znalezionych wyników: 3403
10.11.2013 w The Tik-Tok Theory
Hm..why do i m seeing the boy wearing skirt..and pantyhose
Miss some good old ww2 action..damn we had some good games
Napisano przez b0nker2, 09.11.2013 at 21:20

Napisano przez Khal.eesi, 09.11.2013 at 18:47

Bonker is madaras new boyfriend?i heard the saying, once you go black..but...damn it must be true lol

Clearly you have never had the pleasure of a black woman.

We dont have normal african-americans here unfortunately, we only have some
original hardcore iwillgiveyouallSTDknowntoman africans, so no

<3 too mr
Bonker is madaras new boyfriend?i heard the saying, once you go black..but...damn it must be true lol
It means madara think he is running jp morgan or some shitz lol
05.10.2013 w Pure King Tournament
Yeah sure.good luck to both of you!
03.10.2013 w Pure King Tournament
Napisano przez Chess, 02.10.2013 at 11:48

Napisano przez Khal.eesi, 19.09.2013 at 14:44

Tesla you are very strong opponent.Much respect.GG

Can you and ~bargain play?
Soon I have to get ready for alot of exams and will often only be online for checking casual games.

And btw great work, tesla. The fact that 95% of all games have been played/finished within a month, shows that you are truly the best tournament host.

I withdraw.good luck.
30.09.2013 w The new power!

thats Mirana..heathen

anyone interested for 5 second stun arrows hit me up there, its Khall_eesi
30.09.2013 w The new power!
Out with khaleesi.Im over her she dead now.
Time to go back to my one and true love.

MIRANA!!Im coming back to you my love!

(if you get what i mean)
29.09.2013 w Decline
Napisano przez Fockmeeard, 28.09.2013 at 16:56

What I find ironic is that everybody here wants lower ranks to play in the more competitive 3v3 EU+ extra cities map, but anytime a 3v3 appears it's always rank 7+ or rank 6+. If you want lower ranks to play the map, don't set a rank limit that high.

The two people before me answered you perfectly but this is a point where the community is most at fault,hence the cry from intervention from above.

Do you think when we were low ranks they let us in the 3v3's?Do you think anyone took us by the hand and trained us?Everybody just spent time watching games,reading forums,asking amd practising alone their expansions first.Who does that now except few of you people.

And to those saying we dont help we just whine and stuff,you should know the summer season, 187 was made an "open clan" ,anyone could join,our forums had videos and advice about everything and we were willing to help everyone interested even from out of clan.The results were disapointing at
best,so few people were willing and all we did in the end was waste our time.

Cause mentality is "trying to pass the transport from hamburg to sweden lake is too damn hard, im not wasting my time for 100 sp,im just gonna play Un and allyfag my self to sp oblivion"
28.09.2013 w Making Sense
Napisano przez notserral, 28.09.2013 at 20:14

Bashing definitely doesn't work.

totally agree.

Napisano przez notserral, 28.09.2013 at 20:14

And there were several carefully worded threads with reasonable suggestions that didn't work either.

also agree.
so what else is there?

Napisano przez notserral, 28.09.2013 at 20:14

That doesn't mean the admins aren't looking, that they don't care, just means that they have bigger things they're working on.

i dont care what it means and i dont care what they are working on.That is their problem.My problem is they getting my money and my valuable time and they dont even have the decency to reply to a 4 page thread and/or others that followed,suported by almost all the community (except king tophats).This is unacceptable.I feel cheated,because i spend all my time to a game and they let it die.I could have spend that time making money or
having sex.Not everything is admins its a trio admins-mods-community.But change comes from the top.

Im quoting you on purpuse because i respect you.With tophats i wont even bother, he lost all respect from me when he tried to make us all look bad except his 2 friends.And he can still rule his kingdom in the future,problem is he will have only peasants and no knights.
28.09.2013 w Banning
Im not trying to be a problem player here.I just would like if we can see why individuals get banned.I think transparency in
these matters is not asking so much.It might even calm down some people knowing what the banned players did.

