znalezionych wyników: 754
Napisano przez Proboi, 22.09.2023 at 04:33

Napisano przez Tokugawa, 21.09.2023 at 18:57

Napisano przez Estus, 21.09.2023 at 14:10

do u luv zoella???
no never not even in my dreams because he is my acc

Napisano przez Estus, 21.09.2023 at 14:10

do u luv zoella???
13.09.2023 w Any clan free?
Napisano przez Zoe, 12.09.2023 at 12:42

I only allow white people in my clan, sorry. I might make an exception if you are albino or something. Even then, Indians smell EXTREMELY bad. I mean—it's fucking nauseating, and I can't believe being in the same clan as you—so you'd have to be an albino Indian who regularly uses deodorant and takes a bath, which is impossible; especially the latter two.

I haven't even touched on the accent. Truly, India and Turkey are the armpits of the world. Oh, and this also means that their people are armpit bacteria, which is even more disgusting.

09.09.2023 w What is your MBTI?
Napisano przez Zoe, 03.09.2023 at 19:20

Mine is ESFP.

no zoella
Napisano przez Dr. Bright, 05.09.2023 at 00:58

I made my own youtube channel and posted a promotional AtWar video. How do I become a supporter now? Also I'm better than Sun Tsu.

Napisano przez I_Hate_You_All, 19.08.2023 at 13:40

Napisano przez Zoe, 19.08.2023 at 07:23


Hello Zoe :3

Napisano przez Zoe, 19.08.2023 at 07:23


At-girl <3
at-girls <3
Napisano przez soft goth avery, 04.08.2023 at 14:53

Napisano przez soft goth avery, 04.08.2023 at 14:37

Log on or ur gay

(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ OwO ♥ H-hewwo thewe, evewyone~! I'm hewe to tawk about Atwaw~! (。♥‿♥。)

Atwaw is the most kawaii, sugoi, and nyaa-tastic game you'll evew come acwoss! It's a bootifuw onwine stwategy game that wiww make youw heawt go doki-doki~! (´• ω •') ♡

Youw armies awe so adowabwe, I can't even~! They wun awound the map wike smow coconyans, conquewing tewwitowies and making theiw way to viwtuaw gwowy! OwO What's this? An enemy army in my nyaaighborhood? >///< Nyot to wowwy, my kawaii fwiends and I wiww outsmart them with ouw tactical genius! Uwu

And don't even get me stawted on the commyunity~! uwu Evewyone thewe is supew nice, kind, and suppowtive. We shawe waughs, make memowies, and bond ovew ouw wuv fow this amazying game~! (。♥‿♥。)

When you pway Atwaw, it's wike entewing a wondewwand of stwategic cuteness. Youw bwaain gets a good wowkout, and youw heawt gets fiwwed with joy! (つ ♥灬 ͜ʖ灬♥)つ

So, my fewwow adowabwe stwategists, join me in the nyoble quest fow Atwaw gwowy! (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑ It's awways a fun time with amazyingly swy and talented pwayews wike you~! (´• ω •') ♡ Let's make this game an even mowe adowable and amazing pwace to be! Fow the kawaii Atwaw fuwewe~! nuzzles (づ。♥‿♥。)づ

do you like zoella?
Napisano przez Rock Lee, 06.07.2023 at 06:51

I was happy for like 2 years, and now I am sad again.


Napisano przez Asylan, 10.06.2023 at 02:52

Dragons: Your chance of getting a rare unit is dependent on whether or not the setting is enabled, and if you are a premium user. Premium users have a higher chance of getting Dragons.
Normal Games; Generals are a premium unit only, there is a free trial when you first start out, afterwards- you must buy premium.

Hope this helps.

07.06.2023 w Gimme some PC
Napisano przez DeepFriedUnicorn, 04.06.2023 at 14:50

Give us and idea for a map if I make it you gimme PC

I have and idea for a map,you make it.. i give you PC

The scenario takes place in afghanistan and africa,

Big Boss(snake) goes into a coma as a result of the events at Metal gear solid:Ground Zero and the annihilation of "Militaires Sans Frontières". He reawakens nine years later and assists the Diamond Dogs in running a new mercenary organisation. He goes undercover as "Venom Snake" and enters Afghanistan during the Soviet-Afghan War and the border area between Angola and Zaire during the Angolan Civil War in an effort to find those guilty for the devastation of MSF. Along the journey, he reconnects with his old enemy Ocelot and runs across the supernaturally gifted assassin and sniper Quiet. Snake discovers a project by "the Patriots" organisation to create a new model of the Metal Gear system called as the ST-84 "Sahelanthropus" while he and Kazuhira Miller are first motivated to wreak retribution.

