences. When you fuck up badly enough, the consequences can last your entire life. Some people need to realize this.
27.09.2021 w Unleashed and others
Napisano przez Unweeshed, 27.09.2021 at 22:05

bad activity is better then no activity

I disagree.

See https://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=48001
I got a vertical mouse a year or so ago after Abraham recommended it... it really is great. Since I work at my computer all day long it makes a difference.
27.09.2021 w Delete Maps
I'm working on it

It will have some restrictions though, like you won't be able to delete maps with more than, say, 10 plays, to prevent people from maliciously deleting popular maps. (I might change the exact number, don't quote me on it yet, but it will be something like that.)

Here's a screenshot from the test site -- it's not finished yet though.

Napisano przez Noir Brillant, 27.09.2021 at 14:13

Would anyone know if this is going to be addressed in the near future or not? Just curious, no pressure.

Yes I'm working on it, but it will take a while.

The entire way AW saves/loads games is janky and not reliable. In July I started working on a replacement system. I got the saving-half of it more or less done. I still have to do the "loading it back in again" part. I'm hoping it will fix problems like this bug report, and other things too. However there's a chance it won't fix everything -- there may still be bugs elsewhere -- but it should make them easier to track down at that point.

Anyway it's definitely a work in progress.
27.09.2021 w Origins of Unleashed
I think Unleashed has serious mental issues and needs professional help. (I'm not joking, I'm not trying to be insulting... I mean it in the literal, serious sense.)

It could be emotional turmoil like Brianwl said... in fact there's probably a lot of truth to that. I once heard somebody else say he has Borderline Personality Disorder... I don't know for sure, but that would make a lot of sense too.

Since I'm not a psychologist though, there's nothing I can do to help him. My job is just to protect the rest of the AW community from him.

It's challenging to keep someone out when they are so determined. So far we've banned almost 300 accounts of his, and over 700 IP addresses (mostly VPNs). The vast majority of those bans were added by our system automatically. It's not like I have time to sit here all day applying bans . We have a pretty strong banning system now that learns and automatically applies bans whenever it makes a connection between a banned person and some new alt. It's not perfect though, and he continues to slip through from time to time. Just about every single moderator has had to deal with him at one time or another.

So here we are, now 2 years and counting... and he's still trying to get into a game where nobody wants him.
Napisano przez Chess, 25.09.2021 at 03:04

Check it out.... in your user profile / settings page:

26.09.2021 w Premium Giveaway
Ted the philanthropist

Thanks for doing this, it was a very nice thing to do.
26.09.2021 w Join game link
Napisano przez PaIm, 26.09.2021 at 08:31

Napisano przez Amok, 11.11.2013 at 10:29

Will be implemented.

Updates on when it's coming?
8 years have passed by

First I've seen of this. I'll try to follow through on what Amok promised though.

I'll do my best to get it done sometime in the next 8 years
26.09.2021 w Curiosity!!!
Moving this to Ideas and Suggestions.... would be cool to develop someday
Thanks to everybody who participated... it was nice talking with you all. We will do this again sometime!

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