Napisano przez Spart, 28.09.2013 at 10:05

Napisano przez Mr_Own_U, 28.09.2013 at 10:03

Napisano przez Spart, 28.09.2013 at 10:02

Napisano przez Mr_Own_U, 28.09.2013 at 10:01

Napisano przez Spart, 28.09.2013 at 09:59

Napisano przez Mr_Own_U, 28.09.2013 at 09:57

Napisano przez Spart, 28.09.2013 at 09:56

Spart trollin stronk
I love scenarios,only stoped playing cause allyfagging,noobs and leavers.
27.09.2013 w Decline
Beautifull posts..tik and cow my new heroes

also when did unleashed manage to get banned and why lol.he was right here a few hours ago..lol
Does it really matter if i support or not?
27.09.2013 w Decline
Napisano przez skjoldebrand, 27.09.2013 at 14:17

Napisano przez Khal.eesi, 25.09.2013 at 19:12

Mods are getting orders to police atwar muting and banning people for "trolling" and insulting

RIP Roncho

rip young hommie
Termy as much as i <3 you you are wrong.

Countering other strategies,playing other maps,doing your own expansions and etc all that belong to another thread and another "level" of player.
One has to perfect first the <<basic>> 3v3 expansions and only after that he can get to make his own stuff.
If one gets to know the basic expansions and role with pd germany,pd uk,pd france,pd/nc/sm spain,imp turk,sm ukraine i say its a hell of a good start..
27.09.2013 w Competitive scene?
I made this post for 2 reasons.

First to explain why i lost hope and trust for competitive play in atwar.

Second to hear answers in my questions from MODS and maybe some COMPETITIVE players if they have to add something,
even bash me if they want.

If i want opinions from rank 9 NOOBS though i will participate in a conversation with you, ok?
27.09.2013 w Competitive scene?
Mods said themselfs they are not here only to enforce the rules but to help the community in general.I never asked to legally penalize elite comrades
since yeah there are always loopholes to the rules and mods cant do anything.I am asking where was their help and support?Where was their involvement.

As for safari he knew the championship was at stake and practically gifted the championship to EC.
27.09.2013 w Competitive scene?
This is my last "complaining" post i swear.I need the mods to take the time and answer me these last questions i have.

Mods post their opinions about everything happening in this game from serious stuff to silly spam posts.

So,where were the mods in the summer season championship finals, when elite comrades decided to cheat by bringing a new player one day prior
to the already pre-scheduled match from a week before?Why no mod posted their opinions in that matter?

When we cw'ed biteme for the finale instead, i disconected for 2 turns and we lost.But we never asked for rematch or anything because we were strong like that. But at the same time elite comrades farmed victorious secret and won the championship.Safari is victorious secret leader.Safari was there.Safari allowed it.Safari is a MOD.No other mod had anything to say about that either.Isnt the Clan war championship importand enough
for mods to atleast speak on these matters?Is muting a guest account spamming on lobby chat more importand than talking about the freaking championship?

Mods however took some time to participate in this and that was implying we farmed our wins with evol.I mean really..Oh they also helped by bargain muting me in all the day we were to play the clanwar finale.Spart and pulse helped on these though.

(*player of the month award,that is decided by mods, im not going to discuss since we all know by now that its a joke)

Thats all the support we got from the mod team this summer season that passed, you know being the most active clan and all.And then you wonder why competitive scene fades and people loose trust.
That should explain some of my biterness.
Great initiative Desu and thank you for taking the time to do what most of us are bored.
On a side note guys please dont flood this great thread with either useless personal opinions or talking off topic,because it will spoil the result in the end.Desu made clear its competitive guide and for europe+ map.i suggest mods remoove unessesary posts to make this tread a great and clean sticky guide.
26.09.2013 w Decline
Napisano przez Desu, 26.09.2013 at 12:33

Desu here to save atWar.

I'll try to make it so people actually know what they're doing, and that people can have fun playing vs people that know how to play. It'll be a tough uphill battle because it seems the administrators don't want to change the CW system, but alas I can try.