05.06.2023 w Gimme some PC
Napisano przez DeepFriedUnicorn, 04.06.2023 at 14:50

Give us and idea for a map if I make it you gimme PC

03.06.2023 w Dave... Please
Napisano przez woojoo, 03.06.2023 at 01:55

Napisano przez Acidus, 07.05.2023 at 11:49

Napisano przez Palmitas, 29.04.2023 at 21:52

Intermediate and Advanced tutorials have been "coming soon" for a while but they never come

pretty sure they've been coming soon since i was a supporter...

they've been coming soon since I was almost thrown out from my parent's house in 2020

grandpa dave...
22.05.2023 w 10 or 15-second turns
Napisano przez Tokugawa, 22.05.2023 at 12:28

Napisano przez soft goth avery, 22.05.2023 at 09:25

I prefer 50 day turns, so I can spend 1 hour a day thinking how I should use each and every unit

Napisano przez Sascha, 21.05.2023 at 17:03

or talk to a mod...

20.05.2023 w 10 or 15-second turns
Napisano przez Tribune Aquila, 20.05.2023 at 10:07


It would be fun if you experimented with fast turns. Imagine if we had blitz games where players have enough time to make only 1 move.

This should be tested and then if everything checks out, implemented just to see how people respond to it.

and buy extra general for protos option dearest?
19.05.2023 w HOT OR NOT?
Napisano przez EVERYBODYISGAY, 18.05.2023 at 14:51

Napisano przez The Panda Jew, 18.05.2023 at 06:40

The nails are a turn off. Nobody needs murder weapons on their hands.

What's wrong with you, you homophobe?!

There's no money in it, and money is the only thing they care about. Customers, even raging homophobes, buy stuff. Employees are just replaceable cogs in the cash harvester. If you expect your company to stand by you, even if you're absolutely in the right, brace for crushing disappointment. They'll drop you like you're made of anthrax
10.05.2023 w Insurrection nerf
Napisano przez Skittzophrenic, 10.05.2023 at 12:59

Napisano przez Sun Tsu, 09.05.2023 at 18:41

We all know its way too op....
To make it viable I suggest a range nerf of -1 and a transport price nerf of +50....
Considerations pls?

You sir, are crazy

09.05.2023 w Happy Victory Day!
09.05.2023 w Happy Victory Day!
Soviet Union Victory over Nazi Germany. May 9th 1945 WW2
02.05.2023 w Dave... Please
DeepFriedUnicorn from Ireland
26.04.2023 w Eurovision 2023
Napisano przez DeepFriedUnicorn, 26.04.2023 at 13:09

our guy in the backgrounds of the song just got dropped because of the cyber bullying and social per pressure of the trans crowd. At least "We are one" (The lyrics of Irelands song)
I don't think they're surprised at all. They want you to give up.

The project of elites within the US, UK, probably other places, for at least the last 30 years has been to drive political and social apathy so that they can do whatever they want.
18.04.2023 w If ever
I know its tough to hear a compairson about a terrorist group, that was behind multiple horrible attacks on Americans, but if this group could take better care of its workers than american companies its very telling where we are at today. Imagine being able to tell your boss that gets shitty with you or ignores your request that even Osama Bin Laden took the time weekly to meet with his employee committes and address their concerns
16.04.2023 w Politics
Napisano przez DeepFriedUnicorn, 03.04.2023 at 12:21

Napisano przez Tokugawa, 16.11.2022 at 20:05

I noticed a whole wack of uk atwar players have not been online lately. could it be because russia is invading ukraine

Well. Actually the UK government have came out and talked about the Grooming gangs and how they are real and for the past decade, people have been trying to shut down others as racist or right wing.
Probably that's the reason, or like, that news triggered me today so I have to post it here.
They might be suffering from facts don't care about your feelings syndrome.

Now its all ture, crazy that...

Few, if not lots of the social media presence of which was saying that others are racist, right wing or fascists on this issue for a decade.

It really shows you that the social media presence and pressure 24/7 social media people definitely do distort facts and genuine concerns.

06.04.2023 w Somebody you miss?!
Napisano przez Tokugawa, 05.04.2023 at 13:57

I miss 4nic, he was such a strong Masculine man 0_o

bro i dont missed 4nic

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