[3vs3/cw guide]


26.09.2013 w Decline
Napisano przez EndsOfInvention, 26.09.2013 at 11:45

Napisano przez Fockmeeard, 26.09.2013 at 11:22

I hate the fact that 3v3 and CWs are full of the same people. It's not like it's the same 6 people every time, but it's a variation of the same 15-20 people. I also hate the fact that there are very few competitive people in my rank these days. I can only name a handful of rank 6s that actually know what they're doing in a 3v3. I have no issue playing with higher ranks, but it would be nice if every once in a while I could play a competitive person in my rank who knows how to play.


It's shocking that I'm considered decent for a rank 6, and that there are probably under 10 rank 6's who could be survive in 3v3 at this time.
And that's counting me. Every time a 3v3 is opened to rank 6s, there will be one who does not know how to wall, or just builds tanks and dosn't
move anything else, or wf. I've even seen rank 7s do this.

Even back in January when I joined (yes, I'm as old as khal.eesi, a testimony to my uslessness), generally you could expect to predict how good any particular person was based on their rank

Yes you guys are the new generation of competitive play,and many of you are dedicated but others..rank 6 and 7 playing like 3 and 8 playing like 5
Another sad thing is there arent much 3v3 with high ranks going on so lower rank people cant watch and learn some mooves.I remember i used to be
a scenario player as well but i got bored it became to easy and alliances annoyed me,but the change was easy for me because i could watch so
many 3v3 with great players all the time and study what they were doing.That is hard for the lower ranks now,cause not much 3v3 is going on.
26.09.2013 w Tunder Appreciation
I apologize for highjacking the thread and falling to andaretes level.Thats low of me and wont happen again.The thread is about thunder.

I am going to officially give you one and last warning, since while i was polite you made a cheap shot and insulted my country and my people instead of me.I understand your hate for my country because you are Albanian and all, but i promise you if you do it again, and be prepared for a full Albanian bashing shitstorm coming your way.Thats the end of it for me.

Spare tundy <3
26.09.2013 w Tunder Appreciation
Napisano przez Skanderbeg, 26.09.2013 at 11:49

Napisano przez Khal.eesi, 26.09.2013 at 11:31

Napisano przez Skanderbeg, 26.09.2013 at 11:23

Napisano przez Khal.eesi, 26.09.2013 at 11:10

Napisano przez Skanderbeg, 26.09.2013 at 10:38

No support.

He insult and trashtalk alot, makes bunch of people sick of it and eventually leave this epic game(imagine tunder x10, and there are trolls like him, he's not the only one, spaming and trashtalking every single day).

Let him learn by this permanent ban, he should stop insulting and start tolerating other players, he might be nicer on some other game.

I feel sorry about you man.seriously.why so much hate and bitterness?I have studied psychology and your behaviour lately screams low self esteem,low self value and anger build up from your childhood.

Friendly advice.Try to forgive your past mistakes,accept who you are and love yourself.Cheer up!

We all make mistakes i think tunder should be forgiven.


I dont get why you try to make me look ''bad guy'', im not the one banned here Tunder made mistake, swallowed banhammer and thats it, he will move on, to play some other game(or be soar and keep coming to insult with alts) and we will continue to play atWar. There's life beyond khalsi.

Me hate... that made me laugh...

Btw i had 4 years psychology in high school, dont make me describe your personality

Where is that magical country you live in where they teach 4 years psychology in <<highschool>>!!i want to moove there!!lol..do they have unicorns there also?
Anyway feel free to describe my personality i ll be glad to hear it.But the point is a guy who spend sooo much time in this game,played ,made alot of maps,contributed in the forums ans in game ,hell that guy deserves a second change.All i heard is "dipshit".If you want to convince me he is a notorious criminal provide more proof of his felonies..

Serbia and Russia, i finished high school in Serbia, 4 years of logic and psychology classes beside Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, History, English French and Russian languages, and of course Classical Music. After high school i moved back to Russia, because their university have more knowledge to acquire. My education is very high, maybe thats the reason i cant comprehend why you dont ban or avoid people who insult or trashtalk, must be common in your very own life.

You really want to hear? Ok; you are spoiled greek whos father work(or worked) 20h a day, 7 days a week 365 in year, all for his kid to make him happy, buying him stuff and never disagree(usually because too tired from work, ive seen that before, people dont want argue after hard day at the workplace). After bicycle for your 10 bday and motorcycle for your 15, you realised your father will buy you a car for 20, now i think you are there, around 20 y/o, waiting for 50,000$ car, or you are older, who already have(or had) job, didnt payed taxed because he got used to buy everything his brain desire(old habit since childhood), bribe government workers not to charge him for not paying debts, got his national bank and government in trouble, then went on the street yelling at politicians how they fucked up and now crying because your country is in great debt, unable to pay it, and major income source is disapearing(tourism, last summer 120 billion earned, this summer 80 billion, next summer 20 billion or lower?)

As you see i described you with only basic psychology and logic i learned long ago, no need for expensive private schools, just dont be lazy, search for proper school. You wont regret after you finish it.

You must either sitting at the back off your class sleeping or you are completely lying because,theres no way you could analyze me more wrong lol.and everybody knows i never lie.
Apparently one month of my life equals your whole nerdy life, so here are the basics about me.My father was rich the only thing you got right.at 16 we stoped talking at all.i was working since i was 16 and greece was rich so i had everything i wanted with my own money.My father passed away years ago btw and i never got a dime from him since 16.Didnt need to.Cause strong and stable individuals like me can take care of themselfs.I work summers usually and get enough money to sit on my ass all winter playing games and doing whatever the hell i want.That doesnt stop me though from going down on the streets whenever i can, protesting and supporting my people for their rights when spoiled brats like you can sit on your highly educated couch and judge other people.Thats the life i live and i really love it any questions?
26.09.2013 w Tunder Appreciation
Napisano przez Skanderbeg, 26.09.2013 at 11:23

Napisano przez Khal.eesi, 26.09.2013 at 11:10

Napisano przez Skanderbeg, 26.09.2013 at 10:38

No support.

He insult and trashtalk alot, makes bunch of people sick of it and eventually leave this epic game(imagine tunder x10, and there are trolls like him, he's not the only one, spaming and trashtalking every single day).

Let him learn by this permanent ban, he should stop insulting and start tolerating other players, he might be nicer on some other game.

I feel sorry about you man.seriously.why so much hate and bitterness?I have studied psychology and your behaviour lately screams low self esteem,low self value and anger build up from your childhood.

Friendly advice.Try to forgive your past mistakes,accept who you are and love yourself.Cheer up!

We all make mistakes i think tunder should be forgiven.


I dont get why you try to make me look ''bad guy'', im not the one banned here Tunder made mistake, swallowed banhammer and thats it, he will move on, to play some other game(or be soar and keep coming to insult with alts) and we will continue to play atWar. There's life beyond khalsi.

Me hate... that made me laugh...

Btw i had 4 years psychology in high school, dont make me describe your personality

Where is that magical country you live in where they teach 4 years psychology in <<highschool>>!!i want to moove there!!lol..do they have unicorns there also?
Anyway feel free to describe my personality i ll be glad to hear it.But the point is a guy who spend sooo much time in this game,played ,made alot of maps,contributed in the forums ans in game ,hell that guy deserves a second change.All i heard is "dipshit".If you want to convince me he is a notorious criminal provide more proof of his felonies..
26.09.2013 w Clan War System 2013
I just gave you a compliment.You should just accept it and not push it
26.09.2013 w Decline
Overestimate high ranks.underestimate lower ranks.Thats always the case.Also if someone strong low or high rank he will get allyfaged no matter what,thats also the case.
26.09.2013 w Clan War System 2013
Napisano przez The Tactician, 26.09.2013 at 10:05


I think a rank 4 soved the great equation!This is the best CW system idea i have seen so far.Totally support! (not that my support matters for anything..but still)

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